Configurable mirror descent | Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (2025)


AUTHORs: Pengdeng Li, Shuxin Li, Chang Yang, Xinrun Wang, + 4, Shuyue Hu, Xiao Huang, Hau Chan, Bo An (Less)

ICML'24: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning

Article No.: 1130, Pages 28146 - 28203

Published: 03 January 2025 Publication History


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  • ICML'24: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning

    Configurable mirror descent: towards a unification of decision making

    Pages 28146 - 28203

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Decision-making problems, categorized as single-agent, e.g., Atari, cooperative multi-agent, e.g., Hanabi, competitive multi-agent, e.g., Hold'em poker, and mixed cooperative and competitive, e.g., football, are ubiquitous in the real world. Although various methods have been proposed to address the specific decision-making categories, these methods typically evolve independently and cannot generalize to other categories. Therefore, a fundamental question for decision-making is: Can we develop a single algorithm to tackle ALL categories of decision-making problems? There are several main challenges to address this question: i) different categories involve different numbers of agents and different relationships between agents, ii) different categories have different solution concepts and evaluation measures, and iii) there lacks a comprehensive benchmark covering all the categories. This work presents a preliminary attempt to address the question with three main contributions. i) We propose the generalized mirror descent (GMD), a generalization of MD variants, which considers multiple historical policies and works with a broader class of Bregman divergences. ii) We propose the configurable mirror descent (CMD) where a meta-controller is introduced to dynamically adjust the hyperparameters in GMD conditional on the evaluation measures. iii) We construct the GAMEBENCH with 15 academic-friendly games across different decision-making categories. Extensive experiments demonstrate that CMD achieves empirically competitive or better outcomes compared to baselines while providing the capability of exploring diverse dimensions of decision making.



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Index Terms

  1. Configurable mirror descent: towards a unification of decision making

    1. Computing methodologies

      1. Artificial intelligence

        1. Distributed artificial intelligence

          1. Multi-agent systems

        2. Machine learning

          1. Learning paradigms

            1. Supervised learning

              1. Supervised learning by regression

            2. Learning settings

              1. Online learning settings

              2. Machine learning approaches

            3. Theory of computation

              1. Design and analysis of algorithms

                1. Mathematical optimization

                  1. Continuous optimization

                    1. Nonconvex optimization

                2. Theory and algorithms for application domains

                  1. Algorithmic game theory and mechanism design

                    1. Algorithmic game theory

              Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.


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              Information & Contributors


              Published In

              Configurable mirror descent | Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (1)

              ICML'24: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning

              July 2024

              63010 pages

              • Editors:
              • Ruslan Salakhutdinov,
              • Zico Kolter,
              • Katherine Heller,
              • Adrian Weller,
              • Nuria Oliver,
              • Jonathan Scarlett,
              • Felix Berkenkamp

              Copyright © 2024.



              Publication History

              Published: 03 January 2025


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              Overall Acceptance Rate 140 of 548 submissions, 26%


              Configurable mirror descent | Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (2)

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