Cast of Characters: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - IGN (2025)

What's old is new again, as all our favorite toys and cartoons of yesteryear are making their way to the big screen. Following in the footsteps of of the Transformers franchise is G.I. Joe, which is set to make its big screen debut in two weeks with G.I.
What's old is new again, as all our favorite toys and cartoons of yesteryear are making their way to the big screen. Following in the footsteps of of the Transformers franchise is G.I. Joe, which is set to make its big screen debut in two weeks with G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. This big-budget action spectacle aims to translate all the joy of over-the-top military warfare that made Saturday mornings so much fun back in the day. To celebrate the release of G.I. Joe, we've compiled this "Cast of Characters" feature to break down the major players on both sides of the battle. The names may sound familiar, but these aren't necessarily the same Joes you remember. Think of its as re-education because knowing, as they say, is half the battle.

The Story So Far

G.I. Joe is the story of a never-ending war between strong, patriotic heroes and scheming, conniving terrorists. G.I. Joe is a a battalion of soldiers culled from various countries and military organizations. They are the best of the best, and they've been given the finest weapons and technology money can buy in order to keep the world safe.

Opposing them is Cobra, a terrorist organization to end all terrorist organizations. Led by the maniacal Cobra Commander, these villains plot to rule the world, or destroy the world, or whatever happens to be in vogue that particular month.

Cast of Characters: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - IGN (1)

G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra takes a look at the beginnings of this rivalry. New recruits Duke and Ripcord are inducted into the Joes, even as James McCullen Destro XXIV and his M.A.R.S. Corporation pave the way for an even bigger threat to world peace.

G.I. Joe

Duke Real Name: Conrad Hauser

As is often the case with G.I. Joe stories, Duke is the hero of the tale. In this case, G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra is the story of Duke's induction into the ranks of the Joes. Duke begins the movie as a simple Army soldier, but thanks to his great valor and skill in battle he attracts the attention of General Hawk.

Duke has a very personal stake in the fight against Cobra, however, He was once in love with the woman now known as The Baroness. The details of their break-up are murky, but it's clear he's going to have to reconcile the past if he wants to bring baroness and her allies to justice.

Cast of Characters: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - IGN (2)

Ripcord Real Name: Wallace Weems

Every hero needs a goofy, lovable partner, and that's where Ripcord comes in. This soldier is nearly inseparable from his partner Duke. He isn't exactly as talented or as driven as Duke, but he manages to get ahead in life mostly by riding in Duke's wake.

Ripcord is a strange addition to the grim and disciplined men and women of G.I. Joe. Even still, the movie will see him attempting to carve out a niche among their ranks. Much of Ripcord's attention is devoted to wooing the fair lady Scarlett. If she doesn't kick his ass to the curb, her close friend Snake-Eyes might just do it instead. See AlsoMeet the Cast of G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

Cast of Characters: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - IGN (3)

Scarlett Real Name: Shana O'Hara

Scarlett is the team's brilliant intelligence officer. She is so brilliant, in fact, that she graduated college at age 12 and quickly moved up the military ranks from there. However, her genius comes with a price. Scarlett is a bit of a novice when it comes to interpersonal relationships. She can't understand why men are so attracted to her, particularly the spastic Ripcord.

Scarlett's closest friend is the mute ninja Snake-Eyes. Some say the two share romantic feelings, but neither Scarlett nor Snake-Eyes ever speak on the subject. It remains to be seen whether the arrival of Duke and Ripcord will help Scarlett rise out of her shell.

Cast of Characters: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - IGN (4)

General Hawk Real Name: Major General Clayton Abernathy

General Hawk is the commander of G.I. Joe and heavily involved with the UN Security Council. Hawk is highly intelligent and widely regarded as one of the best military leaders America has to offer.

As the movie opens, Hawk attempts to convince James McCullen Destro XXIV to allow the Joes to accompany a particularly vital weapons shipment. Little does Hawk know that Destro has plans of his own. It falls to Hawk to lad his fledgling team in battle against their greatest enemy yet.

Cast of Characters: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - IGN (5)

Snake-Eyes Real Name: Unknown

Snake-Eyes is easily the most mysterious member of the Joes, thanks in large part to his full-body ninja attire and his completely silent demeanor. No one knows what Snake-Eyes looks like under the suit, or whether his silence is voluntary or due to a past injury. All they know is that Snake-Eyes is the baddest ninja on any block.

This silent, deadly assassin can slice his enemies to ribbons with a bit of fancy katana play. Whereas soldiers like Duke need an accelerator suit to leap over cars and across buildings, Snake-Eyes does it naturally. The one opponent who can match Snake-Eyes on every level is fellow ninja and sworn enemy Storm Shadow. You can bet these two will clash swords several times in the movie.

Cast of Characters: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - IGN (6)

Heavy Duty Real Name: Hershel Dalton

In the original cartoon, Heavy Duty was a fan of giant guns, explosions, and, like his cousin Roadblock, speaking in rhyme whenever possible. The new Heavy Duty apparently cares not for rhyming, but he still clearly loves guns and explosions.

Heavy Duty is a veteran member of the Joes, and he's the one that brings the heavy artillery to any firefight. And so his name begins to make sense. Early rumors suggested both Heavy Duty and Roadblock would be appearing in the film, but it looks like we'll have to wait for the sequel for a family reunion.

Cast of Characters: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - IGN (7)


Destro Real Name: James McCullen Destro XXIV

James McCullen Destro XXIV is a weapons supplier from a long line of weapons suppliers. His reputation for delivering deadly tools of destruction is unparalleled throughout the world. However, the Destro clan have a bad habit of supplying weapons to both sides of any given war. The first Destro was punished for his double-dealing by being forced to wear an iron mask for the remainder of his life.

The newest Destro yearns for vengeance for his fallen ancestor. He wears the iron mask as a symbol of pride, and he through his MARS corporation he plans to exact his vengeance. Destro has invented a nano-weapon that can destroy anything it touches. However, the Joes quickly learn there is more to the conflict than just Destro.

Cast of Characters: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - IGN (8)

The Baroness Real Name: Baroness Anastasia DeCobray

The Baroness is a spy who uses her keen intelligence, superb physical skills, and feminine charms to woo her targets. She earned her title officially after convincing a European baron to marry her. With that out of the way, she disposed of the man.

The Baroness wasn't always so twisted, though. Years ago, she was engaged to marry Duke, but was left standing at the altar. That event has at least partially warped her, and now she willingly fights as part of Cobra. Baroness is very much the Scarlett of her organization – smart, deadly, and capable of making nearly any man swoon before her.

Cast of Characters: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - IGN (9)

Storm Shadow Real Name: Thomas Arashikage

Every good ninja has a sworn enemy, and Snake-Eyes' is Strom Shadow. Throughout the history of the comics, toys, and shows, Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow have shared a long, tumultuous relationship. In most incarnations, the two were close friends as youths but grew apart later in life. In the case of the movie, both men once trained in the same martial arts dojo.

Storm Shadow has turned his back on his training, choosing to serve as a mercenary for Cobra. This puts him at direct odds with his old chum, whom he simultaneously loathes and begrudgingly respects. Storm Shadow longs to defeat Snake Eyes once and for all to prove himself the superior, but his silent nemesis is notoriously unkillable.

Cast of Characters: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - IGN (10)

The Doctor Real Name: Unknown

The G.I. Joe movie is offering fans a classic assortment of villains, but it also has at least one new face on tap. The Doctor works in tandem with Destro to supply Cobra with the finest weapons and troops mad science has to offer. The Doctor is personally responsible for forming the Cobra Vipers, an elite regiment of shock troops that provide cannon fodder for the Joes.

Cast of Characters: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - IGN (11)

Cobra Commander Real Name: Unknown

As long as there has been Cobra, there has been Cobra Commander. This fanatical tyrant has gathered like-minded allies together, pooling resources and hatred alike to form Cobra, the world's largest and most dangerous terrorist organization.

Cobra Commander is good at hiding himself, and it doesn't appear he'll be a major force in the movie, at least not in the beginning. What is clear is that the villain, well known for hiding his face behind a hood or helmet, is taking on a markedly different appearance this time. The movie version of Cobra Commander has suffered horrific facial scarring. Rather than hide it, he flaunts his ugly features behind a clear, plastic mask.

Cast of Characters: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - IGN (12)

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