[Guide] How to boost FPS in Minecraft and remove lag spikes (2025)

Hi, I have seen many people struggling with lag in Minecraft so I decided to make a thread on all the ways to boost your FPS in Minecraft. This thread also includes how to change the amount of dedicated RAM in the new version of the Minecraft Launcher.Hi, in this section I am going to explain how you would identify the problem causing the lag.1 - Press F3 and find the Memory section,As you can see I have 1GB of RAM dedicated to my Minecraft, this is not enough if you follow the steps in the RAM spoiler then you should have an increase in FPS2 - If you have enough RAM then this is not the problem, try opening your Task Manager by pressing the windows key and searching task manager. If you have any of the following go to the Maxed Component spoiler - 1 - Maxed CPU, RAM, Disk or GPU usage 2 - Too many programs open at once3 - Complete a wifi speed test, to do this search into a search engine "Wifi Speed Test" and run one.

Hi, I have seen many people struggling with lag in Minecraft so I decided to make a thread on all the ways to boost your FPS in Minecraft. This thread also includes how to change the amount of dedicated RAM in the new version of the Minecraft Launcher.

Hi, in this section I am going to explain how you would identify the problem causing the lag.1 - Press F3 and find the Memory section,

[Guide] How to boost FPS in Minecraft and remove lag spikes (1)

As you can see I have 1GB of RAM dedicated to my Minecraft, this is not enough if you follow the steps in the RAM spoiler then you should have an increase in FPS

2 - If you have enough RAM then this is not the problem, try opening your Task Manager by pressing the windows key and searching task manager. If you have any of the following go to the Maxed Component spoiler - 1 - Maxed CPU, RAM, Disk or GPU usage 2 - Too many programs open at once3 - Complete a wifi speed test, to do this search into a search engine "Wifi Speed Test" and run one. If you have a low donwload and/or upload speed then this could be the cause of your problem4 - If none of these apply to you follow the Can't Find Issue spoiler.

Hi, in this section I will explain how to dedicate more RAM to Minecraft -1 - Open your launcher2 - Navigate to launch options -

[Guide] How to boost FPS in Minecraft and remove lag spikes (2)

3 - Turn "Advanced Settings" on -

[Guide] How to boost FPS in Minecraft and remove lag spikes (3)

4 - Then select your chosen launch config5 - Find JVM arguments and turn them on -

[Guide] How to boost FPS in Minecraft and remove lag spikes (4)

6 - In the box paste one of the following - 2GB - "-Xmx2048M -Xms2048M" 3GB - "-Xmx3072M -Xms3072M" 4GB - "-Xmx4096M -Xms4096M" 5GB - "-Xmx5120M -Xms5120M" 6GB - "-Xmx6144M -Xms6144M" 7GB - "-Xmx7168M -Xms7168M" 8GB - "-Xmx8192M -Xms8192M

Don't include the ""Just copy and paste one -

[Guide] How to boost FPS in Minecraft and remove lag spikes (5)

and hit save7 - launch Minecraft and see the FPS change

See Also[GUIDE] How to Effectively Reduce Lag

Hi, if you are here you have a maxed component [Guide] How to boost FPS in Minecraft and remove lag spikes (6)This means that Minecraft may be too demanding for your computer or that you have too many programs open at once -1 - Firstly try making closing some programs and turning some startup programs off -To do this open task manager and select the more details button -

[Guide] How to boost FPS in Minecraft and remove lag spikes (7)

Then select an app and hit the "End Task" button -

[Guide] How to boost FPS in Minecraft and remove lag spikes (8)

Then select the start up button -

[Guide] How to boost FPS in Minecraft and remove lag spikes (9)

Finally, select some of the apps you don't need to begin on startup and disable them.

2 - One thing that you can try is making Minecraft the highest priority app. To do this go to Task Manager select the details button and find Minecraft right click Minecraft and select priority and select High. This is a one time change and you will have to do it every time that you open Minecraft.

3 - If you have 100% disk usage try uninstalling OneDrive, to do this search add or remove a program into the windows search bar select the settings and find one drive. Click on one drive and click the uninstall button.

4 - If you have high usage on other components try to reduce your settings in Minecraft.5 - You can also try to use a low-resolution texture pack or play Minecraft in a lower resolution windowed mode.

If you have a slow wifi there is not much you can do, however, if you have a high ping and ok wifi try restarting your wifi router!This may help if it does not try to connect to a single player world and if your FPS is better then try to use an ethernet connection to your router!However, this is a problem for some as an ethernet cable may not be possible so a good thing to check is the speed of your wifi card in your pc. If you have a 150 Mbps speed card you may find it handy to invest in a faster speed card i.e. a 300 Mbps card.In conclusion sadly there is not much you can do in refrence to your wifi speed [Guide] How to boost FPS in Minecraft and remove lag spikes (10)

If you are here, I am sorry. Your lag is likely caused by a slow PC. However, don't worry there is still things we can do to help reduce the lag!Instead of writing all of the steps I am going to refer you to a YouTube video made by IceyTV this video will help you with trying to reduce lag further -

Credit - IceyTV

If none of these helped I have a few more things that may help! If you need more help post a comment in the following format -

1 - PC specs2 - Problem i.e. lag spikes or constant bad FPS3 - An image of a wifi speed test4 - an image of you in F3 in Minecraft and an image of your Task Manager usage info5 - Any other information

I hope I have helped and if anyone has any feedback or other suggestions please leave them in the comments below [Guide] How to boost FPS in Minecraft and remove lag spikes (11)Thanks for reading,Lionatthezoo

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