Permalink -- MURDEROUS INTENT FOLLOWS IN THE UMBRA OF THAT ISLAMIC PALESTINIANFERAL DOG MAHMOUD ABBAS VISITING THE VATICAN EMBASSY AS A 'PLACE OF PRIDE'.*EARLY* *DRAFT* *ONLY*(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 5 February, 2017UMBRA (noun)a) Shade, *shadow*;b) the invariable or characteristic accompaniment or companion of aperson or thing;c) Astronomy:- the complete or perfect shadow of an opaque body, as a planet, wherethe direct light from the source of the illumination is completely *cut*off;- the dark central portion of a sunspot;d) a phantom or shadowy apparition, as of someone or something notphysically present; *ghost*; spectral image;Courtesy: Word for the Day on 2 February, 2017; www.dictionary.comI've busy all night again, carefully and prudently writing up anIndictment for treasonable crimes against humanity as war crimes whichoccurred on Scruff.I was attacked and threatened with murder as escalating patternedbehaviour of religious values based (ie.




(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 5 February, 2017

UMBRA (noun)a) Shade, *shadow*;b) the invariable or characteristic accompaniment or companion of aperson or thing;c) Astronomy:- the complete or perfect shadow of an opaque body, as a planet, wherethe direct light from the source of the illumination is completely *cut*off;- the dark central portion of a sunspot;d) a phantom or shadowy apparition, as of someone or something notphysically present; *ghost*; spectral image;

Courtesy: Word for the Day on 2 February, 2017; www.dictionary.com

I've busy all night again, carefully and prudently writing up anIndictment for treasonable crimes against humanity as war crimes whichoccurred on Scruff.

I was attacked and threatened with murder as escalating patternedbehaviour of religious values based (ie. 'the great unwashed') aspsycho-sexual racialism.

And fortunately, even though I was then blocked by this rabid person asmiscreant, I managed to report the profile, take a snap screen shop ofthe chat and thereby preserving all the evidence.

I'm shortly going to lodge the complaint with the local police and theAmerican consulate in Sydney.

I'm recommending the death penalty for the gravitas of the Crime ofTreason which is not only made against my prerogative to an intellectualProperty as a Natural / Common Law actual factual statement of belief asan egalitarian right, but that of the people and Government of theFederation of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Accordingly, I have forewarned Scruff that if they haven't taken anysuitable steps to terminate that account, they too face a criminal charge.

It is a very serious matter and I simply could not sleep a wink last night.

I appreciated the courtesy and kinder manner of speech from others and Iwas even humoured by a salacious 18yo with his proud phallus in hand,exclaiming, "I'm an alpha male."


JEBUS (ATHEIST): "Morning dolphin. What will be the delusions du jour today?

You're pushing the lunatic act a little too far with th[is last] one:

The Sodomite Prophecy: (A Day When God Reigned on Narcissistic Self Pride)"

DOLF: "What do the Americans mean by the phrase: "God Bless America"?

Is he at all like the "*UNKNOWN* (ie. agnostos) *GOD* (ie. theos: adiety; the supreme Divinity; [figuratively] a magistrate)" of Mars Hillin Greece:

"Then Paul {small; little} stood in the midst of Mars' Hill (ie.Areopagus: the name of the Greek deity of war), and said, Ye men ofAthens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.

For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar withthis inscription, 'TO THE *UNKNOWN* *GOD*'.

Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.

God that made the WORLD (ie. cosmos: orderly arrangement, that is,decoration; by implication the world in either a wide or narrow sense,including its inhabitants, [literally or figuratively]morally:--adorning) and all things therein, seeing that he is LORD ofHEAVEN (ie. ouranos: sky, heaven, air; power; eternity) and EARTH (ie.ge: the whole of the terrene globe including its inhabitants), dwellethnot in temples made with hands; Neither is worshipped with men's hands,as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath,and all things.

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all theface of the earth, and *hath* *determined* *the* *times* *before**appointed*, *and* *the* *bounds* *of* *their* *habitation*.

That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, andfind him, though he be not far from every one of us: For in him we live,and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets havesaid, 'FOR WE ARE ALSO HIS OFFSPRING.'

Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we *ought* *not* *to**think* *that* *the* *GODHEAD* (ie. theios: god like; divinity) is likeunto gold, or silver, or stone, *graven* *by* *art* *and* *man's**device* (ie. enthumesis: deliberation:--device, thought).

AND THE *TIMES* *OF* *THIS* *IGNORANCE* (agnoia as anti-gnosis) *GOD**WINKED* *AT*; BUT NOW COMMANDETH ALL MEN EVERY WHERE TO REPENT: BECAUSEHE HATH APPOINTED A DAY, IN THE WHICH HE WILL *JUDGE* (ie. properly todistinguish, that is, decide mentally or judicially; by implication totry, condemn, punish:--avenge, conclude, condemn, damn, decree,determine, esteem, judge, go to sue at the law, ordain, call inquestion, sentence to, think) *THE* *WORLD* (ie. oikoumene: land, thatis, the terrene part of the globe; specifically the Romanempire:--earth, world) in *RIGHTEOUSNESS* (ie. dikaiosune: equity ofcharacter or act; specifically as Christian justification) *BY* *THAT**MAN* (ie. aner: properly as an individual male:--fellow, husband, man,sir) *WHOM* *HE* *HATH* *ORDAINED* (ie. horizo: to mark out or bound'horizon', [figuratively] to appoint, decree, specify:--declare,determine, limit, ordain); WHEREOF HE *HATH* *GIVEN* *ASSURANCE* (ie.pistis: persuasion, that is, credence; moral conviction of religioustruth, or the truthfulness of God or a religious teacher, especiallyreliance upon Christ for salvation; abstractly constancy in suchprofession; by extension the system of religious as Gospel truthitself:--assurance, belief, believe, faith, fidelity) UNTO ALL MEN, INTHAT HE HATH RAISED (ie. anistemi: to stand up [literally orfiguratively], transitively or intransitively:--arise, lift up, raise upagain, rise again, stand up-right) him from the DEAD (ie. nekros:[literally or figuratively]: dead; a corpse).

And when they *HEARD* *OF* *THE* *RESURRECTION* *OF* *THE* *DEAD*, somemocked: and others said, 'WE WILL HEAR THEE AGAIN OF THIS MATTER.'"[Acts 17:22-32 (KJV)]

If you would consider for a moment, the Internet persona known as Barry(Atheist/Heisenberg) O'Grady. Who as an atheist, advocates an ignorantstate of mind as non-sapient, a promiscuous opportunism as reactionaryand animalistic based mode of conduct as intrinsic to his existence ofbeing.

He simply will not inform himself and refrain from further adversarialand provocative conduct as action. And appropriately seems to have apsychopathic and an OCD-like predisposition. Whereby, if you give him acertain verbal stimuli, you will always get--even after 15-20 yrs--thesame unoriginal verbalisms as a reaction and reflex retaliation from him.

BARRY (ATHEIST/HEISENBERG) O'GRADY: "What you call Dolf is actually apoorly written Eliza program."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "Barry 'the brain dead' O'Grady, got nothing, goingnowhere, but won't shut up.

Wait, what's that? It's an atheist monkey building a rocket.

You idiot."

BARRY (ATHEIST/HEISENBERG) O'GRADY: "Why won't you show me up with yourwisdom?"

MICHAEL CHRIST: "If you want to be wise instead of an utter complete*fool*, then kneel (ie. in recognition of it, submit with reverentregard) before the truth."

BARRY (ATHEIST/HEISENBERG) O'GRADY: "The truth does not require worship."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "The truth is the Lord Jesus Christ, you stupid bastard."

BARRY (ATHEIST/HEISENBERG) O'GRADY: "[You made a] big typo there. I amsure you meant to type: 'The truth is the Lord Jesus Christ does notexist, you stupid bastard.'"

MICHAEL CHRIST: "Wake up to yourself. You have been ***@cking around onthese newsgroups talking shit and going nowhere for years, O'Grady."

BARRY (ATHEIST/HEISENBERG) O'GRADY: "And yet you can't stay away from me.:

MICHAEL CHRIST: "Nowhere, you are still the dumb idiot you started as."

BARRY (ATHEIST/HEISENBERG) O'GRADY: "So God screwed up big time.

God used genocide in a failed attempt to correct his errors."


BARRY (ATHEIST/HEISENBERG) O'GRADY: "God must have a good reason formaking me this way."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "You are the murderer; you murder with your mouth andintention.

Oh well, you haven't got long, and you'll be dead. All for nothing andnowhere!

Just think, a loud bang was heard, and a baby popped out of nowhere."

BARRY (ATHEIST/HEISENBERG) O'GRADY: "The bang happened nine monthsbefore the baby popped out."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "You're an idiot."

BARRY (ATHEIST/HEISENBERG) O'GRADY: "God must have his reasons forcreating the human brain in such a way that some would be idiots andsome would be Down's Syndrome and some would be pedophiles and somewould be rapists.

Do you think you know better than God?"

DOLF: "In my view, that is an important consideration for any furthercontinuance of religious extremism in the face of reason. Or as somemight say a neural linguistic programming (NLP) based onslaught (asdeprogramming) brought about by the combined effect of narrative, musicand video clips made in relation to a metaphysical theoretical noumenonas a determined contrivance of attributed time.

He draws a great reliance, as support for his depraved mode of conduct,from my inclusion within a philately of millennium quintessential loonsmade by the Australian sceptic and atheist Peter Bowditch with hissuicidal idolisation as the death cult disciple of that failedentrepreneur Dick Smith."

JEBUS (ATHEIST): "LOL. I look forward to it dolt. Given your history ofvexatious litigation, feel free to throw more money away Is thereanything else I can do to encourage you to start legal action against me?

Please, just let me know.

One more thing... Ya think you could keep your posts under 1000 lines?They take too long to download and NOBODY reads through them anyway,nobody but you would be insane enough to do so."

DOLF: "It is noted and so too your un-remorsed manner, in that you haveonce again sought to distort and deface my name, the reasoned andrational endeavour as solely my intellectual property.

BLASPHEMY (ie. the action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously aboutGod or sacred things; profane talk) IS WHAT BLASPHEMY DOES.

That was also the essential prophetic characterization (ie. BLASPHEMY)which I summarily made within one of my two telephone calls of circa 5December 2001 as to the improper and misconceived view of theiressential character which was mischievously represented by the Insurer'sLegal Counsel, as possessing a characteristic of it being 'frighteningand threatening in nature'--as that is a blatant contradiction of themeaning to the term TELOS which was the impetus for my courtesytelephone calls.

Legal Counsel for the Insurer, Mr. Riddell by hand delivered letterdated 4 December 2001 to Cate McKenzie, Deputy President,Anti-Discrimination List, Victorian Civil & Administrative Tribunal,claiming: "I wish to bring to your attention a most serious matter inrelation to the above proceedings.

The writer has recently received a number of threatening calls from theApplicant. A report has been made to the Victoria Police who haveconsidered the matter to be serious. They have noted details of thethreats and have asked to be updated if there are any further occurrences.

A transcript of the threatening messages is attached for your perusal.

This matter has now proceeded through a protracted timetable (seeenclosed documentation) in which Mr Boek has been given the opportunityby the Tribunal to re-submit voluminous and irrelevant material onnumerous occasions.

The Respondents have real concerns about the manner in which theTribunal has managed Mr Boek's complaint, which has now escalated to apoint where the security of the Respondents' representatives has beenthreatened.

In these circumstances, I would request an opportunity to meet with theTribunal so it may listen to the voicemail messages and advise as towhat steps VCAT will be taking to address the events which have developed.

I await your urgent response.

Yours faithfully."

Which is conveyed by inference within my ANZAC Day post that was made of0811 hours on 25 April, 2016 in raising the questionable notion by theshortened subject title of "THE ILLEGALITY DEFENCE: HAS YOUR INSUREDBEEN MISBEHAVING".

I have no "history of vexatious litigation" as you wrongfully anddeceptively claim. Despite my giving caution to wilful misconduct inthe past, as a prerogative and exercise of my patient regard for anyprospect of remedial behavioural change by those so habituallyoffending. I am only now embarking upon a deliberative, determined andreasoned legal recourse seeking restitution.

Accordingly, your self-justifying confidence is haughty andpresumptuousness.

Here is a further updated document for your refreshment."

BARRY (ATHEIST/HEISENBERG) O'GRADY: "Good luck with that Dolt but Ithink 5044 days is a bit long."

DOLF: "That is my prerogative and not yours and the Insurance Companywill eventually realise, with each and every passing day, that theircontinuing lack of sensibility is no defence against the torturous ascompounding escalating cost of compensation for damages, their grievousbreach of trust as the loss of any professional reputation in them everbeing financial planners and a term of life imprisonment in which theyare firmly entrapped and cannot ever escape:

I am only now embarking upon a deliberative, determined and reasonedlegal recourse in seeking a restitution.

But in that regard, having to respond to unsubstantiated accusationsmade by Legal Counsel for which onus, the Insurer has unfairly placedentirely upon me as to be such an improper magnitude of an immediateaccountability which has now taken of over 15 years research in order torespond to, in order to be able to meet and withstand the rigours ofevidential legal requirements to be only then called fair and equitablejustice.

Such that, my only recourse to the instance of this perverting thecourse of justice, perjury and treason by legal counsel Mr. PeterRiddell, was to acquiesce to a strikeout of the matter.

And work endlessly every day, towards a greater hope of better futureand an appointed time of restitution in relying upon the more mercifulwings of the Almighty as the process of Natural Justice.

As they claim to honourably swear: DIEU ET MON DROIT [ie. God and myright as the motto of the British monarch and our justice system] andthey're going to lose their souls over this and for what rightful causeas stubborn immutability, but all for nothing as the consequence oftheir dishonest deification of ignorance?"

JEBUS (ATHEIST): "I guess you forgot about that thing called the Internet:

- http://www.ratbags.com/rsoles/comment/dolf.htm- http://www.ratbags.com/rsoles/ni/history/06/0909dolf01.pdf- https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/aus.politics/K8qn5gCyOd8

DOLF: "Thank-you for your earnestness as discovery of those additionalmatters in seeking further self-justification. As a desperate recoursein which, you are trying by any means to mitigate and extricate yourselffrom your precarious and careless legal predicament.

I'm not prepared to discuss with you the strategy by which I willundertake and prosecute my legal recourse, except to say suchinformation will help my legal cause and NOT yours--for which I am grateful:

1) The Millennium Project inclusions as evidence of my many objections:16 August 2002, 29 August 2002, Lawyers Eales & Mackenzie Letter of 2September 2002 and 11 December 2002.

- http://www.ratbags.com/rsoles/comment/dolf.htm

2) Letter by Registered Post (ref: RD51089552), dated 27 August 2006made to the "Skeptics Society of New South Wales" as a matter to betabled at their formal committee meeting, in order to bring rationalityto Mr. Peter Bowditch's misconduct, given their endorsement of him:

- http://www.ratbags.com/rsoles/ni/history/06/0909dolf01.pdf

I quote from that letter: "I understand that Skeptics Society of NewSouth Wales (Australian Skeptics Incorporated) has been formed with themeasured objective: 'Investigating pseudoscience and the paranormal froma responsible scientific viewpoint.' And that in accord with suchvalues, the organization has made the following endorsement of Mr. PeterBowditch (Vice-President) upon its Worldwide Web Page:

'Peter Bowditch (Vice President) -- You could go to peterbowditch.com orit could all be repeated here, which would probably annoy all the othercommittee members. As well as being the Vice President of AustralianSkeptics, Peter is the Boss and Chief Decision Maker of the Ratbags.ComEmpire and the Executive Officer of the Australian Council AgainstHealth Fraud.

Both of these organizations are in the front line in the fight against*foolish* thinking.' [Skeptics Society of New South Wales (AustralianSkeptics Incorporated), edition of 13 January 2005]

Should there be no acknowledgement from either Peter Bowditch,Ratbags.com or the Skeptics Society of New South Wales (AustralianSkeptics Incorporated) as to the Improper Nature of their respectiveconduct, with regards to their characterization of me as the substantialcause for subsequent and continuing vilification.

A remedy will be sought to the claim of a religious and racialvilification under Section 8 as Victoria's (Australia) Racial andReligious Tolerance Act 2001 Act No. 47/2001, will be sustained by aNatural Law, Common Law and Constitutional Rights argument, and thatwill be made in perpetuity, against your right to procreate within theAustralian Commonwealth.

His children will say, 'Daddy, what sort of monster are that you have bydeliberate and stubborn action (or omission) perpetuated by disbelief aswill action in hoping for the destruction of your children as vermin.As that which you could have at any time avoided as a travesty wroughtagainst innocent humanity, until it was too late as no longer withinyour domain of accountability.'"

The Skeptics Society of New South Wales (Australian SkepticsIncorporated) did not respond to my formal complaint made in theexpectation that it would be tabled as official business at their formalcommittee meetings. And it remains to be seen if they have conductedtheir organizational affairs in accord with the legal requirements to do so.

As I have said just prior, despite my giving caution to wilfulmisconduct in the past, as a prerogative and exercise of my patientregard for any prospect of remedial behavioural change by those sohabitually offending. I am only now embarking upon a deliberative,determined and reasoned legal recourse seeking restitution.

In that, those statements and actions which you now present don'tconstitute any shameful conduct or disadvantage to me."

On the contrary, as stated in an earlier chapter titled: Roman CatholicNon-Belief as a 'Cock and Bull' Story of Atheistic Redemption:



3) The last item which you have produced by a URL reference, constitutesexactly such a poisonous characteristic towards others. In that, it isa Usenet public post which was FACETIOUSLY (ie. treating serious issueswith deliberately inappropriate humour; flippant) TITLED:


- https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/aus.politics/K8qn5gCyOd8

That was made by me at 1739 hours on 9 October 2012 and promulgated tothe specific interest groups:


As considerations made of work-progress and informal Theory of Numberand Natural Jurisprudent research expressed as philosophical/theologicalopinion on the possibility of deploying theoretical meta-principles,which I had observed in practice by the Victoria Police and theJudiciary as Tenancy Tribunal of New South Wales, namely:


I informally made this opportunistic public comment as the means for aneffectual resolution to global religious based extremism, by obtaining aconsideration of a value added consensus. It was a response to theIslamic outrage and violent protest which occurred just prior withinproximity to the War Memorial in Hyde Park, Sydney.

I quote from that public statement: "I want to propose a formula ofprogression with respects to transitioning #277 - RIGHT TO PLACE A TESTtowards a computational function and the ability to deploy othertransformative prototypes for corrective, policy or administrativefunctions.

In order to do so, I suggested taking the Hierarchy of Categories fromthis #277 - RIGHT TO PLACE A TEST which especially have temporalconnections and cascading these within the #237 - USE OF FORCE.

After all, the A-U-M aspect of the traditional Chaldean (Babylonian)form of the Hebrew letters can then be considered as a TRIAGE of ourvMEMETIC view of the GRAPPLE HOMOIOTIC NOUMENON--Which appears to bethe thematic character of the Letters Patent to the AustralianConstitution of 1901."

It is also possible to view this dispensational basis of governanceshown above by memetic specific colour attributions {ie. vBeige/vBronze:#69, vPurple: #9, vRed: #32, vBlue: #20, vOrange: #61, vGreen: #73,vYellow: #35, vTurquoise/vCyan: #58, vCoral: #41} accompanying theconception of Pythagorean Number and Platonic solids as also capable ofbeing conveyed in terms of stages, tectonics of knowledge or process,states or provinces, or phases of a cycle or development {eg: theIndigenous Australian Aboriginal regard (as mythical or otherwise) forseven climatic zones comprising the seasonal year}, as historically amilestone, where by covenant, as the exercise of an authority and power,or simply as specific daemons provided by the temporal reality given bymapping to the chronological 4th plane of the Grapple noumenon paradigm:

#69 - Profound Use, Function of the Mysterious; I-Ching: H34 - Strengthof Greatness; Tetra: 22 - Resistance;#9 - Inconstancy of Achievement, Practicing Placidity; I-Ching: H7 -Army; Tetra: 32 - Legion;#32 - Natural Guide, Virtue of Holiness; I-Ching: H44 - Coming On;Tetra: 43 - Encounters;#20 - Left without Language, Different From the Vulgar; I-Ching: H33 -Withdrawal; Tetra: 50 - Vastness/Wasting;#61 - Virtuous Humility at Using 'Beneath'; I-Ching: H64 - BeforeCompletion; Tetra: 78 - On the Verge;#73 - Employing Deeming, Daring to Act; I-Ching: H46 - Moving Upward;Tetra: 7 - Ascent;#35 - Great Guiding Signs?, Virtue of Benevolence; I-Ching: H17 -Allegiance; Tetra: 19 - Following;#58 - Political Reversal, Adaptation to Change; I-Ching: H43 -Resolution; Tetra: 29 - Decisiveness;#41 - Playing with Reversal, Sameness in Difference; I-Ching: H26 -Restraining Force; Tetra: 60 - Accumulation

Mr Peter Bowditch with encouragement from the Skeptics Society of NewSouth Wales (Australian Skeptics Incorporated), has attempted to make aparody of myself and hobby as determined activity which is confirmedwithin this May-August 2002 entry upon his www-page. Being a record ofmy objection made against his unreasonable interference within myassociated private and informal activity as consequential to dialoguewhich had previously occurred with Mr. Christopher Cowan as co-author of'Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership and Change'. Againstwhom, he also disparages by an inclusion within his catalogue of looncuriosities solely to satisfy his debauched and narcissistic *desire*for entertainment without regard for others and oblivious to anyconsequence.

My Internet discussion with Mr. Christopher Cowan occurred before theEVENT of 11 September 2001 and was the impetus for my subsequentinterest as the research development of a metaphysical theoreticalnoumenon {ie. although not limited to by the autonomous use of anyalternate transformative prototypes in addition to the intrinsic SEPTETdriver as prerequisite and a foundational Intellectual Property} asbeing a determined contrivance associated with attributed time(COURSE-trochos OF NATURE-genesis), linguistics, the determinant oftruth, rationality and the reasoned human mind:

Telos (6,000) = Arch (0) + c² : arch kai telos oida {1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10}

Where the c² is equivalent to a constant dependent on n, calculated bythe formula:

M = [n(n² + 1)] / 2

And by the time of the occurrence of such EVENT, I had already comprisedthe 4th (chronological) dimensional plane of what became a nine stratumparadigm, which is reliant upon the transitional and cryptographicproposition as an occultation of vGREEN (YOD - 10th September 2001) ofSOVEREIGN AUTONOMY and vBLUE (MEM - 13th September 2001) of CUSTODIALCENTRE and CHRONOLOGICAL/COSMOGONIC TRANSCENDENT PRINCIPLE which occursby the proposition of:

a) Our Australian Prime Minister John Howard (SOVEREIGN AUTONOMY)presence within New York and witness of the EVENT--HIS STATE OFTRANSCENDENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS AS AWARENESS IS IMMATERIAL.

b) The custodial seizure of the CENTRE by the use of 7 x #369 magicsquares with a common property of #41 with a TETRAD: 3x3=#123micro-square which is not ONLY a subsumed characteristic of thePythagorean (HETEROS) Theory of Number that is otherwise reliant upon a7 fold progression of magic squares from #15 to #369 and is commonlyused by Jewish, Catholic (et al Christian), Islam and Masonic beliefsystems.

c) This TELOS as the chronological occultation of the custodial CENTRE(#41 on 13-17th September 2001) is also a cosmological viewpoint of suchTELOS related to the sun/moon cycles and is associated to a reprise ofthe cosmogony as a notion of the Genesis Principle and has horologicalimplications conveyed by the Book of JUBILEES as Time Division by Days,Weeks and Jubilees.

It is not a claim that the earth and universe is only 6,000 years old,but rather a proposition of relativity within billions of years and anoumenal focal point as a development by which rationality transpires,reason springs forth and that is characteristic to being human:

HOMO ('man') / HOMOIOS (*same*, *equal* *in* *force*, *a* *match* *for**one*, *all* *one* *to* *us*, of *numbers*, *square*, *the* *product**of* *two* *equal* *factors*), SAPIENS ('thinker') / SAPIENT ('being awise/wisdom thinker') [Deuteronomy 4:32; Genesis 1:26]

As the relativity and grounding of the Infinite to the temporal reality(ie. the phenomenology as the deterministic unfolding of history) whichis implied by the notion of rational PI and the cosmogonical reprise ofthe lunar / solar cycle occurring on the equinox of Wednesday 20th March1996 / New Moon on Thursday 21st March 1996.

And the compliance to which, particularly Islamic extremism ought tothen especially give (ie. as immediate ceasing violent and hostileintent) to the considered proposition. That they are acting againsttheir own PRINCIPLE OF BELIEF as the practice and the reliance upon aconscious knowing that is related to their paradigm of attributed time.This is the conception of the Celestial Hierarchy which is obtained by areliance upon the same #41 CENTRE as a common elemental property of the#369 Magic Square and its geo-metric associated correspondence to theirnaming of any entity dynamic and Angels/Jinns, being then the basis ofcompliance and morality.

It renders this entirely dysfunctional. Such that, not even a ritualevent as the purging of evil which is invoked as an action in thestoning of Satan (ie. even he is obtained and named by such a computedprocess) at the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, can remove the stain ofsin which is an eternal characteristic of damnation brought againsttheir souls--To blot them out of the Book of Life, so to speak.

This has been (as an indisputable fact) since 20 March 1996 my ARDENT(ie. very enthusiastic or passionate; [archaic or literary] burning;glowing) BELIEF in it being at the time said EVENT, a milestone date asTELOS (ie. an ultimate object or aim. In the hedonistic life, peoplelose some moral purpose, a telos which provides the moral justificationfor the society).

Thus these unrealized, but reasonable theological and philosophicalconsiderations related to the TELOS provides not only the entire moraland well intentioned motive as justification for (in your parlance) thecongressional (political) and presidential prerogative to undertake andprosecute the execution of war against all religious based extremism.

But the effectual and absolute means to bring it to a resolved andunambiguous conclusion.

I don't seek as a foreign and hence an alien entity, to interfere withinAmerican sovereign affairs--but just to pass some idle thoughts on myunderstanding and interpretation of events which I make in the sleeplesshours at 2-5am of this morning when I ought to be dreaming: Perhaps I am!

But in order for it to be effectual, it must be made known andcomprehended as being an integral consideration of any claimed rationalhuman mind.

In that regard, this is also the troubling, anxious, fearsome andunrepentant cause for the atheist Barry (Heisenberg) O'Grady having anundue, improper an unbalanced reliance upon the unintelligent,impropriety and lack of any understanding as a comprehension of theSkeptic Peter Bowditch's catastrophic actions in subscribing to andpromulgating a parody which is attributed by the claim "IsraeliSodomites" as his inclusion within his philately of "Quintessence ofLoons'."

SG1 (***@THE.RACES.COM): "How goes the *water* level around your way?Things don't look too flash on the news."

JEBUS (ATHEIST): "Major flooding here, we got about 300mm over the pastthree days. I'm sorta stranded for the time being. I have one shed withminor flooding, a half-damaged bridge (what fun it is to gingerly walkover that with 20ft deep white *water* underneath), lost a few *lambs*and some fences will need fixing, but that's about it. From what I know,the west coast got it even worse (I'm in the N.E)."

SG1 (***@THE.RACES.COM): "Are the hydro dams getting any of the *water*?"

JEBUS (ATHEIST): "They surely would be. I read just prior to all thisrain that the dam capacities were expected to be around 14% if we getthe usual amount of rain this year. So this should hopefully top them upmuch higher than that.

I blame all this on dolf, what with his hotline to god and all. I'm surehe demanded retribution for my sins against the flying spaghetti monsteror whatever it is he believes in.

Thanks for your concern."

DOLF: "The Lord works in mysterious ways, his wonders are to be beholden(ie. owing thanks or having a duty to someone in return for help or aservice)"

"I have called upon thee, for thou wilt hear me, O God: incline thineear unto me, and hear my speech.

Shew thy marvellous lovingkindness, O thou that savest by thy right handthem which put their *trust* in thee from those that rise up against them.

Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the *shadow* of thywings, from the wicked that oppress me, from my deadly enemies, whocompass me about.

They are inclosed in their own fat: with their mouth they speak proudly.

They have now compassed us in our steps: they have set their eyes bowingdown to the earth;

Like as a lion that is greedy of his prey, and as it were a young lionlurking in secret places.

Arise, O LORD, disappoint him, cast him down: deliver my soul from thewicked, which is thy sword:

From men which are thy hand, O LORD, from men of the world, which havetheir portion in this life, and whose belly thou fillest with thy hidtreasure: they are full of children, and leave the rest of theirsubstance to their babes.

As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall besatisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness." [Psalm 17:6-15 (KJV)]


Oh, my God and my All!

What more can I possess?

What greater *joy* can I *desire*?

Word of sweetness and *delight* to all who love the Word better than theworld and its treasures?

My God and my All!

"For since by man came death, by *MAN* *CAME* *ALSO* *THE**RESURRECTION* *OF* *THE* *DEAD*. For as in Adam {earthy; red} all die,even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his ownorder: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at hiscoming.

Then cometh the END (ie. TELOS: to set out for a definite point or goal;properly the point aimed at as a limit, that is, [by implication] theconclusion of an act or state termination [literally, figuratively orindefinitely], result as the immediate, ultimate or prophetic, purpose;specifically an impost or levy as paid:-- continual, custom, ending,finally, uttermost);

When he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father;when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and POWER (ie.dunamis: force [literally or figuratively]; specifically miraculouspower [usually by implication a miracle itself]:--ability, abundance,meaning, mighty deed, worker of miracles, power, strength, violence,mighty wonderful work).

For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The lastenemy that shall be destroyed is death.

For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all thingsare put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put allthings under him. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, thenshall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things underhim, that God may be all in all.

Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the deadrise not at all?

Why are they then baptized for the dead?

And why stand we in jeopardy every hour?" [1 Corinthians 15:21-30 (KJV)]

To the wise, these words suffice and he who loves You will delight torepeat them again and again. When You are present, all is joy; when youare absent, all is gloom. You bring rest to the heart, true peace andtrue gladness.

"Jesus {saviour; deliverer} saith unto him, Thomas {a twin}, becausethou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have notseen, and yet have believed.

And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples,which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye mightbelieve that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing yemight have life through his name." [John 20:29-31 (KJV)]

You cause us to think well of all, and to praise You in all, for nothingcan give us lasting *joy* without You." [Thomas a Kempis, Imitation ofChrist, Book 3 Chapter 34]


What part of speaking the truth is offensive to you?"

ORDOG (LIES-GREED-CORRUPTION-***@DEVIL): "Of course, Fran [ie. the FranFarmer who is the basis of a defamation, slander and vilificationcomplaint as Internet extremism].

Not for a minute would we doubt your mental facilities unlike in thecase of loony Dolf!"

FRAN FARMER (***@MAYBE-IT-WILL-BE-FORTHCOMING): " :-) I do have faithin the rest of you and your capacity to pick the real Fran. I justsometimes can't resist having a play with morons.

I do keep telling myself to resist but..."

ORDOG (LIES-GREED-CORRUPTION-***@DEVIL): "But he has finally pissed meoff good! There will be consequences! Poor bugger!

Even the Devil's patience has its limits."

FRAN FARMER (***@MAYBE-IT-WILL-BE-FORTHCOMING): "LOL. He always getsput in killfiles as no-one with half a brain will ever talk to him formore than a few days.

I wonder if his life is as bad."

DOLF: "Atheists (eg: Jebus) are even starting to blame me and mytruthful, dependable and personable relationship with God (such as istheir understanding) for the consequential 'RINGING IN THEIR EARS ANDSMARTING (ie. quick; brisk; showing impertinence by making clever orsarcastic remarks; feel upset and annoyed) ARSES' as the predicament ofcatastrophic Nature [additional to the inextricable legal predicament]in which they find themselves--claiming it was the direct and paranormalretribution for their sins of blasphemy:

"The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works.

The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call uponhim in truth.

He will fulfil the *desire* of them that fear him: he also will heartheir cry, and will save them.

The LORD preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will hedestroy.

My mouth shall speak the praise of the LORD: and let all flesh bless hisholy name for ever and ever." [Psalm 145:17-21 (KJV)]

With regards to your God, all you can do is wail, gibber and squawkimpunities of questionable intent upon your altar (ie. sacrificesomeone/thing on/at the altar of) by getting *cut* up about it all:

"Moreover the LORD spake again unto Ahaz {one that takes or possesses},saying, 'Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in thedepth, or in the height above.'

But Ahaz said, 'I will not ask, neither will I tempt the LORD.'

And he said, 'Hear ye now, O house of David {well-beloved, dear}; Is ita small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary my God also?'"[Isaiah 7:10-13 (KJV)]

He doesn't hear you, nor your priests of Baal because there is no truthof God with either of you: "Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, callye upon him while he is near:

Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts:and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; andto our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,saith the LORD.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher thanyour ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth notthither, but *watereth* the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud,that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall notreturn unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and itshall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." [Isaiah 55:6-11 (KJV)]"

HEORONYMOUS-707: "I only have two hands. One works faster than theOther, so it takes a minute to see what the second hand is doing, butboth draw perfect circles like clockwork. OO"

MR ON!ON (ANON): "How complicated, *horologically* speaking."

BINKY (NIODORU): "Maybe you can make some pictures and sell them forgold. Your gold is good here.

// u l i e n"

DOLF: "At the time I was doing the Sodomite Prophecy, I remembercommenting on the Heiros Logos--I will have do a search for it as it maystill be on my computer or in Google archives:

"The page that first caught my eye on this site had the unusual title:

'Is Israel True to its Jewishness? A Parable on the Lost Password as theName of God'

But that was just the start of a magical journey through a philosophicaland theological masterpiece. You can only imagine the flash of insight Ihad into the workings of time when I read ..." [Peter Bowditch, Skepticand Author 'Quintessence of a Loon Site' commenting on The SodomiteProphecy, 7 May, 2002]

... concerning my Torah and metempirical philosophical studies into thephilological and cosmological equation as a priori on reason and logos:

Telos (6,000) = Arch (0) + c² : arch kai telos oida {1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10}

And they showed me this calculation of the sun's movement {cycle of28/56 years} and the gates by which he goes in and out; for these arethe great gates which God created to be an annual *horologue*." [2Enoch15:1-4; cf: Noachic use in Book of Jubilees 6:32-38]"

BARRY (ATHEIST/HEISENBERG): "How are you going with your 5000+ day oldcase with Quintessence of the Loon?

Vacuous legal threat counter: 5044 days and still waiting."

DOLF: "POSSESSED (ie. in a frenzy; madly as being nuts, crazy or insane)or DISPOSSESSED (ie. deprive someone of land, property, or otherpossessions; in sport to deprive a player of the ball) that is the question?

Evidently you haven't read my last statement to you. As you would haverecognized that the CIRCUMSTANCE ([archaic] pomp and ceremony; an eventor fact that causes or helps to cause something to happen, typicallysomething undesirable), HAPPENSTANCE (ie. coincidence) and SERENDIPITY(ie. the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy orbeneficial way) of events, have turned to my advantage.

Otherwise you'd have realized that your question now, was entirelyredundant, inconsequential and merely a rhetorical contrivance (ie. of aquestion asked in order to produce an effect or to make a statementrather than to elicit information).

Given such a clear conveyance of facts related to substantiation of theforthcoming legal matter, you have not ceased and desisted from yourdetrimental and defamatory conduct.

Such careless and responsible action by you, will no doubt have aconsequence in any consideration as to the awarding of costs."

HEIRONYMOUS-707: "Yes! That's it, exactly! LOL"

% (PERSENT): "I look at you[r] face [to] decide if I like it and thenI['ll] bill you."

BARRY (ATHEIST/HEISENBERG) O'GRADY: "Your answer [is] here Dolt: ----->;"

DOLF: "Thank-you for your acknowledgement which is conduct predicatedupon an unremorseful, resentful and spiteful attitude as ethos.

I'm going to cause such mental torment from whence you will never escape."

As I was collating the 297 pages of briefing notes today, I received aphone call from his secretary seeking to re-schedule the appointment dueto his requirement of an attendance at court.

We komen voor u (translation: We are coming for you).

This is an excellent article that came my way today [1 June, 2016] from:Frank Visser (Amsterdam, Netherlands):

TOWARD A TRANS METAPHYSICAL APPROACH - Possibly Needed for Contact withCivilizations not Exceedingly Limited to Spacetime:

- http://www.integralworld.net/piacenza40.html

Can science in general and astrobiology in particular (and even theuntil now not well-accepted disciplines of ufology and exopolitics)adequately serve humankind handle the news of a verified intelligentextraterrestrial species being able to arrive to Earth's shores?

Can scientists and either orthodox or unorthodox cultural leaders ingeneral become an suitable and ideologically updated social influencethat will adequately motivate people and other cultural leaders toprofoundly re-think who we are as a species and what 'reality' (in anexpanded multidimensional sense) is like? - GIORGIO PIACENZA (May, 2016)"

It's time to cue this YouTube clip:

YOUTUBE: "Life of Brian: WTF Moment - UFO Pickup"


At 2246 hours on 1 February, 2017 I was subject to a series ofirrational verbal attacks from a SCRUFF profile named: "428-146 Green.SOL 8" as supposedly relating to a single white male, 176 cm tall andhairy. Who himself on the one hand, seems to have a lack of coherencyof any reality in being a fixated UFO-ologist.

- http://ufo.popapostle.com/html/episodes/Exposed.htm

This designation with which he identifies, is readily obtained from theUFO popAPOSTLE www-site which is a special interest group for "geeks(forthwith known as "adherents") of pop culture can bask in the minutiaeof their (well, my) favourite TV shows, movies, comic books, music,statuary, tapestries and cosmic tripping. Well maybe not those lastfew, but who knows?"


- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7inda0lLaVFPSHN3dlk

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indWnF5UXRQMlQ2RGM

PROFILE NAME: "428-146 Green. SOL 8"DESCRIPTION: "Single, White Male, 176 cm tall and Hairy"WHAT I DO: "*You. *Conditions apply."WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR: "Clarence Carter...Clarence Carter....ClarenceCarter.....Clarence Carter...Woooo Shitt....Clarence Carter!"

WHAT INTERESTS ME: "Gyruss, River Raid, Space Panic, Gorf, Frency & Mr Do!"

GYRUSS: Is an absolute shoot 'em up arcade game for 2x Zilog Z80,Motorola 6809, Intel 8039 designed by Yoshiki Okamoto and released byKonami in 1983.RIVER RAID: Is a scrolling shooter video game designed and developed byCarol Shaw, and published by Activision in 1982 for the Atari 2600 videogame console.SPACE PANIC: Is a 1980 arcade game designed by Universal EntertainmentCorporation, which Chris Crawford calls "the granddaddy of all platformgames", as it predates Nintendo's Donkey Kong (from 1981) which is oftencited as the original platform game.GORF: Is an arcade game designed for Atari 8-bit, Atari 2600,ColecoVision, C64 VIC-20 and released in 1981 by Midway Mfg., whose namewas advertised as an acronym for "Galactic Orbiting Robot Force". It isa multiple-mission fixed shooter with five distinct modes of play,essentially making it five games in one. It is well known for its use ofsynthesized speech, a new feature at the time.FRENCY: Is an arcade game published by Stern Electronics in 1982. It wasa sequel to the hit 1980 arcade game Berzerk. It was ported to theColecoVision and ZX Spectrum.MR DO:Is an arcade game created by Universal in 1982. Similar in someways to Namco's popular Dig Dug title, Mr. Do! was also popular and sawrelease on a variety of home video game consoles and systems whichincluded Apple II, Atari 2600, Atari 8-bit, Coleco Vision, Commodore 64,Game Boy, MSX, Super Famicom/SNES, Tomy Tutor

Nous:#3Time:22:45 hrsDate:2017.3.2Torah:#6 #40 #2 %81 = #48Dao:Political Prescriptions, QuietudeTetra:#8 - OppositionI-Ching:H46 - Climbing, Moving/Pushing Upward, Ascending

Latin: Facies {God above all things} Alt: Anael {Ship of God} {1. SERVES TO OBTAIN THE FRIENDSHIP OF A PERSON2. ASTRONOMY & PHYSICS3. THE SENSITIVITY OF THE HEART4. Ptiau}

#34 CE

- http://www.grapple369.com?zen:2,row:9,col:7,nous:3

But on the other hand, whilst the individual may appear to have nosubstantial common empathy as descriptors which would justify hispresence on SCRUFF, he nevertheless has chosen the time for his attackwhich bears an equivalence (ie. the probability of that possibilityoccurring is by half measure: 1 in #81 x #80 x #79 x #78 x #77 x #76 x#75 x #74 x #73 and which is: 946,709,773,289,280) as the computedCATEGORIES OF UNDERSTANDING which are identical to an earlier mediareported event of non-substantial importance made on the 12 January,2017. And this is a most unusual happenstance of what is presupposed tobe accidental events and this character of what ought to be an uniqueparanormal context, conveys an equivalence of speech content. Whichgives rise to a reasonable cause to conclude that this person's actionwas motivated by a deliberate, malicious and threatening attempt aspatterned behaviour conveying religious values based (ie. 'the greatunwashed') psycho-sexual racialisms that are concerted, well planned andmeticulous actions that are undertaken with others who each have vested'religious' tax-free business interest, accompanying a campaign ofrelentless targeted pornography SPAM as cyber-warfare.

And which, seeks by determined and repetitious means, to then subject meto a continuous stream of psychological distress as manufacturedirrational slander and which is intent to maim, destabilise, defame andfrighten me. And if it continues to become more desperate as it mostcertain is, it will in my view lead to violence and murderous actions.As is clearly the intentions which is unambiguously conveyed by thisphrase:

"*AS* *GOOD* *AS* *DEAD*."

This determined and deliberate assailment of my person and wellbeing bythe laying in wait, targeted and stalking, is a reasonable view to holdand which is sustained by the individual's use of my first name: Aaron{*a* *teacher*; *lofty*; *mountain* *of* *strength*}. Which was anacquired knowledge requiring additional action in exhibiting a fixatedinterest upon the nature of my existence. Whilst in being the name usedas the registered owner of the hostname www.grapple369.com over which myprotagonist has specifically made a focused referenced, it is not theactual and familiar name that I exclusively use amongst my fraternity asthe GLBTI Community. And neither is this name an aberration of anyhuman decency made by the proclamation as the illegitimate andpresumptuous means of bastardised offspring declaring their conveyanceof an avowed disrespect for nature, law, order and fair as equitablejustice.

KHITAN or KHATNA is the term for male and female circumcision carriedout as an Islamic rite by Muslims. Male circumcision is widespread inIslam and accepted as an established practice by all Islamic schools ofjurisprudence. It is considered a sign of belonging to the wider Islamiccommunity.See AlsoActueel | Cuyperskerkkoor-sasvangentFull Text / Transcription of BNA-DIG-ARUBAANSECOURANT-1959-08

In one narration Muhammad was asked if an uncircumcised man could go topilgrimage. He answered 'not as long as he is not circumcised'.

Thus the adoption of new pious name, is then only a declaration of aclaimed transcendent state as a deified and terminated declension ofbeing, that is made as a haughty self imposed piety and which is acommon ritual practice amongst the *BALANITIS* infected as ceremoniallyunclean Mohammedans. Whom as you would now know, have this as theirreal and only necessity for a masqueraded piety by a deformed phalluswhich is their last recourse to being burdened by such a plague ofdisease as the wrath of God.

In Islamic hygienical jurisprudence as their immutable law, the termNAJIS is applied to any such things or persons regarded as rituallyunclean and hence there is a religious value associated to the phrase:"Great Unwashed". According to Islam, there are two kinds of NAJIS: theessential NAJIS which cannot be cleaned and the unessential NAJIS whichbecome NAJIS while in contact with another NAJIS.

The following things are NAJIS: wine and other spirituous drinks(although some disagree), dogs and swine (although some disagree), deadanimals that were not ritually slaughtered, blood, excrements, and themilk of animals whose meat Muslims are not allowed to eat. Contact withNAJIS things brings a Muslim into a state of NAJĀSA as ritual impuritywhich is in opposition to ṭahārah as ritual purity.

It is possible to purify a thing which has become NAJIS. TheseMuṭahhirāt as the Purifying Agents of NAJIS can be divided into threegroups:


- Water (excepting for *BALANITIS*)The Qur'an says: 'He (Allah) is the one who sends the *winds* as goodnews before His mercy; and We send down pure *water* from the cloud."(25:48)

According to the shari'ah, water can be of two types: muṭlaq and muḍāf.Muṭlaq is pure water without putting it to a scientific test. The fiveforms of muṭlaq are the following: rain, well water, running or flowingwater (river or stream), Kur water (lake, sea or ocean), and less thankur. Muḍāf is mixed water as in tea or kool aid.

- the Earth- the Sun

And the Chinese DAOist master sage Yang Hsiung within his 4 BCE treatisetitled THE CANON OF SUPREME MYSTERY makes a similar comment (ie. *that**one* *can* *then* *interplay* *the* *source* *of* *the* *borrowed**Islamic* *notion* *as* *the* *fluid* *dynamic* *yellow* *of* *urine**with* *the* *earth* *and* *the* *purity* *conveyed* *by* *the* *black**of* *Heaven*) on the TETRA: 42 - GOING TO MEET:

The Chinese assumed that it is the woman who often plays the role ofsexual initiator. Then comes the play upon pearls and fishhooks: bothbelong to the *watery* realm, and sexual intercourse promotes theproduction of *watery* fluids. Finally, the fishhook is used to catchfish and oysters, while the seductive curve of the eyelashes 'hooks' a man.

Appraisal 5: When yellow rides high,It obstructs the good.Fathoming 5: That yellow's rise bodes illMeans: One cannot make friends with it.

Yellow as the colour assigned to the *CENTRE* is usually auspicious.Here, the problem is that yellow mounts to the top position. (This mayrefer to the increasing ascendancy of yin ch'i following the summersolstice). Yellow no longer knows its place, so its characteristicvirtues of self-abnegation (ie. *the* *denial* *or* *abasement* *of**oneself*), loyalty, and good faith utterly. Perhaps a trustedsub-ordinate intends to usurp his superior's position, for the word'rises' also means 'to bully'. Those with *GREAT* ambitions make theworst allies.

Appraisal 6: Black Heaven meets Yellow Earth.Their ideas interact, one upon the other.Fathoming 6: Black and yellow meetingMeans: They respond by type.

Black is the colour of Heaven; yellow, that of Earth. *The**interaction* *of* *these* *two* *cosmic* *powers* *is* *said* *to**produce* *timely* *wind* *and* *rain*, *which* *all* *the* *myriad**things* *depend* *upon* *for* *life*. As the Changes says:

Heaven and Earth come together, and all the myriad things aretransformed in pristine form. Male and female blend their essences, andthe myriad things are transformed and engendered.

All successful relations between partners are modelled on thesemomentous cosmic meetings. Since all things respond by type, the goodperson cannot attract evil friends, and more that the mating call of awarbler could attract a hawk.

Appraisal 7: From a distance, he glares in anger.Coming nearer he knocks him down.To meet with a father should be happy.Fathoming 7: Glaring from afar, striking when near,Means: He has lost the idea of 'father'.

By rights, the bond between the parent and child should be the mostintimate of all human relations. Here instead, father and son areestranged, presumably because of the son's lack of virtue. (A trulyvirtuous son would continue to esteem even the worst father, as theancient sage-king Shun is said to have done). So serious is theestrangement that a blow is struck, though by Chinese law a child whostruck a parent faced the death penalty.


- istiḥālah (chemical change)- inqilāb (change in properties)- intiqāl (change in place)- zawāl li-ʿayni n-najāsah (disappearance of the source of najāsah)i- stibrāʾ (quarantining)


- Islām- tabaʿīyyah (following)- ghaybat al-muslim (absence of a Muslim)

But the scholars (may Allah have mercy on them) differed as to theruling on this need for circumcision. Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allahhave mercy on him) said:

The most correct view is that it is obligatory in the case of men andSunnah in the case of women. The difference between them is that in thecase of men, it serves an interest which has to do with one of theconditions of prayer, namely purity (tahaarah), because if the foreskinremains, when the urine comes out of the urethra, some of it willcollect there, and this causes burning and infection every time theperson moves, and every time the foreskin is squeezed, some drops ofurine come out, thus causing najaasah (impurity).


The Dome of the Rock is an Islamic shrine located on the Temple Mount inthe Old City of Jerusalem. It was initially completed in 691 CE {theMessenger of Allah adhered to the esoteric means of the Pythagoreanmechanism of reduction as can then be considered an Intellectual TETRADas CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVE: #1 - MONAD: #505 CE; #5 - DUAD: #671 CE; #6 -TRIAD: #15 - SATURN (MARRIAGE/SOVEREIGN DYNAMIC); #7 - TETRAD: #34 (theAngel Gabriel has a mission of 16 epochs with an impeding re-emergenceof the German fascist 3RD REICH as *GOLDEN* *AGE* by 2056 CE)} at theorder of Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik during the Second Fitna, built onthe site of the Roman temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, which had in turnbeen built on the site of Herod's Temple, destroyed during the RomanSiege of Jerusalem in 70 CE. The original dome collapsed in 1016 CE andwas rebuilt in 1021 CE. The Dome of the Rock is in its core one of theoldest extant works of Islamic architecture.

By Andrew Shiva / Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0,https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=30066572

GET OUT OF THE PLACE OF OUR TEMPLE TO OUR GOD which you have by yourdiatribe defiled by pissing on it long enough with your immorality aspagan circumcision rites which constitutes the substantial form (formasubstantialis) of the formal cause (causa formalis) as to thequintessential first material (materia prima) being the AnthropicCosmological Principle as the absolute generalized basis of allsubsequent individualization that is utterly potential and is devoid ofall attributes or qualities.

Ritual purification is then required before religious duties such asregular prayers are performed: "THERE WAS A CERTAIN MAN IN CAESAREACALLED CORNELIUS {of a horn}, A CENTURION {ie.

According to this SCIENCE as the Pythagorean Theorem: c² = a² + b²whereby: 5x5 = 25 / #65 as magic sum, #2 as line redacted sum, #1 asesoteric redacted sum, is assigned to the {*Soldier* (Miles): Mars asthe planet of war}

#260 - Raven (Corax): Mercury,#175 - Bridegroom (Nymphus): Venus,#65 - *Soldier* (Miles): Mars,#34 - Lion (Leo): Jupiter,#369 - Persian (Perses): Lunar,#111 - Runner of the Sun (Heliodromus): Sol Invictus, and#15 - Father (Pater): Saturn.

And is thusly given the total Esoteric Number value of #325 as being theCATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING which is within the providence of theGreco-Roman magic square then associated to Nous: #36 - NaturalReversals, 'Secret' Explanation; I-Ching: H4 - Juvenile Ignorance,Youthful Inexperience, Enveloping, The young shoot, Discovering; Tetra:12 - Youthfulness.


Nous:#36Time:01:40 hrsDate:2017.4.15Torah:Dao:Natural Reversals, 'Secret' ExplanationTetra:#12 - YouthfulnessI-Ching:H4 - Juvenile Ignorance, Youthful Inexperience, Enveloping, Theyoung shoot, Discovering

#260 CE

- http://www.grapple369.com?zen:1,row:1,col:8,nous:36

***@zen: 1, row: 1, col: 8, nous: 36 [Super: #325 / #36 - NaturalReversals, 'Secret' Explanation; I-Ching: H4 - Juvenile Ignorance,Youthful Inexperience, Enveloping, The young shoot, Discovering; Tetra:12 - Youthfulness, Ego: #367 / #36 - Natural Reversals, 'Secret'Explanation; I-Ching: H4 - Juvenile Ignorance, Youthful Inexperience,Enveloping, The young shoot, Discovering; Tetra: 12 - Youthfulness]

Male Idea: #325 has 21 Categories: #30, #1, #4, #200, #40, #30, #20 ='Adrammelek (H152): {the cloak, glory, grandeur or power of the king} 1)an idol or god of the Sepharvites {the two books; the two scribes},introduced to Israel {who prevails with God} by Shalmaneser {peace;tied; chained; perfection; retribution} the fifth; 2) the son andmurderer of Sennacherib; #20, #4, #300, #1 = deshe' (H1877): 1) grass,new grass, green herb, vegetation, young; #10, #9, #6, #300 = tuws(H2907): 1) (Qal) to dart, flutter, rush; #5, #40, #30, #100, #100, #10,#40 = laqaq (H3952): 1) to lap, lick, lap up; 1a) (Qal) to lap, lap up;1b) (Piel) to lap up; #30, #5, #20, #10, #200, #50, #10 = nakar (H5234):1) *to* *recognise*, *acknowledge*, *know*, *respect*, *discern*,*regard*; 2) *to* *act* *or* *treat* *as* *foreign* *or* *strange*,*disguise*, *misconstrue*; 1a) (Niphal) to be recognised; 1b) (Piel) toregard; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to regard, observe, pay attention to, payregard to, notice; 1c2) to recognise (as formerly known), perceive; 1c3)to be willing to recognise or acknowledge, acknowledge with honour; 1c4)to be acquainted with; 1c5) to distinguish, understand; 1d) (Hithpael)to make oneself known; 2a) (Niphal) to disguise oneself; 2b) (Piel);2b1) *to* *treat* *as* *foreign* (*profane*); 2b2) *to* *misconstrue*;2c) (Hithpael); 2c1) *to* *act* *as* *alien*; 2c2) to disguise oneself;#5, #60, #10, #200, #10, #40 = ciyr (H5518): 1) pot; 2) *thorn*, hook,brier; 1a) pot (household utensil); 1b) pot (of temple); 2a) *thorns*;2b) hooks; #200, #70, #40, #10, #5 = Ra`amyah` (H7485): 1) one whoreturned from exile with Zerubbabel; 1a) also 'Reelaiah'; #6, #300, #5,#4, #10 = sahed (H7717): 1) witness; #6, #300, #6, #8, #5 = shuwchah(H7745): 1) pit; #6, #300, #9, #10 = suwt (H7750): 1) to swerve, fallaway; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to swerve, fall away; 1a2) those falling away(participle); #1, #3, #1, #40, #70, #10, #200 = agamos (G22): 1)*unmarried*, *unwedded*, *single*; #4, #10, #1, #40, #5, #50, #5, #10,#200 = diameno (G1265): 1) to stay permanently, remain permanently,continue; #5, #50, #70, #200 = heis (G1520): 1) one; #5, #30, #20, #70,#200 = helkos (G1668): 1) *a* *wound*, *especially* *a* *wound**producing* *a* *discharge* *pus*; 2) *a* *sore*, *an* *ulcer*; #5, #40,#70, #10, #200 = emos (G1699): 1) *my*, *mine*, *etc*.; #9, #1, #100,#200, #5, #10 = tharseo (G2293): 1) to be of good courage, be of goodcheer; #20, #30, #5, #70, #200 = kleos (G2811): 1) rumour, report; 2)glory, praise; #40, #10, #40, #5, #10, #200, #9, #1, #10 = mimeomai(G3401): 1) to imitate: any one; #50, #5, #70, #200 = neos (G3501): 1)*recently* *born*, *young*, *youthful*; 2) new; #70, #10, #70, #40, #5,#50, #70, #10 = oiomai (G3633): 1) to suppose, think; #100, #10, #7, #8,#200 = rhiza (G4491): 1) a root; 2) that which like a root springs froma root, a sprout, shoot; 3) *metaphor*: *offspring*, *progeny*;

"ABOUT THE NINTH HOUR {ie. @ 1500 hours / 8 November as associated toNous: #19 within the providence of the Greco-Roman Magic Square whichhas a computed CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING as SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #357 andEGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #390} OF THE DAY HE SAW CLEARLY IN A VISION AN ANGELOF GOD COMING IN AND SAYING TO HIM, 'CORNELIUS!'



NOTE: According to an Ancient Greek and Roman custom, the day was, likethe night, divided into four parts, each consisting of three hours. Thisdivision of the day was in vogue also among the Jews, from whom theChurch borrowed it. In addition to Morning and Evening Prayer toaccompany the sacrifices, there was prayer at the Third, Sixth and NinthHours of the day. The most ancient testimony refers to this JerusalemTemple custom of TERCE (ie. @ 0900 hours / when the Psalms 83, 84, and85 were read), SEXT (ie. 1200 hours), and NONE (ie. 1500 hours).

The eighteenth cannon of the Council of Laodicea {just people} (between343 and 381 CE) orders that the same prayers be always said at None (ie.@ 1500 hours) and Vespers (ie. sunset).

Vespers, also called Evening Prayer, takes place as dusk begins to fall.Evening Prayer gives thanks for the day just past and makes an eveningsacrifice of praise to God [Psalm 141:1]

The general structure of the Roman Catholic rite as the service ofvespers opens with the singing or chanting of the words Deus, inadiutorium meum intende. Domine, ad adiuvandum me festina. Gloria Patri,et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc etsemper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Alleluia. [O God, come to myassistance. O Lord, make haste to help me. {as associated to Nous: #36of the Greco-Roman Magic Square which has a computed category ofunderstanding as EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #367 - #40, #70, #7, #200, #10, #40= `azar (H5826): 1) *to* *help*, *succour*, *support*; 1a) (Qal) *to**help*; 1b) (Niphal) *to* *be* *helped*; 1c) (Hiphil) *to* *help*}

YOUTUBE: "Richard Burton's BECKET | Deus in adjutorium meum intende"


YOUTUBE: "CUCC sings Deus in adjutorium meum by Benjamin Britten"


Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it wasin the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Alleluia.]("Alleluia" is omitted during Lent.) [Wikipedia 2017:Vespers]

The Apostles continued to frequent the Temple at the customary hours ofprayer: "Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hourof prayer, being the ninth hour {ie. @ 1500 hours}.

"And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom theylaid daily at the gate of the temple which is called *Beautiful*, to askalms of them that entered into the temple; who seeing Peter and Johnabout to go into the temple asked an alms.

And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, 'Look on us.'

And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them.

Then Peter said, 'Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give Ithee: In the name of Jesus {He is saved/A saviour; a deliverer} Christof Nazareth {Sovereign; one chosen or set apart; separated; crowned;sanctified} rise up and walk.'" [Acts 3:1-6 KJV]

Nous:#19Time:15:00 hrsDate:2017.11.8Torah:#10 #8 #6 %81 = #24Dao:Argument for Ethical Anarchism, Returning to SimplicityTetra:#58 - Gathering InI-Ching:H57 - Compliance, Gentle Penetration/Wind, Ground, Calculations

Latin: Recordabilis {God who knows all things} Alt: Haziel {Seeing of God} {1. PROTECTOR OF PRINCES, SERVES TO UNCOVER PLOTS & TRAITORS2. IN UNDOING THEIR PLANS3. JUST RULERS4. Ouestucati}

David {Well-beloved, dear}

- http://www.grapple369.com?date:2016.11.8

***@zen: 1, row: 6, col: 8, nous: 19 [Super: #357 / #19 - Argumentfor Ethical Anarchism, Returning to Simplicity; I-Ching: H57 -Compliance, Gentle Penetration/Wind, Ground, Calculations; Tetra: 58 -Gathering In, Ego: #390 / #19 - Argument for Ethical Anarchism,Returning to Simplicity; I-Ching: H57 - Compliance, GentlePenetration/Wind, Ground, Calculations; Tetra: 58 - Gathering In]

MY TR[I]UMP[HANT] MAN-CHOO as petition on the occasion of the 43rdPresidential elections for United States of America held on 8 November, 2016


SUPR (MALE) IDEA: #357 has 13 Categories:

#6, #1, #40, #200, #80, #30 = 'Amraphel (H569): {one that speaks ofsecrets} 1) the king of Shinar {watch of him that sleeps} (Babylon{incongruity; confusion; mixture}) (perhaps Hammurabi of circa 2100BCE); #1, #50, #6, #300 = 'Enowsh (H583): {mortal man; sick; despairedof; forgetful} 1) son of Seth {put; who puts; fixed}; #1, #300, #20, #6,#30 = 'Eshkol (H812): {bunch of grapes} 1) an area of Hebron {society;friendship}, the valley of Eshcol; 2) an Amorite {bitter; a rebel; ababbler}, the brother of Mamre {rebellious; bitter; set with trees},dwelling in Hebron; #40, #3, #4, #10, #300 = gadiysh (H1430): 1) heap,stack, pile; 2) tomb; #7, #200, #100, #10, #40 = zaraq (H2236): 1) toscatter, sprinkle, toss, throw, scatter abundantly, strew; 1a) (Qal) toscatter, sprinkle, toss; 1b) (Pual) to be sprinkled; #6, #10, #300, #40,#1 = Yishma' (H3457): {named; marveling; desolation} 1) a Judaitedescended from Hur {liberty; whiteness; hole}; #6, #5, #200, #40, #6,#50, #10, #40 = rimmown (H7416): 1) pomegranate; 1a) as tree; 1b) asfruit; 1c) as pomegranate shaped ornaments in temple; #30, #300, #2,#20, #5 = sebakah (H7639): 1) *network*, *lattice*-*work*, *net*,*netting*; 1a) *lattice*; 1b) *net*-*ornament* (*on* *pillars*); 1c)*network*, *toils* (*for* *catching* *animals*); #6, #300, #50, #1 =shana (H8132): 1) *to* *change*, *alter*; 1a) (Qal) *to* *change*; 1b)(Piel) *to* *change*, *alter*; 1c) (Pual) *to* *be* *changed*; #2, #1,#100, #50, #1, #2, #1, #200 = Barnabas (G921): {son of the prophet, orof consolation} 1) the surname of Joses {raised; who pardons} or Joseph{increase; addition}, a Levite {associated with him}, a native of Cyprus{fair; fairness} as a distinguished Christian teacher and companion andcolleague of Paul {small; little}; #2, #1, #100, #200, #1, #2, #1, #50 =Barsabas (G923): {son of return; son of rest} 1) the surname of acertain Joseph {increase; addition} [Acts 1:23]; 2) the surname of acertain Judas {the praise of the Lord; confession} [Acts 15:22]; #9, #5,#70, #200, #5, #2, #5, #10, #1, #50 = theosebeia (G2317): 1) *reverence**towards* *God's* *goodness*; #20, #70, #30, #1, #20, #5, #10, #1, #200= kolakeia (G2850): 1) *flattery*, *flattering* *discourse*;

EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #390 has 16 Categories:

#6, #3, #300, #80, #1 = Gishpa' (H1658): {coming hither} 1) an officerof the temple slaves returning from exile with Nehemiah {consolation;repentance of the Lord}; #30, #4, #300, #50, #6 = dashen (H1878): 1) tobe fat, grow fat, become fat, *become* *prosperous*, *anoint*; 1a) (Qal)*of* *prosperity* (*figuratve*); 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to make fat, *anoint*;1b2) to find fat (*of* *offering* - *acceptable*); 1b3) to take awayashes (from altar); 1c) (Pual) to be made fat; 1d) (Hothpael) to fattenoneself (of Jehovah's sword); #300, #20, #30, #40 = kol (H3605): 1) all,the whole; 1a) all, the whole of; 1b) any, each, every, anything; 1c)totality, everything; #40, #300, #10, #7, #2, #1, #30 = Mesheyzab'el(H4898): { God taking away; the salvation of God} 1) ancestor ofMeshullam {peaceable; perfect; their parables} who assisted Nehemiah{consolation; repentance of the Lord} in rebuilding the wall ofJerusalem {vision of peace}; 2) a head of the people who sealed thecovenant with Nehemiah; 3) father of Pethahiah {the Lord opening; gateof the Lord} and descendant of Zerah {east; brightness} the son of Judah{the praise of the Lord; confession}; 1a) perhaps the same as 2 and 3;2a) perhaps the same as 1 and 3; 3a) perhaps the same as 1 and 2; #50,#300, #10, #20, #10 = neshiy (H5386): 1) *debt*; #30, #70, #40, #200,#40, #10 = `Amramiy (H6020): {an exalted people; their sheaves; handfulsof corn} 1) a branch of the Kohathite {congregation; wrinkle; bluntness}family of the tribe of Levi {associated with him} and descendants ofAmram {an exalted people; their sheaves; handfuls of corn}, the fatherof Moses {taken out; drawn forth}; #40, #70, #200, #30, #10, #40 = `arel(H6189): 1) *uncircumcised*, *having* *foreskin*; #5, #80, #90, #10,#200, #5 = petsiyrah (H6477): 1) *price*, *charge*; 1a) *meaning**dubious*; 1b) *perhaps* (CLBL) *sharpening* *or* (BDB) *bluntness*; #5,#90, #80, #10, #200, #5 = tsephiyrah (H6843): 1) plait, chaplet, wreath,*crown*; 1a) plait, coronet, diadem; #40, #100, #200, #50 = qaran(H7160): 1) *to* *shine*; 1a) (Qal) *to* *send* *out* *rays*; 1b)(Hiphil) to display or grow horns, be horned; #50, #200, #4, #80, #50,#6 = radaph (H7291): 1) *to* *be* *behind*, *follow* *after*, *pursue*,*persecute*, *run* *after*; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) *to* *pursue*, *put* *to**flight*, *chase*, *dog*, *attend* *closely* *upon*; 1a2) *to**persecute*, *harass* (*figurative*); 1a3) to follow after, aim tosecure (fig); 1a4) to run after (a bribe) (fig); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) tobe pursued; 1b2) one pursued (participle); 1c) (Piel) to pursueardently, aim eagerly to secure, pursue; 1d) (Pual) to be pursued, bechased away; 1e) (Hiphil) *to* *pursue*, *chase*; #1, #100, #80, #1, #3,#5, #200 = harpax (G727): 1) *rapacious*, *ravenous*; 2) *a**extortioner*, *a* *robber*; #5, #4, #100, #1, #10, #70, #200 = hedraios(G1476): 1) *sitting*, sedentary; 2) firm, immovable, steadfast; #50,#10, #20, #70, #80, #70, #30, #10, #50 = Nikopolis (G3533): {the city ofvictory} 1) There were many cities by this name, -- in Armenia, Pontus,Cilicia, Epirus, Thrace -- which were generally built or had there namechanged, by some conqueror to commemorate a victory. The one in [Titus3:12] seems to refer to the city was built by Augustus in memory of thebattle of Actium on a promontory of Epirius. The one in the subscriptionof Titus seems to refer to Thracian Nicopolis, founded by Trojan on theriver Nestus, since he calls it the city of Macedonia.; #70, #50, #70,#200 = onos (G3688): 1) an ass; #300, #5, #20, #5, #10, #50 = tikto(G5088): 1) to bring forth, bear, produce (fruit from the seed); 1a)*of* *a* *woman* *giving* *birth*; 1b) of the earth bringing forth itsfruits; 1c) metaph. to bear, bring forth;


-- The Manchurian Candidate (1959), by Richard Condon, is a politicalthriller novel about the son of a prominent U.S. political family who isbrainwashed into being an unwitting assassin for a Communist conspiracy

-- The Chinese name Choo relates to Alpha Arae (α Arae, α Ara) is thesecond brightest star in the southern constellation of Ara;

-- In ancient Greek mythology, Ara was identified as the altar where thegods first made offerings and formed an alliance before defeating theTitans.

The term mill is also a play on words:

-- the $6 million man is an American science fiction and actiontelevision series about a former astronaut, Colonel Steve Austin,portrayed by American actor Lee Majors. Austin has superhuman strengthdue to bionic implants and is employed as a secret agent by a fictionalU.S. government office titled OSI.

-- a mill is a thousandth part compared with cent or a penny/denariiwhich is a magical feature within my pre-United States of America 43rdPresidential elections on 8 November, 2016 as a chapter concerning theBiblical text:

"Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thouregardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth:Is it lawful to give tribute to *CAESAR*, or not?

Shall we give, or shall we not give? But he, knowing their hypocrisy,said unto them, Why tempt ye me? Bring me a penny {denarion-penny[G1220]: #293; plural is *PENCE*}, that I may see it.

And they brought it. And he saith unto them, 'Whose is the image andthe *superscription* (EPIGRAPHĒ: an inscription)?'

And they said unto him, '*CAESAR'S*.'

And Jesus answering said unto them, 'Render to *CAESAR* the things thatare *CAESAR'S*, and to God the things that are God's.'

And they marvelled at him.'" [Mark 12:15]


Repudiate sagehood and discard wisdom, and the people would benefit ahundredfold. Repudiate benevolence and discard righteousness, and thepeople would again be obedient and kind to each other. Repudiatecleverness and discard sharpness, and thieves and robbers would notexist. As for these three pairs of terms,

Because they serve as mere decoration,Give people the chance to identify With somethingelse:Exemplify simplicity, embrace the uncarved blockCurtail self-interest, and have few desires.

Sagehood [sheng] anal intelligence [zhi] designate the best of humantalent [cai]; benevolence [ren] and righteousness [yi] designate thebest of human behaviour [xing]; and cleverness [qiao] and sharpness [li]designate the best of human resources [yong]. However, the textdirectly says that these should be repudiated. Because such 'decoration'[wen] is utterly inadequate, one does not give people the chance toidentify with these expressions and so never does anything thatexemplifies what they mean. Thus the text says: Because these threepairs of terms serve as mere decoration, they are never adequate.Therefore, when allowing people to identify with something, *let* *them**identify* *with* *your* *simplicity* *and* *minimal* *desires*.




"NOW SEND MEN TO JOPPA {*beauty*; comeliness}, AND SEND FOR SIMON {thathears; that obeys} WHOSE SURNAME IS PETER {a rock or stone as euphemismfor testicle}. HE IS LODGING WITH SIMON, A *TANNER* {ie. derived frombursa meaning a hide}, WHOSE HOUSE IS BY THE SEA. HE WILL TELL YOU WHATYOU MUST DO.'


THE NEXT DAY, AS THEY WENT ON THEIR JOURNEY AND DREW NEAR THE CITY,PETER WENT UP ON THE HOUSETOP TO PRAY, ABOUT THE SIXTH HOUR {ie. @ 1200hours / 24 September as associated to Nous: #25 - What's behind it all?,Imaging the Mysterious; I-Ching: H62 - Minor Superiority, Small Excess,Small Exceeding, Preponderance of the small, Small surpassing; Tetra: 10- Defectiveness, Distortion; within the providence of the Greco-RomanMagic Square which has a computed CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING as SUPER(MALE) IDEA: #456 and EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #393 and temporarily has amapping to #111 - Runner of the Sun (Heliodromus): Sol Invictus}."

NOTE: Sext, or Sixth Hour, is a fixed time of prayer of the DivineOffice of almost all the traditional Christian liturgies. It consistsmainly of psalms and is said at noon. Its name comes from Latin andrefers to the sixth hour of the day after dawn.

The hora sexta of the Romans corresponded closely with our noon. Amongthe Jews it was already regarded, together with Terce and None, as anhour most favourable to prayer. It was the middle of the day, also theusual hour of rest, and in consequence for devout men, an occasion topray to God, as were the morning and evening hours.

The Fathers of the Church dwell constantly on the symbolism of thishour. Noon is the hour when the sun is at its full, it is the image ofDivine splendour, the plenitude of God, the time of grace; at the sixthhour Abraham received the three angels. We should pray at noon, says St.Ambrose, because that is the time when the Divine light {ie. #111 -Runner of the Sun (Heliodromus): Sol Invictus} is in its fulness.

Nous:#25Time:12:00 hrsDate:2017.9.24Torah:#70 #50 #6 %81 = #45Dao:What's behind it all?, Imaging the MysteriousTetra:#10 - Defectiveness, DistortionI-Ching:H62 - Minor Superiority, Small Excess, Small Exceeding,Preponderance of the small, Small surpassing

Latin: Advitor {Infinitely good God} Alt: Rah'el {Friend of God} {1. PROTECTS AGAINST ACCIDENTS, MAINTAINS HEALTH & HEALS2. TRADE & BUSINESSMEN3. BUSINESS4. Asau}

#111 CE

- http://www.grapple369.com?zen:1,row:5,col:7,nous:25

***@zen: 1, row: 5, col: 7, nous: 25 [Super: #456 / #25 - What'sbehind it all?, Imaging the Mysterious; I-Ching: H62 - MinorSuperiority, Small Excess, Small Exceeding, Preponderance of the small,Small surpassing; Tetra: 10 - Defectiveness, Distortion, Ego: #393 / #25- What's behind it all?, Imaging the Mysterious; I-Ching: H62 - MinorSuperiority, Small Excess, Small Exceeding, Preponderance of the small,Small surpassing; Tetra: 10 - Defectiveness, Distortion]

SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #456 has 33 Categories: #6, #30, #50, #300, #10, #20,#40 = 'ishshah (H802): 1) *woman*, *wife*, *female*; 1a) *woman*(*opposite* *of* *man*); 1b) *wife* (*woman* *married* *to* *a* *man*);1c) female (of animals); 1d) each, every (pronoun); #2, #3, #400, #50,#1 = Bigthan (H904): {in the press; giving meat} 1) a eunuch in kingAhasuerus' {prince; head; chief} (Xerxes) court; #6, #30, #3, #1, #10,#6, #400 = gay' (H1516): 1) valley, a steep valley, narrow gorge; #3,#200, #3, #200, #10, #40 = gargar (H1620): 1) berry, olive berry; #6,#10, #30, #4, #6, #400 = yaldah (H3207): 1) *girl*, *damsel*,*marriageable* *girl*; #6, #50, #20, #300, #30, #10, #40 = kashal(H3782): 1) to stumble, stagger, totter; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to stumble;1a2) to totter; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to stumble; 1b2) to be tottering, befeeble; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to stumble, bring injury or ruin to,overthrow; 1c2) to make feeble, make weak; 1d) (Hophal) to be made tostumble; 1e) (Piel) bereave; #30, #6, #400, #20 = levath (Aramaic)(H3890): 1) to, at, beside, near, with; #6, #30, #400, #20 = lethek(H3963): 1) barley-measure; 1a) uncertain measurement but thought to behalf an homer - 5 ephahs; #6, #30, #40, #300, #30, #10, #40 = mashal(H4912): 1) *proverb*, *parable*; 1a) *proverb*, *proverbial* *saying*,*aphorism*; 1b) *byword*; 1c) *similitude*, *parable*; 1d) *poem*; 1e)*sentences* *of* *ethical* *wisdom*, *ethical* *maxims*; #6, #40, #300,#40, #70 = Mishma` (H4927): {hearing; obeying} 1) one of the 12 sons ofIshmael {God that hears}; 2) son of Mibsam {smelling sweet} of thefamily of Simeon {that hears or obeys; that is heard}; #6, #40, #300,#70, #40 = Mish`am (H4936): {their saviour; taking away} 1) a Benjamite{son of the right hand}, son of Elpaal {God's work} and descendant ofShaharaim; #5, #2, #9, #400, #40 = nabat (H5027): 1) to look, regard;1a) (Piel) to look; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to look; 1b2) to regard, showregard to, pay attention to, consider; 1b3) to look upon, regard, showregard to; #1, #80, #300, #70, #5 = pasa` (H6585): 1) (Qal) to step,march, step forward; #5, #100, #300, #1, #10, #40 = qishshu' (H7180): 1)cucumber; #6, #30, #200, #100, #10, #100, #10 = raqiyq (H7550): 1) thincake, wafer; #5, #300, #1, #50, #50, #10, #40 = sha'anan (H7600): 1) atease, quiet, secure; 2) *security*, *pride*, *arrogance*; 1a) at ease,secure; 1b) at ease, careless, wanton, arrogant subst; 2a) one at ease;2b) arrogance; #10, #300, #6, #80, #50, #10 = shuwph (H7779): 1) tobruise, crush, gape upon, desire?, seize?, strike out?; 1a) (Qal) tofall upon, bruise; #6, #40, #300, #20, #10, #30, #10, #40 = sakal(H7919): 1) to be prudent, be circumspect, wisely understand, prosper;2) (Piel) to lay crosswise, cross (hands); 1a) (Qal) to be prudent, becircumspect; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to look at or upon, have insight; 1b2)to give attention to, consider, ponder, be prudent; 1b3) to haveinsight, have comprehension; 1b3a) insight, comprehension (subst); 1b4)to cause to consider, give insight, teach; 1b4a) *the* *teachers*, *the**wise*; 1b5) *to* *act* *circumspectly*, *act* *prudently*, *act**wisely*; 1b6) to prosper, have success; 1b7) to cause to prosper; #6,#30, #300, #40, #70, #10 = Shim`iy (H8096): {that hears or obeys; myreputation; my fame} 1) a Benjamite {son of the right hand}, son of Gera{*pilgrimage*, *combat*; *dispute*} of the house of Saul {demanded;lent; ditch; death} in the time of David {well-beloved, dear}; 2) aBenjamite {son of the right hand}, son of Elah {an oak; a curse;perjury} and commissariat officer in the time of Solomon {peaceable;perfect; one who recompenses}; 3) the Ramathite {raised; lofty} incharge of the vineyards of David {well-beloved, dear}; 4) son of Gershon{*his* *banishment*; *the* *change* *of* *pilgrimage*} and grandson ofLevi {associated with him}; 5) a Levite {associated with him}, son ofJeduthun {his law; giving praise} and chief of the 10th division ofsingers in the time of David {well-beloved, dear}; 6) a Levite{associated with him} of the sons of Heman [their trouble; tumult; much;*in* *great* *number*} who took part in the purification of the templein the time of king Hezekiah {strength of the Lord} of Judah {the praiseof the Lord; confession}; 7) a Levite, brother of Cononiah in charge ofreceiving the tithes and offerings in the reign of king Hezekiah ofJudah; 8) a Levite who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra {help;court}; 9) a Judaite {the praise of the Lord; confession}, son ofPedaiah {redemption of the Lord} and brother of Zerubbabel {a strangerat Babylon; incongruity; confusion; mixture}; 10) a Simeonite {thathears or obeys; that is heard}, son of Zacchur {of the male kind;mindful}; 11) a Reubenite {who sees the son; the vision of the son}, sonof Gog {roof; covering} and father of Micah {poor; humble}; 12) one ofthe sons of Hashum {silence; their hasting} who had a foreign wife inthe time of Ezra {help; court}; 13) one of the sons of Bani who had aforeign wife in the time of Ezra; 14) a Benjamite, son of Kish {hard;difficult; straw; for age}, father of Jair {*my* *light*; *who**diffuses* *light*}, and grandfather of Mordecai {contrition; bitter;bruising} in the time of Esther {secret; hidden}; 15) a Levite, son ofJahath, {broken in pieces; descending} grandson of Gershon {hisbanishment; the change of pilgrimage}, and great grandson of Levi; 16)Benjamite, father of Adaiah {the witness of the Lord}, Beraiah {thechoosing of the Lord}, and Shimrath {hearing; obedient} as spelled'Shimhi'; #300, #50, #6, #50, #10, #40 = shanan (H8150): 1) *to**sharpen*, *whet*; 1a) (Qal) *to* *whet*, *sharpen*; 1b) (Piel) *to**sharpen*, *teach* (*incisively*); 1c) (Hithpolel) *to* *be* *pierced*;#6, #10, #300, #60, #80 = shacaph (H8158): 1) (Piel) to hew in pieces,cut in pieces; 1a) meaning dubious; #6, #300, #70, #80 = Sha`aph(H8174): {judge} 1) son of Jahdai {*the* *unity*, *or* *sharpness*, *or**revenge*, *of* *God*} of the family of Caleb {a dog; *a* *crow*; abasket}, the brother of Jerahmeel {the mercy, or the beloved, of God};2) son of Caleb, the brother of Jerahmeel, by his concubine Maachah{pressed down; worn; fastened} and father of Madmannah {measure of agift; preparation of a garment}; #6, #10, #300, #80, #20, #40 = shaphak(H8210): 1) to pour, pour out, spill; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to pour, pour out;1a2) to shed (blood); 1a3) to pour out (anger or heart) (fig); 1b)(Niphal) to be poured out, be shed; 1c) (Pual) to be poured out, beshed; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to be poured out; 1d2) to pour out oneself;#5, #400, #1, #10, #40 = ta' (H8372): 1) chamber, guardroom; #1, #50,#5, #300, #5, #10, #30, #5, #50 = anatello (G393): 1) rise; 1a) to causeto rise; 1a1) of the earth bring forth plants; 1b) to rise, arise, torise from, be descended from; 1b1) *of* *sun* *moon* *and* *stars*; #1,#50, #5, #400 = aneu (G427): 1) *without* *one's* *will* *or**intervention*; #5, #80, #10, #300, #10, #40, #10, #1 = epitimia(G2009): 1) punishment; #5, #400, #1, #50 = Eua (G2096): 1) first womanin the scriptures, mother of the human race; #40, #5, #100, #10, #40,#50, #1, #10, #200 = merimna (G3308): 1) care, anxiety; #40, #5, #200,#8, #40, #2, #100, #10, #1, #50 = mesembria (G3314): 1) *as* *respects**to* *time*: *noon*; 2) *as* *respects* *to* *locality*; 2a) the south;#50, #5, #1, #50, #10, #200, #20, #70, #50 = neaniskos (G3495): 1) *a**young* *man*, *youth*; 1a) *used* *of* *a* *young* *attendant *or**servant*; #80, #1, #100, #9, #5, #50, #10, #1, #200 = parthenia(G3932): 1) virginity; #80, #70, #10, #40, #5, #50, #1, #200 = poimen(G4166): 1) *a* *herdsman*, *especially* *a* *shepherd*; 2) *metaphor*;1a) *in* *the* *parable*, *he* *to* *whose* *care* *and* *control**others* *have* *committed* *themselves*, *and* *whose* *precepts**they* *follow*; 2a) *the* *presiding* *officer*, *manager*, *director*,*of* *any* *assembly*: *so* *of* *Christ* *the* *Head* *of* *the**church*; 2a1) *of* *the* *overseers* *of* *the* *Christian**assemblies*; 2a2) *of* *kings* *and* *princes*;

EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #393 has 9 Categories:

#300, #10, #7, #70, #6 = zuwa` (H2111): 1) to tremble, quiver, quake, bein terror; 1a) (Qal) to tremble, quake; 1b) (Pilpel); 1b1) to shakeviolently; 1b2) to cause to tremble; #8, #80, #300, #5 = chuphshah(H2668): 1) *freedom*; #8, #90, #90, #200, #5 = chatsotserah (H2689): 1)*trumpet*, *clarion*; #10, #5, #6, #300, #2, #70 = Yehowsheba` (H3089):{fullness, or oath, of the Lord} 1) daughter of king Joram {to cast;elevated} of Judah {the praise of the Lord; confession} and wife of thehigh priest Jehoiada {knowledge of the Lord}; 1a) alternate spelling'Jehoshabeath' - H3090; #40, #300, #1, #2, #10, #40 = mash'ab (H4857):1) *drawing* *place* *of* *water*, *place* *to* *draw* *water*; #5,#300, #8, #80 = shachaph (H7828): 1) *a* *ceremonially* *unclean**bird*; 1a) cuckow, gull, seagull, sea-mew; 1b) maybe an extinct bird,exact meaning unknown; #1, #20, #1, #9, #1, #100, #200, #10, #1, #50 =akatharsia (G167): 1) *uncleanness*; 1a) *physical*; 1b) *in* *a**moral* *sense*: *the* *impurity* *of* *lustful*, *luxurious*,*profligate* *living*; 1b1) *of* *impure* *motives*; #1, #100, #80, #1,#3, #8, #200 = harpage (G724): 1) *the* *act* *of* *plundering*,*robbery*; 2) *plunder* *spoil*; #40, #5, #30, #10, #300, #8 = Melite(G3194): {affording honey} 1) the name of an island in theMediterranean, lying between Africa and Sicily, now called Malta;


AND A VOICE CAME TO HIM, 'RISE, PETER {a rock or stone; as euphemism fortesticle}; KILL AND EAT.'



THIS WAS DONE THREE TIMES. AND THE OBJECT WAS TAKEN UP INTO HEAVENAGAIN. NOW WHILE PETER WONDERED WITHIN HIMSELF WHAT THIS VISION WHICH HEHAD SEEN MEANT, BEHOLD, THE MEN WHO HAD BEEN SENT FROM CORNELIUS {of ahorn as similarly associated to #390 = #40, #100, #200, #50 = qaran(H7160): 1) *to* *shine*; 1a) (Qal) *to* *send* *out* *rays*; 1b)(Hiphil) to display or grow horns, be horned} HAD MADE INQUIRY FORSIMON’S {that hears; that obeys} HOUSE, AND STOOD BEFORE THE GATE.




















EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #367 has 13 Categories:

#6, #10, #1, #50, #300 = 'anash (H605): 1) *to* *be* *weak*, *sick*,*frail*; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) *to* *be* *incurable*; 1a2) *to* *be* *sick*;1a3) *desperate*, *incurable*, *desperately* *wicked*, *woeful*, *very**sick* (*pass* *participle*) (*metaphor*); 1b) (Niphal) *to* *be**sick*; #30, #7, #200, #70, #20, #40 = zera` (H2233): 1) *seed*,*sowing*, *offspring*; 10) *a* *practitioner* *of* *righteousness*(*figurative*); 1a) *a* *sowing*; 1b) *seed*; 1c) *semen* *virile*; 1d)*offspring*, *descendants*, *posterity*, *children*; 1e) *of* *moral**quality*; 1f) *sowing* *time* (*by* *meton*); #40, #300, #20, #2, #5 =mishkab (Aramaic) (H4903): 1) couch, bed; #40, #70, #2, #200, #50, #5 =`Ebronah (H5684): 1) one of the stations of the Israelites in thewilderness immediately preceding Ezion-geber; #40, #70, #7, #200, #10,#40 = `azar (H5826): 1) to help, succour, support; 1a) (Qal) to help;1b) (Niphal) to be helped; 1c) (Hiphil) to help; #10, #100, #200, #1,#50, #6 = qara' (H7122): 1) *to* *encounter*, *befall*, *meet*; 1a)(Qal); 1a1) *to* *meet*, *encounter*; 1a2) *to* *befall* (*figurative*);1b) (Niphal) *to* *meet*, *meet* *unexpectedly*; 1c) (Hiphil) *to**cause* *to* *meet*; #6, #5, #200, #100, #6, #50 = Raqqown (H7542): 1) awell-watered place in Dan near Joppa; #10, #300, #1, #6, #50 = sha'ah(H7582): 1) crash, make a din or crash, crash into ruins, be in ruins,be desolated; 1a) (Qal) to crash into ruins; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to beruined; 1b2) to crash; 1b3) to be left (a desolation); 1c) (Hiphil);1c1) to cause to crash; 1c2) to cause to be desolated; #2, #300, #6, #9,#10, #40 = showt (H7752): 1) *scourge*, *whip*; 1a) *scourge* (*for**chastisement*); 1a1) *of* *national* *judgment* (fig); 1b) whip (forhorse); #6, #300, #10, #1, #50 = Shi'yown (H7866): 1) a town of Issacharlocated near Mount Tabor; #30, #10, #9, #1, #7, #5, #300, #5 = lithazo(G3034): 1) to overwhelm or pelt with stones; 2) to pelt one withstones, in order either to wound or kill him; 1a) of stoning, a Jewishmode of punishment; #300, #8, #50, #4, #5 = hode (G3592): 1) this onehere, these things, as follows, thus; #80, #100, #70, #5, #9, #5, #40,#8, #50 = protithemai (G4388): 1) *to* *place* *before*, *to* *set**forth*; 2) *to* *set* *before* *one's* *self*, *propose* *to* *one's**self*; 1a) *to* *set* *forth* *to* *be* *looked* *at*, *expose* *to**view*; 1b) *to* *expose* *to* *public* *view*; 1b1) *of* *the* *bodies**of* *the* *dead*; 1b2) *to* *let* *lie* *in* *state*; 2a) *to**purpose*, *determine*;

AND WE ARE WITNESSES OF ALL THINGS WHICH HE DID BOTH IN THE LAND OF THEJEWS AND IN JERUSALEM, WHOM THEY KILLED BY HANGING ON A TREE {ie. #417 =#1, #50, #1, #9, #5, #40, #1, #300, #10 = anathema (G331): 1) a thingset up or laid by in order to be kept; 2) *a* *thing* *devoted* *to**God* *without* *hope* *of* *being* *redeemed*, *and* *if* *an**animal*, *to* *be* *slain*; therefore a person or thing doomed todestruction; 1a) specifically, an offering resulting from *a* *vow*,which after being consecrated to a god was hung upon the walls orcolumns of the temple, or put in some other conspicuous place; 2a) *a**curse*; 2b) *a* *man* *accursed*, *devoted* *to* *the* *direst* *of* woes}








If you would like to gather him in, you must resolve yourself to let himaggrandize himself. If you would like to weaken him, you must resolveyourself to let him grow string. If you would like to nullify him, youmust resolve yourself to let him flourish. If you would like to takehim, you must resolve yourself to let him have his way. Such anapproach is called subtle and perspicacious.

COMMENT: If you would remove the dangerously bold and get rid of therebellious, you should do so by these four methods. Take advantage ofthe nature of the man involved, allow him to destroy himself, and do notrely on punishment as the major means to get rid of such harmfulelements. Thus the text characterizes such an approach as 'subtle andperspicacious.' Let such a fellow find satisfaction in hisaggrandizement, for, if you allow him satisfaction, he will seek evenmore aggrandizement, and then he will be gathered in by the mass ofcommon folk. Rather than prevent him from aggrandizing himself to thepoint where it is satisfying and divert him from trying to aggrandizehimself as such, it would be better to let him to keep increasing it sothat he brings danger back on himself.

Softness and pliancy conquer hardness and forcefulness. Fish must notbe allowed to escape to the depths. The sharp instruments of the Statemay not be disclosed to the people.

COMMENT: 'Sharp instruments' [liqi] are devices [qi] used to profit theState [li guo]. Act only in accordance with the nature [xing] of thepeople and do not rely on punishment to keep them in order. It is byensuring that these devices cannot be seen, thus allowing everyone toobtain his proper place, that they are the 'sharp instruments' of theState. Disclosing them to the people means relying on punishment. Ifone tries to use punishment to profit that State, it will means loss.It fish escape to the depths, they certainly are lost. If it is asdevices used to profit the State that one establishes punishments and assuch discloses them to the people, this also surely will mean loss.


JUDGMENT: MENG brings about prevalence. It is not I who seek theJuvenile Ignorant but the Juvenile Ignorant who seeks me. An initialrendering of the yarrow stalks should be told, but a second or a thirdwould result in violation. If there were such violation, I should nottell him. {The yarrow stalks are things that resolve doubts. Thereason why a youth beset by ignorance seeks me is that he wants me toresolve the uncertainties that he has. If I resolve them in more thanone way, he will not know which solution to follow and would then bethrown back into uncertainly, This is why 'an initial rendering of theyarrow stalks should be told, but a second or third would result inviolation' and 'the one who would bring about the violation is theJuvenile Ignorant.' How could other than Second Yang ever manage 'aninitial rendering of the yarrow stalks'! It is due to its 'strength andadherence to the Mean' that it can decide such doubts.} It is fittingto practice constancy here. {The fitness associated with MENG meansthat it is fitting to practice rectitude here. None is moreperspicacious than a sage, and none is more benighted than the JuvenileIgnorant. 'To take Juvenile Ignorance and cultivate rectitude in it,' infact, 'is the meritorious task of the sage.' As this is so, if one wereinstead to try to achieve perspicacity by cultivating rectitude [inothers], this would be to misconstrue the Dao involved.}

COMMENTARY: MENG [Juvenile Ignorance] consists of a dangerous placebelow a mountain. In danger and brought to a halt: this is MENG. {Ifone retreats, he will come to grief in danger, but if one advances, hewill find the mountain a shut door, so he does not know where to go.This is the meaning of MENG.} 'MENG brings about prevalence': MENGoperates through prevalence and is a matter of timeliness and the Mean.{What this moment of MENG wants to achieve is nothing other thanprevalence. One makes MENG work by means of prevalence, and this is amatter o obtaining both the right moment ad a mean position. 'It is notI who seek the Juvenile Ignorant but the Juvenile Ignorant who seek me':their intentions are in resonance. 'I' refers to the one who is not theJuvenile Ignorant. The one who is not the Juvenile Ignorant is [Second]Yang. It is always one who is not know who seeks out and asks one whodoes know; the one who does know does not seek to have things told tohim. The unenlightened seeks out the perspicacious; the perspicaciousdoes not solicit the counsel of the unenlightened. Thus the meaning ofMENG is such that 'it is not I who seek the Juvenile Ignorant but theJuvenile Ignorant who seeks me.' The reason the 'Juvenile Ignorant'comes and seeks 'me' is that 'their intentions are in resonance.'} 'Aninitial rendering of the yarrow stalks should be told': this he can dobecause of his strength and adherence to the Mean. {This refers toSecond Yang. Second Yang os the master of all the yin lines. If itboth lacked strength and violated the Mean, what possibly could it drawupon for the telling of 'an initial rendering of the yarrow stalks!'}'But a second or third would result in violation. If there were suchviolation, I would not tell him.' The one who would bring about thisviolation is the Juvenile Ignorant. To take Juvenile Ignorance andcultivate rectitude in it the meritorious task of the sage.

IMAGES: Below the Mountain emerges the Spring: this constitutes theimage of Juvenile Ignorance. {'Below the Mountain emerges the Spring,'which is something that does not know where to go. This is the image ofJuvenile Ignorance.} In the same way, the noble man makes his actionsresolute and nourishes his virtue. {'Makes his actions resolute' is themeaning underlying 'an initial rendering of the yarrow stalks.''Nourishes his virtue' is the 'meritorious task' of 'cultivatingrectitude.'}

SEQUENCE: ZHUN [Birth Throes, Hexagram 3] is when things are first born.When things begin life, they are sure to be covered [the literalmeaning of MENG--ie. encapsulated in membranes, eggs, or seeds]. Thisis why ZHUN is followed by MENG [Juvenile Ignorance]. MENG [covered]here indicates MENG [Juvenile Ignorance], that is, the immature state ofthings.

IRREGULAR: MENG [Juvenile Ignorance] indicates confusion first followedby a coming to prominence.

1ST YIN: With the opening up of Juvenile Ignorance, it is fitting bothto subject him to the awareness of punishment and to remove fitters andshackles, but if he were to set out in this way, he would find it hardgoing. {When one is located at First Yin of MENG, Second Yang providesillumination from above, so this is why 'the opening up of JuvenileIgnorance' occurs here. 'With the opening up of Juvenile Ignorance,'one's hesitation to act is cleared up, so both the awareness ofpunishment and the removal are appropriate. 'But if he were to set outin this way, he would find it hard going' means that the threat ofpunishment cannot long be used.}

COMMENTARY: 'It is fitting to subject him … to the awareness ofpunishment': one does this by rectifying, what the law is. {The Dao ofpunishment is something that the true Dao finds despicable. Oneattempts to control hm by rectifying what the law is; thus there is thisreference to 'subjecting him to the awareness punishment.'}

2ND YANG: To treat the Juvenile Ignorant with magnanimity means goodfortune. To take a wife means good fortune. His child will be up totaking charge of the family. {It is due to Second Yang's strength andits abiding in centrality [the Mean] that it attracts the JuvenileIgnorant. As Second Yang is magnanimous and does not spurn them, thoseboth near and far all arrive. This is why 'to treat the JuvenileIgnorant with magnanimity means good fortune.' A wife is someone whoserves to complement him and so allows him to perfect his virtue. Ifone embodies the yang principle and yet can treat the Juvenile Ignorantwith magnanimity, if one can abide in the Mean with one's strengthintact, and if one takes a mate in this way, then no one will fail torespond positively to him. This is why 'to take a wife means goodfortune.' Here one finds himself situated inside the lower trigram [ie.the household]; with strength intact, he receives the weak, and,though kind and affable, he manages to maintain the Mean. As he is ableto fulfil his duties in this way, he can pass them on to his child.This is what is meant by 'his child will be up to taking charge of thefamily.'}

COMMENTARY: 'His child will be up to taking charge of the family': thestrong and the weak [generation by generation] accept [succeed] one another.

3RD YIN: It will not do to marry this woman. Here she sees a manstrong as metal and discards her self-possession, so there is nothing atall fitting here. {At the time of Juvenile Ignorance, the yin seek outthe yang, and the benighted seek out the perspicacious, when each oneseeks to have his lack of understanding alleviated. Third Yin islocated at the top of the lower trigram, and Top Yang is located at thetop of the upper trigram; they represent a woman and a man,respectively. It is not Top Yang that seeks Third Yin, but Third Yinwho seeks Top Yang. This is a case of the woman taking the lead andseeking the man. The true embodiment of a woman is such that it iscorrect behaviour for her to await commands. But here when she 'sees aman strong as metal,' she seeks him, and this is why the text says thatshe 'discards her self-possession.' If one were to extend himself tosuch a woman, he would find that her behaviour is essentiallydisobedient. Thus the text says: 'It will not do to marry this woman'and 'there is nothing at all fitting here.'}

COMMENTARY: 'It will not do to marry this woman': her behaviour isdisobedient.

4TH YIN: Here confounded by Juvenile Ignorance, one becomes base. {Thisis the only yin line that is distant from a yang line. It is locatedbetween two yin lines, so there is no one to alleviate its darkness.This is why one is 'here confounded by Juvenile Ignorance.' Confoundedby the darkness of Juvenile Ignorance, Fourth Yin is unable to get closeto a worthy and so start to develop the right kind of intentions,something that leads as well to meanness. This is why the text says'base.'}

COMMENTARY: The baseness associated with being 'confounded by JuvenileIgnorance' is due to being alone at a distance from the solid and thereal. {Yang is referred to here as 'the solid and the real.'}

5TH YIN: The Juvenile Ignorant here will find good fortune. {Here issomeone with yin character who abides in a noble position. He does nottake responsibility for supervision himself but instead relies on SecondYang for that. If he delegates authority so things can be done and ifhe does not belabour his own intelligence, efforts at achievement willbe successful. This is why the text says: 'The Juvenile Ignorant herewill find good fortune.}

COMMENTARY: The good fortune associated with Juvenile Ignorance here isdue to compliant behaviour achieved through an obedient mind. {Hedelegates authority so things can be done, neither takes the lead norinitiates action: this is 'complaint behaviour achieved through anobedient mind.'}

TOP YANG: Strike at Juvenile Ignorance, but it is not firing to engagein harassment; it is fitting to guard against harassment. {Here one islocated at the end point of MENG. Occupying the top position withstrength, he can strike at and drive away Juvenile Ignorance and soalleviate their [the yin lines'] darkness. Thus the text says: 'Strikeat Juvenile Ignorance.' Juvenile Ignorance wishes to be alleviate, andTop Yang itself wishes to strike at it and drive it away. As this meetsthe wishes of those above and those below [all the yin lines], nonefails to comply. If one were to provide protection for them, then allwould attach themselves to him, but to try to take them over by forcewould make them all rebel. This the text says: 'It is not fitting toengage in harassment; it is fitting to guard against harassment.'}

COMMENTARY: 'It is fitting to guard against harassment': For those aboveand those below will all comply.


HEAD: Yang ch'i is first spied. Things like callow youths all stilllack understanding.

This tetragram, like the previous one, is assigned to the Spring onsetsolar period when plants and animals are expected to first emerge fromtheir winter homes. The title character describes young animals whosehorns have still not grown, the land still barren of vegetation, youthsof either sex who still lack the characteristic development of theheart/mind that makes people truly 'human.' The first signs of maturitynow start to appear. So long as lack of development is primarily afunction of time, we can anticipate the future happily. However, manypromising trends may be nipped in he bud if they are not nurtured bytrained caretakers.

For this reason, this tetragram advises the youth (or one who is new toany endeavour) to look for good teachers to guide the maturationprocess. Certain mistakes are particularly associated with youth (suchas impetuosity and faulty judgment or indecision due to lack ofexperience). Unless an appropriate master is found, such faults tend tomultiply over time, especially when the individual is intelligent. If aperson fails to locate a good teacher, 'then if his studying has nodirection and his mind lacks penetration, he himself is to blame.' AsYang Hsiung states categorically in his other 'classic,' the Model Sayings:

To work at study is not as good as to work at finding a teacher. Ateacher is a model for others... Just as within a single noisymarketplace there are countless different ideas, within a book of asingle chapter there are countless different theories. For themarketplace, *a* *balance* *must* *be* *set* *up* [*to* *determine**correct* *weight* *and* *value*], so for each book, a teacher must beset up.

"A bishop (EPISKOPOS) then must be blameless, the husband of one wife,vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient,not a brawler, not covetous; one that ruleth well his own house, havinghis children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not howto rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)

*Not* *a* *novice*, *lest* *being* *lifted* *up* *with* *pride* *he**fall* *into* *the* *condemnation* *of* *the* *devil*. Moreover he musthave a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproachand the snare of the devil." [1 Timothy 3:2-7 (KJV)]

In contrast to the corresponding Changes hexagram, which praises certainchildlike qualities, the Mystery censures the puerile.

Appraisal 1: The factious youth is not awake.Meeting us, he is blind and dim.Fathoming 1: A loutish youth who is unawareMeans: We fear he'll be 'dark' 'til the end.

Appraisal 1 corresponds to the Beginning of Thought. The most importanttask for the immature youth is to find a good teacher to train hisheart/mind. A Chinese pun identified the teacher as 'the first-awakenedone' who leads others to the Way. Here, unfortunately, Position 1corresponds to inauspicious night an so Yang Hsiung speaks of darkness:Either the inane youth selects teachers who are equally ignorant ('Hemeets us, who are [also] blind and dim.') or the immature youth fails toheed his good teachers' words ('[Even after] meeting us, he is blind anddim.') Under such conditions, no pail can hope to gain enlightenment.Unless he changes his ways, he is likely to remain doubly in the dark inthat he will be both 'unenlightened' and 'in obscurity.'

Appraisal 2: He casts the sacred milfoil.He fires the turtle's shell.Leaving the muck, he enters the anointed.Fathoming 2: Casting milfoil, firing the turtle,Means: He approaches the path of glory.

As Confucius tells us, the better part of wisdom is to recognize whatyou do not know. For that reason, the youth in search of greaterunderstanding uses divination procedures to resolve cases of gravedoubt. (Their sacred character precludes casual use). Divination bymilfoil (also called yarrow) and by the turtle are the two ancient formsof prognostication hallowed by Chinese tradition. Significantly, eachof these instruments for communication with the divine representsaccumulated age and experience: the graph for milfoil contains thecharacter for 'old' within it, while the marvellous capacities of theturtle are attributed to its fabled longevity. By implication, if theancients are consulted in every doubtful case, a miracle will takeplace: the individual will emerge from obscurity and muddleheadedness(the 'muck') to gain enlightenment and honour (an 'anointment').

Appraisal 3: The Eastern Star already shines,Yet he cannot proceed by its light.Fathoming 3: The Eastern Star already shiningMeans: Why not go?

Appraisal 3 marks the transition from Thought to Action. The necessaryprecondition for enlightenment are present since the Eastern Staralready shines. In other words, good teachers are available, theclassics have been promulgated, and all the various tools ofcivilization (including divination) have been provided. For somereason, the individual fails to take advantage of the opportunities formoral growth, assuming himself to be capable of maturity. in reality,he lacks sufficient will to follow in the Way. The Analects condemnsthose who 'hear of duty, yet do not move toward it.'

Appraisal 4: Some follow those in front.Those ahead light their way.Fathoming 4: Following the ones in frontMeans: Great is the light of those who lead.

In contrast to Appraisal 3, Appraisal 4 praises individuals who takefull advantage of illumination provided by moral exemplars of the past.Given penetrating power of those exemplars, even those who follow atsome distance in time and space can find their Ways by the light. Thiscontention implicitly refutes Chuang tzu's belief that the Classicsrepresent only the 'drags' of the former sage's teachings.

Appraisal 5: If in thick he seeks the ssu,He finds a prize less valued.Fathoming 5: Hunting the ssu in the brushMeans: The catch is not worth the praise.

The hunter lays a trap to catch a female ssu. (Probably a wild ox isindicated, though the prey may be a rhinoceros or some other marvellousbeast). The thick brush (that literally 'covers' and 'conceals') mayfunction in several ways: perhaps it keeps the hunter from finding hisprey. Perhaps it conceals the hunter stalking his catch. Perhaps ithides a trap in the underbrush. In any case, there is no doubt that thehunter ignores important ritual rules which dictate that the female ofthe species is to be spared in the general slaughter. As onecommentator remarks, the hunter 'stops at nothing to get the game'.Such obsessive behaviour not only diverts the hunter's attention fromproper pursuits wile weakening his sense of scruples; it also diminishesfuture stocks of game. Despite the 'catch,' the man himself may be'caught' short in the short-term (if he is gored by his prey) or in thelong-ten (when stocks are depleted). This is an excellent example ofthe Chinese propensity to address concerns from both moral and practicalconsiderations.

This portrait of an evil hunter contrasts with stories told of thelegendary sage-kings of antiquity. Good King T'ang, for example,purportedly constructed a special trap open on three sides so thatbeasts could easily escape it. In the same way, T'ang framed his lawsin such a way that his subjects found it easy to avoid being 'framed'for criminal activities. All men of virtue display a profound empathyfor living things; as leader of this group, the Son of Heaven inAppraisal 5 never takes unfair advantage of the weak and helpless.

Appraisal 6: Open wide the tent,Inviting guests from every quarter.Fathoming 6: Throwing the tent openMeans: He sees the many lights.

We tend to think of Chinese rulers as closeted in 'forbidden palaces,'but early tradition made it incumbent upon every good ruler to conductroyal progresses throughout the land so that he could consult widelywith candidates for public office. Here the ruler opens his privatequarters to all comers, as a public sign of his avid desire for moralenlightenment provided by the 'leading lights' of his kingdom. With thetent flaps up, the night sky comes into view. The ruler is equallyreceptive to the constant norms illustrate by the starry firmament inits divine orbit (again, the 'lights'). In consequence, the multitudeof the ruler's subjects are transformed under his suasive example, yet athird instance of 'many lights.'

Appraisal 7: Cultivating the punyHe becomes a runt.Fathoming 7: Making the puny growMeans: There is nothing to be achieved.

If the individual lacks the acute and commitment to greatness thatproperly define the mature adult, we compare his stunted intellectualand moral growth to he crippled form of a dwarf. Greatness is equatedwit strict adherence the Confucian Way, since virtue represents thesupreme human goal on practical, as well as moral grounds. And'development' must be defined in terms of strengthening the discerningmind that knows greatness, rather than nurturing the laser, even bestialparts of human nature. Physical development along can hardly beconsidered a major accomplishment.

Appraisal 8: Some beat him, some prod him.He polishes the mysterious mirror of his mindAnd so changes.Fathoming 8: Beating and prodding himMeans: In that way, his errors decline.

As the situation nears the end of its cycle, the individual finallyresponds to repeated and severe criticisms wit ha sincere attempt atmoral reform. *The* *wise* *individual* *is* *grateful* *for* *harsh**criticism*, *since* *personal* *improvement* *usually* *depends* *on**it*. As the Changes writes, '*To* *make* *immature* *fools* *develop*,*it* *helps* *to* *punish* *people*.'

The heart/mind is a mirror in that it reflects all sensory impressions,however fleeting. *By* *clearing* *away* *all* *misguided* *notions**and* *intellectual* *baggage*, *the* *individual* *restores* *the**pristine* *clarity* *of* *that* *organ*, 'polishing his mysteriousmirror' so that it functions properly. It is never too late to beginthis process, although years of accumulated dust may complicate the task.

Appraisal 9: The young buck butts the wild ox,Cracking its own skull.Fathoming 9: The buck butting the oxMeans: In return, it harms itself.

The immature deer still lacks horns, so it lacks the brute strength, theexperience, and the skills necessary to defeat a dangerous opponent. Ina serious miscalculation of its capacities, the fawn takes on thepowerful wild ox (or possibly rhinoceros) known for its *tough* *hide*.It can neither fend off an attack by such a fearsome rival nor laugh acounter-attack. Inevitably, the fawn is gored or trampled by the ox.*By* *analogy*, the* *immature* *individual* *would* *do* *well* *to**avoid* *all* *premature* *engagements* *with* *formidable**adversaries*. *It* *is* *often* *pride* *that* *leads* *one**foolishly* *into* *the* *fray*.

"The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, isfrom the LORD. All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but theLORD weigheth the spirits.Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for theday of evil.

Every one that is *proud* *in* *heart* *is* *an* *abomination* *to**the* *LORD*: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished. Bymercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD mendepart from evil. When a man’s ways please the LORD, he maketh even hisenemies to be at peace with him.

Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right.A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.

A divine sentence is in the lips of the king: his mouth transgressethnot in judgment. A just *weight* and *balance* are the LORD’S: all theweights of the bag are his work. It is an abomination to kings tocommit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness.Righteous lips are the delight of kings; and they love him that speakethright. The wrath of a king is as messengers of death: but a wise manwill pacify it.

In the light of the king’s countenance is life; and his favour *is* *as**a* *cloud* *of* *the* *latter* *rain*. How much better is it to getwisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!

The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that keepeth hisway preserveth his soul. *Pride* *goeth* before* *destruction*, *and**an* *haughty* *spirit* *before* *a* *fall*. Better it is to be of anhumble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.

He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth inthe LORD, happy is he. The wise in heart shall be called prudent: andthe sweetness of the lips increaseth learning. Understanding is awellspring of life unto him that hath it: but the *instruction* *of**fools* *is* *folly*.

The heart of the wise teacheth his mouth, and addeth learning to hislips. Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and healthto the bones. There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the endthereof are the ways of death. He that laboureth laboureth for himself;for his mouth craveth it of him. An ungodly man diggeth up evil: and inhis lips there is as a burning fire.

A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends. Aviolent man enticeth his neighbour, and leadeth him into the way that isnot good. He shutteth his eyes to devise froward things: moving hislips he bringeth evil to pass. The hoary head is a crown of glory, ifit be found in the way of righteousness.

He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that rulethhis spirit than he that taketh a city. The lot is cast into the lap;but the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD." [Proverbs 16:1-33 (KJV)]


Such that, not even the ritual act of purification known as Taharah,can't save their precious endowment of nature and "*restore* *the**pristine* *clarity* *of* *that* *organ*" from such a perverse andpessimistic disease state over which even their prophets improperlyclaim, is entirely due to the fact they can't even piss like a real men.

Another narration from Al-Sadiq says: "Circumcise your sons when theyare seven days old as it is cleaner (athar) and the flesh grows fasterand because the earth hates the urine of the uncircumcised". It isalso believed that the urine of the uncircumcised is impure, *while**if* *one* *prays* *with* *unclean* *genitals* *their* *prayer* *may**not* *be* *considered* *as* *acceptable*, *even* *of* *those* *who**have* *been* *circumcised*, meaning that it may have to be repeatedagain at a time when the believer has purified themselves and removedthe impurity. Another hadith of Muhammad states: "*the* *earth* *cries**out* *to* *God* *in* *anguish* *because* *of* *the* *urine* *of* *the**uncircumcised*", and that "*the* *earth* *becomes* *defiled* *from**the* *urine* *of* *the* *uncircumcised* *for* *forty* *days*".

As being a further aberration and negation of the ancient testimonywhich refers to this as an understanding associated to Jerusalem Templeritual as the customary time for prayer of TERCE (ie. @ 0900 hours) whenthe Psalms 83, 84, and 85 were read) as it is written: "Let no mandeceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there comea falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son ofperdition;

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or thatis worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showinghimself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you,I told you these things?

And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now lettethwill let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wickedbe revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth,and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whosecoming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lyingwonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them thatperish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they mightbe saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they shouldbelieve a lie:

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but hadpleasure in unrighteousness.

But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren belovedof the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvationthrough sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory ofour Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold thetraditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hathloved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hopethrough grace, comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good wordand work." [2 Thessalonians 2:3-17 (KJV)]

Nous:#40Time:09:00 hrsDate:2017.8.7Torah:#40 #10 #20 %81 = #70Dao:Reversal, Avoiding ActivityTetra:#68 - DimmingI-Ching:H36 - Suppression of the Light, Sinking/Darkening Light,Brilliance injured, Intelligence hidden

Latin: Justitia {Virtue of God, House of God, Like unto God} Alt: Keliel{Vessel for God} {1. HELPS & PROTECTS THE SAFETY OF DECISIONS2. MONARCH, NOBLES, GOVERNORS3. UNCOVERS CONSPIRACIES4. Arpien}

Ahaz {One that takes or possesses}

- http://www.grapple369.com?zen:1,row:4,col:6,nous:40

***@zen: 1, row: 4, col: 6, nous: 40 [Super: #396 / #40 -Reversal, Avoiding Activity; I-Ching: H36 - Suppression of the Light,Sinking/Darkening Light, Brilliance injured, Intelligence hidden; Tetra:68 - Dimming, Ego: #275 / #40 - Reversal, Avoiding Activity; I-Ching:H36 - Suppression of the Light, Sinking/Darkening Light, Brillianceinjured, Intelligence hidden; Tetra: 68 - Dimming]

SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #396 has 18 Categories:

#5, #6, #300, #70, #10, #5 = Howsha`yah (H1955): {the salvation of theLord} 1) a prince of Judah {the praise of the Lord; confession} whoassisted in the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem {vision of peace} inthe time of Nehemiah {consolation; repentance of the Lord}; 2) thefather of Jezaniah {nourishment, or weapons, of the Lord} (or Azariah{he that hears the Lord}) who was a man of note after the destruction ofJerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar {tears and groans of judgment} in the timeof Jeremiah {exaltation of the Lord}; #30, #10, #200, #100, #6, #50 =yeraqown (H3420): 1) mildew, paleness, lividness; 1a) mildew, rust; 1b)paleness; #6, #10, #300, #70, #10 = Yish`iy (H3469): {salvation} 1) sonof Appaim {face; nostrils}, one of the line of Jerahmeel {the mercy, orthe beloved, of God} of the house of Hezron {the dart of joy; thedivision of the song}; 2) a chief of Manasseh {forgetfulness; he that isforgotten} and head of a family on the east of Jordan {the river ofjudgment}; 3) a chief of Judah {the praise of the Lord; confession},father of Zoheth {separation; amazing}; 4) a chief of Simeon {that hearsor obeys; that is heard} and head of a family; #20, #40, #300, #30, #6 =moshel (H4915): 1) *dominion*; 2) *likeness*, *one* *like*,*similitude*; #6, #10, #50, #300, #30 = nashal (H5394): 1) to slip off,drop off, clear away, draw off; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to slip or drop off;1a2) to draw off; 1a3) to clear away; 1b) (Piel) to clear outcompletely, clear entirely; #6, #70, #80, #200, #40 = `aphar (H6083): 1)*dry* *earth*, *dust*, *powder*, *ashes*, *earth*, *ground*, *mortar*,*rubbish*; 1a) dry or loose earth; 1b) debris; 1c) mortar; 1d) ore; #6,#90, #80, #10, #200, #10 = tsaphiyr (H6842): 1) he-goat; #10, #300, #2,#8, #6, #50, #20 = shabach (H7623): 1) to soothe, still, stroke; 2) tolaud, praise, commend; 1a) (Piel) to soothe, still; 1b) (Hiphil)stilling (participle); 2a) (Piel); 2a1) *to* *laud*, *praise* (*God*);2a2) *to* *commend*, *congratulate* (*the* *dead*); 2b) (Hithpael) toboast; #40, #300, #1, #10, #5, #40 = show' (H7722): 1) ravage n f; 2)devastation, ruin, waste; 2a) devastation, ruin; 2b) ruin, waste (ofland); #30, #300, #6, #50, #10 = Shuwniy (H7764): {changed; sleeping} 1)son of Gad {a band; a troop} and progenitor of the family of Shunites;#300, #6, #70, #20 = shuwa` (H7769): 1) cry, cry for help, cry out; 2)opulence; 2a) meaning dubious; #30, #300, #50, #10, #1, #5 = saniy'(H8146): 1) *hated*, *held* *in* *aversion*; #1, #50, #1, #3, #20, #1,#200, #70, #50 = anagkazo (G315): 1) *to* *necessitate*, *compel*,*drive* *to*, *constrain*; 1a) *by* *force*, *threats*, *etc*; 1b) *by**permission*, *entreaties*, *etc*; 1c) *by* *other* *means*; #1, #80,#300, #5, #10 = hapto (G681): 1) to fasten to, adhere to; 1a) to fastenfire to a thing, kindle, set of fire; #3, #1, #30, #1, #300, #10, #1,#50 = Galatia (G1053): {white; the color of milk} 1) the Roman {strong;powerful} province of Galatia my be roughly described as the centralregion of the peninsula of Asia {muddy; boggy} Minor, bounded on thenorth by Bithynia { violent precipitation} and Paphlagonia; on the eastby Pontus {the sea}; on the south by Cappadocia {a sphere, buckle, orhand} and Lycaonia {she-wolf}; on the west by Phrygia {dry; barren};#10, #1, #5, #10, #100, #70, #200 = Iaeiros (G2383): {*my* *light*;*who* *diffuses* *light*} 1) a ruler of a synagogue, probably near thewestern shore of the Sea of Galilee {wheel; revolution}; #40, #5, #30,#1, #50, #70, #200 = melan (G3188): 1) ink; #80, #5, #100, #3, #8, #200= Perge (G4011): {very earthy} 1) a town in Pamphylia {a nation made upof every tribe}, on the river Cestius, at a distance of 7 miles (10 km)from its mouth, and famous in antiquity for the worship of Artemis(Diana {luminous, perfect});

EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #275 has 10 Categories:

#6, #30, #2, #200, #7, #30 = barzel (H1270): 1) *iron*; 2) *tool* *of**iron*; 3) *harshness, *strength*, *oppression* (*figurative*); 1a)*iron*; 1a1) *iron* *ore*; 1a2) *as* *material* *of* *furniture*,*utensils*, *implements*; #2, #8, #200, #10, #5, #50 = chowr (H2356): 1)hole, cave; #5, #20, #200, #10, #40 = kar (H3733): 1) howdah, palanquin,basket saddle; 2) pasture, meadow; 3) ram, lamb, he-lamb; 4)battering-ram; 1a) an enclosed riding space erected on a camel's saddle;#5, #20, #200, #40, #10 = Karmiy (H3757): {my vineyard; *lamb* *of**the* *waters*} 1) the descendants of Carmi, the 4th son of Reuben {whosees the son; the vision of the son}; #6, #2, #40, #200, #20, #2, #5 =merkabah (H4818): 1) chariot; #5, #50, #20, #200 = nekar (H5236): 1)*foreign*, *alien*, *foreignness*, *that* *which* *is* *foreign*; 1a)*foreignness*, *foreign* *gods*; 1b) *alien*, *foreigner*; 1c) *foreign*(*vanities*); #6, #30, #70, #9, #30, #80, #10, #40 = `atalleph (H5847):1) bat; #100, #90, #10, #70, #5 = Qetsiy`ah (H7103): 1) the 2nd of thedaughters born to Job after his trial; #6, #10, #200, #4, #50, #5 =radah (H7287): 1) *to* *rule*, *have* *dominion*, *dominate*, *tread**down*; 2) *to* *scrape* *out*; 1a) (Qal) *to* *have* *dominion*,*rule*, *subjugate*; 1b) (Hiphil) *to* *cause* *to* *dominate*; 2a)(Qal) *to* *scrape*, *scrape* *out*; #30, #200, #40, #5 = rimmah(H7415): 1) *maggot*, *worm* (*as* *cause* *and* *sign* *of* *decay*);

And as even the blessed Doctor GOOGLE, who knows all such things, sostates, that their pathetic phallus disease as Osirian syndrome which isthe substantial cause for their pious belief, is due entirely tothemselves being the "Great Unwashed"--Amen.

"And if thy right hand offend thee, *cut* it off, and cast it from thee:for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, andnot that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

It hath been said, whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her awriting of divorcement: [RING-A-DING-DING:

And now, that we have publicly in accordance with your sensibilities andwith your allegedly superior SHARIA law as religious custom, as beingundertaken as an act of righteousness, perpetuated a divorced from youon the permissible grounds of you being the PYTHAGOREAN HETEROS THEORYOF NUMBER as BABYLONIAN WHORES, who are by now festering in theirrancidity, writhing and growling for revenge." [Matthew 5:30-31 (KJV)]

"And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with theblood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with greatadmiration." [Revelation 17:6 (KJV)]

At least my diseased cock is not only worth a couple of millions dollarsas a dowry to me. It also pays for my acts of charity towards others.I don't go hungry, nor do I want for anything: "Therefore I say to you,do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink;nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than foodand the body more than clothing?

Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gatherinto barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of morevalue than they?

Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indSzc3WWVQYUowN00

'So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field,how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you thateven Solomon [ie. who had seven hundred wives, princesses, and threehundred concubines: and his wives turned away his heart. For it came topass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart afterother gods:

"In fact, in ancient times, weren't this goddess and god known as*ALLAT* (ie. god of hymen as marriage) and *ALLAH* (ie. the godbaal-poer as the erect phallus), or what would better be termed asdeities representing the 'husband and wife'."

The number #15 was associated with one of the oldest Divinities in humanhistory, as usually the ancient Goddess of the Near East. Actually, thecuneiform for the number and the name of the Goddess was interchangeable.

Where the even numbers (feminine) within the primal 3x3 = #15 squareappear in the corners as in the female womb (ie. 8-6-4-2), containingthe odd numbers as masculine cross (ie. 9-7-5-3-1). This is amathematical pagan idolatrous symbol of the act of sacred union ormarriage from whence religionists sustain their immutable dogma as theimpious cause for a tax-free bounty.

And his heart was not perfect (ie. as indeed nor is yours given theINTELLECTUAL TETRAD of the centre #41 as the internal 3x3 metricationwithin the 9x9 = #369 magic square computes to a value of #123 as theJudgement of the Dead) with the LORD his God, as was the heart of David{well beloved; dear} his father" [1 Kings 11:3-4 (KJV)]


Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, andtomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, Oyou of little faith?

'Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall wedrink?' or 'What shall we wear?'

For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Fatherknows that you need all these things.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all thesethings shall be added to you.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itsown things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." [Matthew 6:25-34(KJV)]

After all, I wear handmade RM WILLIAMS boots which are the pride ofAustralia because they purposefully make one stride and swagger like aman with dignity. I don't wear sandals and shuffle around like acockroach as they say in Dutch: "*PETOFLEN* *EN* *SWAFFELEN*" (orzwaffelen) as term meaning to hit one's penis—often repeatedly—againstan object such as clothing or another person's body.

Swaffelen was named as the word of the year for 2008 within both theNetherlands and Belgium.

The act of swaffelen often takes place in the form of teasing, as crudehumour or a degrading context, but can also be a sexual act known astea-bagging which is the awkward insertion of one man's testicle sackinto another person's mouth. It is used as a practical joke in havingthe hallmark of a jingoistic prank, when performed on someone who isasleep. But generally when the act is practised on a person, it isoften the person's cheek that is hit. The penis is usually flaccid orsemi-erect during this act and therefore although impudent is notconsidered by its impotence as having any sexual intention.

As once again conveying an unambiguous sinister psycho-sexual impetuswhich is concealed by the pun in the *playing* *off* *the* *language* ashaving an equivalent subject content of planned and purposed intentionsand that were made some considerable time prior on 6 October, 2016 inbeen voluntarily used by RACHEL [COCKROACH] BEN-LEVI (***@gmail.com):

"You gave me a pretty [*BIGELOW*] raspberry royale tea bag as a littlegift".

Well then, my prudent advice is that you ought to now make yourselves analtar (eg. sacrifice someone/thing on/at the altar of) so as to wail,gibber and squawk impunities of questionable intent, by getting *cut* upabout it all because your grievous sin is made known to all the world.

I think the idea comes from the story of the prophet Elijah having astand-off with the priests of Baal: "And it came to pass at noon, thatElijah {God the Lord, the strong Lord} mocked them, and said, *Cry**aloud*: for he is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or heis in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked.

And they *cried aloud*, and *cut* *themselves* after their manner withknives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them." [1 Kings18:25-26 (KJV)]

I don't want to be so presumptuous in any manner whatsoever by subtlepremeditated action of mine, as to be then accused of putting impiouswords into my fascist protagonists mouth, but if one's manhood endowmentis enfeebled by the onset of *BALANITIS*, where then is there anywheredecent that you could put it as to substantially make a claim of moralsuperiority by such an uncivilised disrespect which is intentional and acareless inflammation made against propriety of another person?

I don't even go hungry, living modestly in want for nothing, as it paysmy taxes and all my bills and without the need to then resort tocriminality as your habitual piety as so frequently called: thou shaltnot commit adultery by taking another man's wife (ie. ISIS is yourharlot wife and the Mother of Abominations as your offspring and notmine), thou shalt not steal as the petty criminals that you are, thoushalt not bear false witness as your frequent lies made as obscurantismby half-truth piety, thou shalt not covet another's property and thoushalt not commit murder in the mistaken belief that you can silence meand thus steal from our people's collective entitlement. So as to notonly rob them of their dignity as the fount of their freedom, but theirenduring prosperity as a gracious gift from God Almighty and which isnot yours by any presumption which you care to make. And to thenunmercifully deny them the fruits of over 20 years of labour in therealisation of that prudent hope for better things as to partake withinthe prosperity of this Sovereign as Intellectual Property as mightotherwise be considered the prerogative entitlement of the Crown alone,but which by citizenship, is in my consideration also theirs asparticipation within this Commonwealth of Australia.

Even one of our prophetic leaders (may God Almighty bring joy to hissoul), that repentant old bugger has by pious pontification exclaimed,"Twenty years after pledging no Australian child would live in poverty,former prime minister Bob Hawke says his comment is one of his biggestregrets.

YOUTUBE: "Bob Hawke - 'By 1990 No Child will be Living in Poverty'."


"It was a silly shorthand thing," Mr Hawke has told News Limitednewspapers. "I should have just said what was in the distributed speech."

"We set ourselves this first goal: by 1990 no Australian child will beliving in poverty," Mr Hawke said on 23 June, 1987 at an electioncampaign launch.

The comment entered Australian political folklore after it was supposedto improve the ALP's major social welfare reform.

The printed version had it as: "By 1990 no Australian child need live inpoverty."

Mr Hawke's words returned to haunt him as his pledge was impossible to keep.

About 580,000 Australian children lived in poverty in 1987, welfaregroups said. Today at least 13 per cent of children, or 730,000 people,were poor, said Janet Stanley, spokeswoman for the Brotherhood of StLaurence.

"It's disappointing at that level, given the falling unemployment rateand the growing economy," Ms Stanley said.

Mr Hawke said his government gave more money to low-income families, butinstead of spending it on their kids, some "pissed it up against thewall". [0655 hours on 16 June 2007, Hawke regrets child poverty comment,(c) 2007 AAP]


Well Mr Hawke, in my view it will come to pass before you go to thegrave and without an inch of regret, for it is much better to have ashorthand thing than shortened ding.

I have elsewhere described the Greek philosophical conception aspredominantly an Epicurean school of thought on the meaning of the termTELOS which is associated to the quintessential perennialist traditionas a metaphysical notion that is applicable to my own claim of asuperseding mathematical theoretical noumenon as an IntellectualProperty and being an enabling technology for artificial intelligence asthe possibility of unlimited human enterprise which I envisage will beembedded within mobile phone technology and other devices. Because ofits compliance with Natural / Common Law as a HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBERin its provision of meta-descriptor prototypes as prerequisite tosapient and conscience reality of being and entitlement to anegalitarian right, it is then the justified cause and impetus for thesuperseding of Queen Victoria's originating instrumentation known as theLetters Patent for the Federation of the Commonwealth of Australia of 1901.

It remains as Letters Patent in perpetuity, the sole property of theSovereign Crown to the Commonwealth of Australia (#10 - TOTALITY OFNATURE / #7 - ENGENDERING NATURE: {YOD / Sovereignty})

I wish to now briefly give some consideration in conjunction with a fairand equitable benefit shared with other Sovereignties (#10 - TOTALITY OFNATURE / #7 - ENGENDERING NATURE: {YOD / Sovereignty}), itsconsequential transactional use by others (ie. HEPTAD - #11 / #8 -TRANSFORMING NATURE {KAF (DOUBLE - #4 - NATURE AMENDED IN ITS NATURE:{#7 - ENGENDERING NATURE}) / Government & Non-Government Organisations}and #12 - AUTONOMOUS NATURE: {LAMED / General Populace}) as beingentirely permissible by the negotiated opportunities undertaken with thefunction and agencies of the Federal Government as having aresponsibility for "specifically an impost or levy as paid taxation"made to the Commonwealth of Australia.

Which in Islamic religious practice is understood as equivalent to Jizya(or jizyah). In being a per capita yearly tax historically levied byIslamic states on certain non-Muslim subjects as dhimmis who arepermanently residing in Muslim lands and subject to Islamic law. Muslimjurists required that all adult, free, sane males among the dhimmacommunity were to pay the jizya, whilst exempting women, children,elders, handicapped, the ill, the insane, monks, hermits, slaves, andmusta'mins as non-Muslim foreigners who only temporarily reside inMuslim lands. Dhimmis who chose to join military service were exemptedfrom payment, as were those who could not afford to pay.

Jizya is mentioned by the Quran and hadiths (but not the rate oramount). However, scholars largely agree that early Muslim rulersadapted existing systems of taxation and tribute that were establishedunder previous rulers of the conquered lands, such as those of theByzantine and Sasanian empires.

The jizya tax was historically imposed on Jews, Christians andZoroastrians in the Arabian peninsula, the Levant, Iraq, North Africa,Caucasus and Spain, and on Hindus on the Indian Subcontinent into the19th century, but almost vanished during the 20th century. The tax is nolonger imposed by nation states in the Islamic world, although there arereported cases of organizations such as the Pakistani Taliban and ISISattempting to revive the practice.

The late Islamic scholar Abul A'la Maududi, of Pakistan, said that Jizyashould be re-imposed on non-Muslims in a Muslim nation. However, mostMuslims generally reject the dhimma system, which encompasses jizya, asinappropriate for the age of nation-states and democracies.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jizya]

I have in the past engaged in only gracious actions as the bestowal ofan unmitigated goodwill towards others as without any pre-conditionalrequirement in there being the prerequisite qualification made upon themto exhibit any tangible merit as the actual foundational substance ofclaimed religious belief. And which was made as public disclosureswithin Google Groups and Facebook, as to the publishing of uncensoreddetails concerning my Intellectual Property known as Grapple in being atheoretical mathematical noumenon that is reliant upon the ternaryHOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER and made in deference to the perennialisttraditional usage as redundant in only being a sub-function andsuperseded dependancy upon the binary HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER.

That after 20 years of continual disrespect, with never once afavourable regard as being a public nor private gratitude shown with anymodicum of joy. As now escalating in its severity, within its degree ofmaleficence, as to being only systematically, unashamedly and repeatedlyassailed by religionists in their substantiated claim of a piety. I havedefined the complexities of this opposition from the perspective, asbeing a composite lack of any sapient thought to any real depth,patterned conduct as repetitive use of idioms as mantras of oppositionfixed by symbolic associations to obsolete mathematical paradigms of*MIND* such as the HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER and specifically:


- http://www.grapple369.com?telos:417

#300, #50, #1, #6, #50, #10 = sin'ah (H8135): 1) *hating*, *hatred*,*hate*; 1a) *hatred*; 1a1) *of* *man*, *God*; #5, #400, #6, #6 = tavah(H8428): 1) (Hiphil) *to* *pain*, *wound*, *trouble*, *cause* *pain*;1a) meaning probable;

#1, #50, #1, #9, #5, #40, #1, #300, #10 = anathema (G331): 1) a thingset up or laid by in order to be kept; 2) *a* *thing* *devoted* *to**God* *without* *hope* *of* *being* *redeemed*, *and* *if* *an**animal*, *to* *be* *slain*; therefore a person or thing doomed todestruction; 1a) specifically, an offering resulting from *a* *vow*,which after being consecrated to a god was hung upon the walls orcolumns of the temple, or put in some other conspicuous place; 2a) *a**curse*; 2b) *a* *man* *accursed*, *devoted* *to* *the* *direst* *of* woes;

#5, #50, #1, #50, #300, #10, #1 = enantios (G1727): 1) *over* *against*,*opposite*; 2) metaphor: 1a) of place, opposite, contrary (*of* *the**wind*); 2a) *opposed* *as* *an* *adversary*, *hostile*, *antagonistic**in* *feeling* *or* *act*; 2b) *an* *opponent*;

#5, #80, #10, #2, #1, #100, #8, #200, #1, #10 = epibareo (G1912): 1)*to** put* *a* *burden* *upon*, *to* *load*; 2) *to* *be* *burdensome*;

#20, #1, #20, #70, #80, #1, #9, #5, #10, #1, #200 = kakopatheia (G2552):1) *the* *suffering* *of* *evil*, *ie*. *trouble*, *distress*, *afflicted*;

#40, #1, #10, #50, #5, #300, #1, #10 = mainomai (G3105): 1) *to* *be**mad*, *to* *rave*; 1a) *of* *one* *who* *so* *speaks* *that* *he**seems* *not* *to* *be* *in* *his* *right* *mind*;

#70, #3, #4, #70, #70, #200 = ogdoos (G3590): 1) *the* *eighth*;

#80, #100, #70, #8, #30, #9, #70, #50 = proerchomai (G4281): 1) to goforward, go on; 2) to go before; 2a) to go before, precede; 2b) to gobefore, in the advance of another;

#5, #300, #1, #60, #1, #50 = tasso (G5021): 1) to put in order, tostation; 1a) *to* *place* *in* *a* *certain* *order*, *to* *arrange*,*to* *assign* *a* *place*, *to* *appoint*; 1a1) *to* *assign*(*appoint*) *a* *thing* *to* *one*; 1b) *to* *appoint*, *ordain*,*order*; 1b1) *to* *appoint* *on* *one's* *own* *responsibility* *or**authority*; 1b2) to appoint mutually, ie. agree upon;

By having sought to even subject me to a deprivation of any equabilityas my Natural / Common Law entitlement to a egalitarian right which is areligious belief that is unlike that of my protagonists, in actuallybeing substantiated by the truthful fact of a real and tangibleIntellectual Property.

This has been consequential to a culture of pillory as unrepentantpublic prejudices promulgating untruthful slanderous psycho sexualracialism which has an intention to perpetuate a disenfranchising ofeven my right to citizenship by it's free expression of a self-identityas autonomy of will as being consequential to their disrespectful andspiteful acts as social excoriation, exclusion and now accompanyingmurderous threats.

Which can be more properly considered as wanton de-humanizing acts inbeing constituted by treasonable crimes against humanity as war crimes.

First of all we clearly state the obvious, that there is an invalidationmade against the questionable authentic claims of three Abrahamicreligions as their legitimate existence to being as now redundant whichis predicated upon a misnomer and a fraud consequential to thecircumstance, that Abraham {father of a great multitude} read to thePrinces of Zoan {motion} from the Book of Enoch {Initiated; figurativelyto initiate or discipline; dedicate, train up} and therefore had anunderstanding of a HOMOIOS as 3 (TERCE)-6 (SEXT)-9 (NONE) bifurcatedreality as the meta-descriptor prototypes associated to 22/7 = 3W1D asbase-7 chronology comprising a 364 day year perspective of the cosmology.


- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indM3ZRUHhLejlnVlU

This is distinctly different to the Egyptian/Roman Empire use of thebinary (ie. gender and spermatic bifurcated attributes) HETEROS schemaassociated to the 365 or 365.25 day calendar.

The worship of GOD according to the HETEROS based notion of the GODHEADis idolatry which Abraham was against as he is alleged to have destroyedhis father's idols.

It bears no relationship to the worship of God according to the HOMOIOSnotion of GODHEAD."

DARCY JACKSON: "SEMANTICS... it's still the same figment of theirimaginations."

DOLF: "It is not semantics at all.

It is a question of numbered authenticity and that all three suchreligious belief are fascist in their core.

And that I own an intellectual property which is otherwise and they cango to hell because I'm not obligated to share it with them."

RACHEL [COCKROACH] BEN-LEVI: "Yeah, well at my least my dad isn't aJesus freak."

DOLF: "It is deceptive to make the claim which you have and you ought topublicly correct such a false statement:

"And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to [our]father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise upchildren unto Abraham {father of a great multitude}." [Matthew 3:9 (KJV)]


- http://www.grapple369.com?date:2017.1.31

And we'll simply for the present, let each of these religionists fretand burdened themselves upon the weight of such a travesty to theirfoundations and substance of religious belief, disbelief and non-belief.And hopefully they don't descend into anarchy and chaotic violence asjuggernaut {ie. any large, overpowering, destructive force or object, aswar, a giant battleship, or a powerful football team; anything requiringblind devotion or cruel sacrifice; also called Jagannath as an ideal ofKrishna at Puri in Odisha, India annually drawn on an enormous cart andunder whose wheels devotes are said to have thrown themselves to becrushed; Courtesy: Word of the Day on 5 February 2017;www.dictionary.com} before there is sufficient time for the preparationof a finalised proposition of restitution which is to be made by them astheir only dignified opportunity that will be available .


[To be continued about the payment of a levy by Religious Institutionsor Organisations whose belief, dis-belief or non-belief has been reliantupon the redundant as now superseded Pythagorean binary HETEROS THEORYOF NUMBER as transformative prototype by a CANON OF TRANSPOSITION]

My fascist assailant as an amoral protagonist exhibiting a dishonestpiety, has sought to engage within racially prejudiced mirth as anindirect disrespect directed towards both my Friesian ancestry andmother's equivalent female first name of 'Geertje' and whose surname wasBOEK as also being mine by a lawful adoption of a change of name madeupon my birth certificate. As being a people who were north of theRhine River and despite some instances of an infatuation with thepretences and indulgence of Roman Catholic Popery, were if myunderstanding is correct, therefore not generally under Roman Empire rule.

In this regard my mother's first name bears an equivalent meaning to theDutch male name GEERT which is derived from the Germanic words 'GER'(*SPEAR*) and 'HARD' (strong or brave) as then meaning 'Strong or Bravewith the *SPEAR*'. And it is understood as being a compounding andcomplex idea which is entirely consistent with the anonymous verbalassailants clear intention to: "*repudiate* *cleverness* *and* *discard**sharpness*" and even though such "*cleverness* [qiao] *and* *sharpness*[li] *designate* *the* *best* *of* *human* *resources*" as beenpreviously mapped to the Jerusalem Temple's consideration of the sacredhour of prayer occurring at 1500 hours / 8 November and to which "MYTR[I]UMP[HANT] MAN-CHOO" petition (ie. an appeal or request to a deityor a superior: a steady stream of petitions to Allah were audible)applies.

- http://www.grapple369.com?time:15.00

As also having an oblique referenced associated to the Hebrew CATEGORYOF UNDERSTANDING {ie. #390 = #40, #70, #200, #30, #10, #40 - `arel(H6189): 1) *uncircumcised*, *having* *foreskin*} and the "*curtailing**self-interest*, *and* *have* *few* *desires*" as given within the DAOTE CHING's wisdom commentary for the Nous: #19 - Argument for EthicalAnarchism, Returning to Simplicity; I-Ching: H57 - Compliance, GentlePenetration/Wind, Ground, Calculations; Tetra: 58 - Gathering In.

- http://www.grapple369.com?zen:1,row:6,col:8,nous:19

"And David {well-beloved; dear} spake to the men that stood by him,saying, 'What shall be done to the man that killeth this Philistine{those who dwell in villages}, and taketh away the reproach from Israel{who prevails with God}? For who is this uncircumcised{`arel-uncircumcised [H6189]: #390} Philistine, that he should defy thearmies of the living God?'" [1Samuel 17:26]

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indUWdZU0hDTHZWVFk

"Tell it not in Gath {a wine-press}, publish it not in the streets ofAskelon {*weight*; *balance*; fire of infamy}; lest the daughters of thePhilistines {those who dwell in villages} rejoice, lest the daughters ofthe uncircumcised {`arel-uncircumcised [H6189]: #390} triumph." [2Samuel1:20 (KJV)]

"And art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a lightof them which are in darkness, an instructor of the *foolish*, a teacherof babes, which hast the form of knowledge and of the truth in the law.

Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself? thouthat preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal? Thou thatsayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thouthat abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege? Thou that makest thyboast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God?

For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as itis written.

For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law: but if thou bea breaker of the law, *thy* *circumcision* *is* *made* *uncircumcision*.*Therefore* *if* *the* *uncircumcision* *keep* *the* *righteousness**of* *the* *law*, *shall* *not* *his* *uncircumcision* *be* *counted**for* *circumcision*?

*And* *shall* *not* *uncircumcision* *which* *is* *by* *nature*, *if**it* *fulfil* *the* *law*, *judge* *thee*, *who* *by* *the* *letter**and* *circumcision* *dost* *transgress* *the* *law*? For he is not aJew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which isoutward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; andcircumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter;whose praise is not of men, but of God." [Romans 2:19-29 (KJV)]

As the Chinese Yang Hsiung as HAN (206 BCE to 220 CE) Dynasty masterstates as his commentary as considerations made of TETRA: 12 -YOUTHFULNESS within his 4 BCE treatise titled "The Canon of SupremeMystery", as categorically equating his view as consistent with hisother 'classic,' the Model Sayings:

"To work at study is not as good as to work at finding a teacher. Ateacher is a model for others... Just as within a single noisymarketplace there are countless different ideas, within a book of asingle chapter there are countless different theories. For themarketplace, *a* *balance* *must* *be* *set* *up* [*to* *determine**correct* *weight* *and* *value*], so for each book, a teacher must beset up."

And the meaning of 'sharp instruments' of which a '*spear*' is aninclusive object, is obtained by a prudent reading of the Acts of theApostles [Acts 10:1-29] account of the Jerusalem Temple's 3 (TERCE)-6(SEXT)-9 (NONE) prayer times including {#456 = #300, #50, #6, #50, #10,#40 = shanan (H8150): 1) *to* *sharpen*, *whet*; 1a) (Qal) *to* *whet*,*sharpen*; 1b) (Piel) *to* *sharpen*, *teach* (*incisively*); 1c)(Hithpolel) *to* *be* *pierced*;} by the Apostle Simon Peter and thepious Roman Centurion named Cornelius {of a horn as similarly associatedto #390 = #40, #100, #200, #50 = qaran (H7160): 1) *to* *shine*; 1a)(Qal) *to* *send* *out* *rays*; 1b) (Hiphil) to display or grow horns,be horned} who is a soldier of the Italian Regiment and a believerwithin God Almighty as YAHWEH of Israel rather than that of the RomanMithras {#65 - Soldier (Miles): Mars as the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING of#325 obtained from the total esoteric sum value for the 5x5 magic squareand which equates to the #369 - Greco-Roman Magic Square as Nous: #36 -Natural Reversals, 'Secret' Explanation; I-Ching: H4 - JuvenileIgnorance, Youthful Inexperience, Enveloping, The young shoot,Discovering; Tetra: 12 - Youthfulness.

Once again, within the DAO TE CHING's wisdom commentary, the "Sharpinstruments' [liqi] are devices [qi] used to profit the State [li guo].Act only in accordance with the nature [xing] of the people and do notrely on punishment to keep them in order. It is by ensuring that thesedevices cannot be seen, thus allowing everyone to obtain his properplace, that they are the 'sharp instruments' of the State. Disclosingthem to the people means relying on punishment. If one tries to usepunishment to profit that State, it will means loss. It fish escape tothe depths, they certainly are lost. If it is as devices used to profitthe State that one establishes punishments and as such discloses them tothe people, this also surely will mean loss."

OUR CLEVER PETITION AS INTERVENTION following the presiding JudgeHendrik Steenhuis of the Dutch court on 9 December, 2016, who in ourconsideration improperly convicted anti-Islamic Dutch MP Geert Wilders,of hate speech so as 'to protect rights, freedoms of others' which hebranded a politically motivated '*CHARADE*' that actually endangeredfreedom of speech:

Nous:#29Time:17:05 hrsDate:2017.12.9Torah:#5 #5 #5 %81 = #15Dao:Deeming, Non-AssertionTetra:#67 - DarkeningI-Ching:H36 - Suppression of the Light, Sinking/Darkening of the Light,Brilliance injured, Intelligence hidden

Latin: Dominator {God in three persons} Alt: Lavyah {Absence of DesireBefore God} {1. HELPS AGAINST THE UNGODLY & SLANDERERS2. MISSIONARIES3. PRIESTS & PRELATES4. Chantare}

Jotham {The perfection of the Lord}

- http://www.grapple369.com/?date:2016.12.9

***@zen: 2, row: 7, col: 6, nous: 29 [Super: #334 / #27 - GreatestFunctional Skill in Paradoxes; I-Ching: H21 - Bite Together, BitingThrough, Gnawing Bite; Tetra: 74 - Closure, Ego: #280 / #29 - Deeming,Non-Assertion; I-Ching: H36 - Suppression of the Light,Sinking/Darkening of the Light, Brilliance injured, Intelligence hidden;Tetra: 67 - Darkening]

SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #334 has 19 Categories:

#6, #50, #3, #200, #70, #5 = gara` (H1639): 1) *to* *diminish*,*restrain*, withdraw, abate, keep back, do away, take from, clip; 1a)(Qal); 1a1) to diminish; 1a2) to restrain; 1a3) to withdraw; 1b)(Niphal); 1b1) to be withdrawn; 1b2) to be restrained; 1c) (Piel) towithdraw, draw up; #40, #4, #200, #20, #10, #20, #40 = derek (H1870): 1)way, road, distance, journey, manner; 1a) road, way, path; 1b) journey;1c) direction; 1d) manner, habit, way; 1e) of course of life(figurative); 1f) *of* *moral* *character* (*figurative*); #10, #8, #60,#200, #6, #50 = chacer (H2637): 1) *to* *lack*, *be* *without*,*decrease*, *be* *lacking*, *have* *a* *need*; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) *to**lack*; 1a2) *to* *be* *lacking*; 1a3) *to* *diminish*, *decrease*; 1b)(Piel) *to* *cause* *to* *lack*; 1c) (Hiphil) *to* *cause* *to* *be**lacking*; #8, #200, #6, #40, #80 = charuwmaph (H2739): {destruction} 1)father of Jedaiah {the hand of the Lord; confessing the Lord}, one ofthe builders of the wall in Nehemiah's {consolation; repentance of theLord} time; #8, #200, #10, #10, #6, #50, #10, #40 = charey-yowniym(H2755): 1) dung, doves' dung; #30, #8, #200, #40, #6, #50 = Chermown(H2768): {*anathema*; *devoted* *to* *destruction*} 1) a mountain on thenortheastern border of Palestine {*which* *is* *covered*; *watered*;*or* *brings* *and* *causes* *ruin*} and Lebanon {white, incense} andoverlooking the border city of Dan {judgment; he that judges}; #30,#300, #4 = leshad (H3955): 1) juice, juicy bit, dainty bit; #30, #40,#200, #4, #20, #40 = marad (H4775): 1) *to* *rebel*, *revolt*, *be**rebellious*; 1a) (Qal) *to* *rebel*, *revolt*; 1a1) *against* *human**king*; 1a2) *against* *God*; 1a3) *against* *light* (*poetic*); #6,#30, #70, #7, #200, #10, #5, #6 = `Azaryah (H5838): {he that hears theLord} 1) son of king Amaziah {the strength of the Lord} of Judah {thepraise of the Lord; confession} and king of Judah himself for 52 years;also Uzziah {the strength, or kid, of the Lord}; 2) the godly friend ofDaniel {judgment of God; God my judge} who Nebuchadnezzar {tears andgroans of judgment} renamed Abednego {servant of light; shining}; one ofthe three friends who with Daniel refused to make themselves unclean byeating food from the king's table which went against the dietary lawswhich God had given the Jews; also one of the three who were thrown intothe fiery furnace for refusing to bow down to a graven image ofNebuchadnezzar and who were saved by the angel of the Lord; 3) son ofNathan {given; giving; rewarded} and an officer of Solomon {peaceable;perfect; one who recompenses}; perhaps David's {well-beloved, dear}grandson and Solomon's nephew; 4) a prophet in the days of king Asa{physician; cure} of Judah {the praise of the Lord; confession}; 5) sonof king Jehoshaphat {the Lord is judge} of Judah and brother to 5; 6)another son of king Jehoshaphat of Judah and brother to 4; 7) a priest,son of Ahimaaz {a brother of the council}, grandson of Zadok {just;justified} and high priest in the reign of king Solomon; 8) the highpriest in the reign of king Uzziah {the strength, or kid, of the Lord}of Judah; 9) a priest who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah{consolation; repentance of the Lord}; probably same as 18; 10) aKohathite {congregation; wrinkle; bluntness} Levite {associated withhim}, father of Joel {he that wills or commands} in the reign of kingHezekiah {strength of the Lord} of Judah {the praise of the Lord;confession}; 11) a Merarite {bitter; to provoke} Levite, son ofJehalelel {praising God; clearness of God} in the reign of king Hezekiah{strength of the Lord} of Judah {the praise of the Lord; confession};12) a Kohathite Levite, son of Zephaniah {the Lord is my secret} andancestor of Samuel {heard of God; asked of God} the prophet; 13) aLevite who helped Ezra {help; court} in instructing the people in thelaw; 14) son of Jeroham {high; merciful; beloved} and one of the templecaptains of Judah in the time of queen Athaliah {the time of the Lord};probably the same as 21; 15) son of Maaseiah {˛the work of the Lord} whorepaired part of the wall of Jerusalem {vision of peace} in the time ofNehemiah {consolation; repentance of the Lord}; 16) one of the leaderswho returned from Babylon {incongruity; confusion; mixture} withZerubbabel {a stranger at Babylon; dispersion of confusion; mixture};17) a man who assisted in the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem{vision of peace} in the time of Nehemiah {consolation; repentance ofthe Lord}; probably the same as 10; 18) son of Johanan {who is liberalor merciful}, one of the captains of Ephraim {fruitful; increasing} inthe reign of king Ahaz {one that takes or possesses} of Judah {thepraise of the Lord; confession}; 19) a Judaite, son of Ethan {strong;the gift of the island} of the sons of Zerah {east; brightness}; 20) aJudaite, son of Jehu {himself who exists} of the family of the Jerahmee{the mercy, or the beloved, of God}; 2a) also, Abednego {servant oflight; shining}; #70, #40, #10, #8, #6, #200 = `Ammiychuwr (H5991):{people of praise} 1) a ruler of Syria {who is happy; or walks; orlooks}; #6, #80, #200, #8, #40 = perach (H6525): 1) bud, sprout; #30,#100, #4, #200 = Qedar (H6938): 1) a son of Ishmael as the people; 2)the descendants of Kedar {blackness; sorrow}; #6, #30, #200, #8, #40,#10, #40 = racham (H7356): 1) *womb*; 2) compassion; #6, #300, #6, #2,#20 = Showbak (H7731): {your bonds; your chains} 1) general of kingHadarezer {beauty of assistance} of the Syrians {who is happy; or walks;or looks} of Zoba {an army; warring} in the time of David {well-beloved,dear}; #1, #80, #5, #10, #30, #8, #200 = apeile (G547): 1) athreatening, threat; #2, #10, #2, #30, #10, #70, #10, #200 = biblion(G975): 1) a small book, a scroll, a written document; 2) a sheet onwhich something has been written; 2a) *a* *bill* *of* *divorcement*; #4,#100, #70, #40, #70, #50 = dromos (G1408): 1) *a* *course*; 1a) *in**the* *New* *Testament* *is* *figuratively*, *the* *course* *of* *life**or* *of* *office*; #5, #9, #50, #70, #200 = ethnos (G1484): 1) *a**multitude* (*whether* *of* *men* *or* *of* *beasts*) *associated* *or**living* *together*; 2) *a* *multitude* *of* *individuals* *of* *the**same* *nature* *or* *genus*; 3) *a* *race*, *nation*, *people* *group*;4) in the Old Testament are the foreign nations not worshipping the trueGod, pagans, Gentiles; 5) Paul uses the term for Gentile Christians; 1a)a company, troop, *swarm*; 2a) the human race; #30, #5, #80, #10, #4,#5, #200 = lepis (G3013): 1) a scale;

EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #280 has 17 Categories:

#1, #8, #200, #10, #5, #6, #50 = 'achar (Aramaic) (H311): 1) after; #6,#4, #200, #70 = Dara` (H1873): {generation; house of the shepherd or ofthe companion} 1) a son of Zerah {east; brightness}; #40, #8, #2, #200,#10, #20 = chaber (H2270): 1) united; 2) associate, fellow, worshippers;3) companion; #10, #200, #20, #10, #40 = yarek (H3409): 1) thigh, side,loin, base; 1a) thigh; 1a1) outside of thigh (where sword was worn);1a2) loins (as the seat of procreative power); 1b) side (flank) (ofobject); 1c) base; #40, #100, #10, #80, #10, #40 = naqaph (H5362): 1) tostrike, strike off; 2) to go around, compass, round; 1a) (Piel) tostrike off skin; 2a) (Qal) to go around; 2b) (Hiphil); 2b1) to goaround, surround, encompass, enclose; 2b2) to make the round, completethe circuit; 2b3) to make round, round off; #6, #70, #4, #200 = `Eder(H5740): {a flock} 1) a Merarite {bitter; to provoke} Levite {associatedwith him} in the time of David {well-beloved, dear}; 2) a town in theextreme south of Judah {the praise of the Lord; confession} on theborder of Edom {red, earthy; of blood}; site unknown; #6, #70, #200, #4= `Arad (H6166): {a wild ass; a *dragon*} 1) a Benjamite {son of theright hand}, son of Beriah {in fellowship; in envy}, who drove out theinhabitants of Gath {a wine-press}; 2) a royal city of the Canaanites{merchant; trader; or that humbles and subdues} north of the wildernessof Judah {the praise of the Lord; confession}; #70, #200, #6, #4 =`arowd (H6171): 1) wild ass; #40, #80, #10, #100, #10, #40 = puwq(H6329): 1) to bring out, furnish, promote, go out, issue; 1a) (Hiphil);1a1) to produce, furnish; 1a2) to bring out, elicit, obtain, cause tocome out from; 1a3) to promote; 1a4) to cause to go out to; #40, #80,#50, #10, #50, #10, #40 = paniyn (H6443): 1) a precious stone; 1a)perhaps corals, rubies, jewels; #1, #50, #1, #3, #5, #200, #9, #1, #10 =anago (G321): 1) to lead up, to lead or bring into a higher place; 2) ofnavigators: launch out, set sail, put to sea; #70, #10, #200 = autos(G846): 1) himself, herself, themselves, itself; #4, #10, #5, #2, #8,#200, #1, #50 = diabaino (G1224): 1) to pass through, cross over; #10,#20, #70, #50, #10, #70, #50 = Ikonion (G2430): {coming} 1) a famouscity of Asia {muddy; boggy} Minor, which was the capital of Lycaonia{she-wolf}; #40, #70, #50, #70, #50 = monon (G3440): 1) only, alone,but; #200, #1, #3, #8, #50, #8, #10 = sagene (G4522): 1) *a* *large**fishing* *net*, *a* *drag* *net*; #200, #70, #10 = su (G4771): 1) you;

ODE TO GEERT {Germanic words 'ger' (*SPEAR*) and 'hard' (strong orbrave) meaning 'Strong or Brave with the *SPEAR*'. The name's commonfemale equivalent is 'Geertje' as my mother's name}



WHEN JUSTICE IS SO VAIN,IN WANT, LOSS AND DISDAIN.THIS FESTSCHRIFT IS TO YOU,ALSTUBLIEFT {ie. if you please and you as being civil, say this when yougive something to someone you do not know or much older or moreimportant than you} AND ADIEU {ie. farewell as equivalent to the Englishcontraction of God be with you; But it's also a French song about death...}

YOUTUBE: "Adieu from the HITRECORD on TV episode 5 RE: THE OTHER SIDE"


STICKYBEAK:- (noun) Australian Slang for a busybody; meddler.

CLARION:- (adjective) Clear and shrill: the *clarion* call of a battle *trump*.- (noun) An ancient *trumpet* with a curved shape.- #8, #90, #90, #200, #5 = chatsotserah (H2689): 1) *trumpet*,*clarion*; @ 1200 hours / 24 September as associated to Nous: #25 -What's behind it all?, Imaging the Mysterious; I-Ching: H62 - MinorSuperiority, Small Excess, Small Exceeding, Preponderance of the small,Small surpassing; Tetra: 10 - Defectiveness, Distortion; within theprovidence of the Greco-Roman Magic Square which has a computed CATEGORYOF UNDERSTANDING as SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #456 and EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #393and temporarily has a mapping to #111 - Runner of the Sun (Heliodromus):Sol Invictus

FOOTLE:- (verb) to act or talk in a *foolish* or silly way.- (noun) nonsense; *foolishness*; silliness.- #20, #300, #5, #60, #20, #30 = cakal (H5530): 1) *fool*; and in thisregard is equivalent to Nous #40 - Reversal, Avoiding Activity; I-Ching:H36 - Suppression of the Light, Sinking/Darkening Light, Brillianceinjured, Intelligence hidden; Tetra: 68 - Dimming; as a determinationmade of the 4th of the septet #369 magic square arrays as thechronological plane and which produces the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDINGassociated within Nous: #14 - to the EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #307 / #33 -Achievable Goals, Virtue of Discrimination; I-Ching: H9 - LesserDomestication, Minor Restraint, Small Accumulating, The taming power ofthe small, Small harvest; Tetra: 35 - Gathering; as cushioned by SUPER(MALE) IDEA: #435;

THRASONICAL:- (adjective) boastful; *vainglorious*.- #20, #5, #50, #70, #4, #70, #60, #70, #10 = kenodoxos (G2755): 1)*glorying* *without* *reason*, *conceited*, *vain* *glorious*, *eager**for* *empty* *glory*; and in this regard is equivalent to Nous #14 -Praising the Mysterious (Metaphysics); I-Ching: H19 - Overseeing,Approaching, Nearing, The forest; Tetra: 9 - Branching Out; as adetermination made of the 4th of the septet #369 magic square arrays asthe chronological plane and which produces the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDINGassociated within Nous: #14 - to the EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #359 ascushioned by SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #404;

FESTSCHRIFT:- (noun) A volume of articles, essays, etc., contributed by many authorsin honour of a colleague, usually published on the occasion ofretirement, an important anniversary, or the like. [Courtesy: Words ofDay for 8 to 12 December, 2016; www.dictionary.com]

In my view, Mr GEERT GILDERS makes a factual consideration in relationto a logical proposition of mathematical quantification and notprejudiced value: "Do you want in this city and in the Netherlands moreor less {ie. #334 = #10, #8, #60, #200, #6, #50 = chacer (H2637): 1)*to* *lack*, *be* *without*, *decrease*, *be* *lacking*, *have* *a**need*; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) *to* *lack*; 1a2) *to* *be* *lacking*; 1a3) *to**diminish*, *decrease*; 1b) (Piel) *to* *cause* *to* *lack*; 1c)(Hiphil) *to* *cause* *to* *be* *lacking*;} Moroccans?"

And he does so with an accompanying *MODERATE* as a normal manner ofgesticulation (ie. there was no nazi salutes because he only aright-wing liberal who is capable of voicing *MORAL* {ie. #334 = #40,#4, #200, #20, #10, #20, #40 = derek (H1870): 1) way, road, distance,journey, manner; 1a) road, way, path; 1b) journey; 1c) direction; 1d)manner, habit, way; 1e) of course of life (figurative); 1f) *of* *moral**character* (*figurative*)} questions of what is right and what iswrong?), had then a dramatic effect within the public sphere, by theaudience who then voiced approval as to the merit of the briefstatement, as if to say:

'Hooray! A champion of our cause and who can take care of that"

AN ADDITIONAL NOTATION ON THE CONSIDERATION IS GIVEN TO TETRA: 9 -BRANCHING OUT (ie. #65 CE) within EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #359 / #14 -Praising the Mysterious (Metaphysics); I-Ching: H19 - Overseeing,Approaching, Nearing, The forest; Tetra: 9 - Branching Out; by YangHsiung within his 4 BCE treatise known as THE CANON OF SUPREME MYSTERYON TETRA: 13 - INCREASE:

An increase in *MORAL* acuity is based on a sound ethical foundation.This increase, of course, mimics yang ch'i, which productively expandsonly after building a solid inner base in Tetragram 9 - BRANCHING OUT.

And on TETRA: 28 - CHANGE, Yang Hsiung comments: And just as flightdepends upon the interaction of structural *PATTERNS* (in the wing) andunseen currents (in the *wind*), the human potential for *MORAL*elevation relies upon the interaction of structural *PATTERNS* [whichare re-enforced by ritual practice within] society and [are the] unseentendencies in the spirit:

"Jesus {He is saved/A saviour; a deliverer} answered, Verily, verily, Isay unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, hecannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the fleshis flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel notthat I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

The *wind* *bloweth* *where* *it* *listeth*, *and* *thou* *hearest**the* *sound* *thereof*, *but* *canst* *not* *tell* *whence* *it**cometh*, *and* *whither* *it* *goeth*: *so* *is* *every* *one* *that**is* *born* *of* *the* *Spirit*.

Nicodemus {victory of the people} answered and said unto him, 'How canthese things be?'

Jesus answered and said unto him, 'Art thou a master of Israel {whoprevails with God}, and knowest not these things?

Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testifythat we have seen; and ye receive not our witness.

If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall yebelieve, if I tell you of heavenly things?

And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down fromheaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

And as Moses {taken out; drawn forth} lifted up the serpent in thewilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoeverbelieveth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, thatwhosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but thatthe world through him might be saved.

He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not iscondemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the onlybegotten Son of God.

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and menloved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. Forevery one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light,lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to thelight, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought inGod.'" [John 3:5-21 (KJV)]

NOTE: As to what constitutes the substantial form (forma substantialis)of the formal cause (causa formalis) as to the quintessential firstmaterial (materia prima: Anthropic Cosmological Principle as theabsolute generalized basis of all subsequent individualization that isutterly potential and is devoid of all attributes or qualities) which isthen the *MIND* as intellectualised universal form (universalia forma),idea, shape or pattern of the essential or natural image of God (imagoDei essentialis sive naturalis: that archetypal principal perfections ofrighteousness, holiness and wisdom as the likeness or resemblance to Godin which man was originally created).

Which then results in the second matter (materia secunda) as the basisfor all material existence (essentia: indicates the entire whatness of athing including the materiality or spirituality as its substantia) asthe integrity and authenticity of being within the world and living incompliance (status integritatis) as obedience with the terms of theinnate *MORAL* (lex moralis primordialis: which as a habit and capacityof will by its exercise of intellect as being primarily intentioned tobe regulated by the innate understanding which grasps the basicprinciples of the *MORAL* law and spontaneously acts according to thedictates as wants and desires of conscientia) and the natural law (ie.the universal *MORAL* law either impresses by God upon the *MIND* of allthe people or immediately discerned by the reason in its encounter withthe order of nature) as a covenant of nature (foedus naturae: predicatedon the original integrity of human nature and its capacity for obedienceunder the terms if the innate *MORAL* or natural law) bestowed upon usby the graciousness of God

What advice or counsel of the church (consilia evangelica) would theygive on various *MORAL* issues as their claim to a higher obedience thanthe natural law (ie. on the basis of Pythagorean HETEROS THEORY OFNUMBER) which is required by others who follow the counsels to performacts of merit and who are thereby given a *GREATER* certainty ofsalvation than those who merely follow the commands of the law. Andwhat then is the character of the forma corporis of your archetypal sonof man {ie. HEAVEN (H27) EARTH (H9) = MAN (H36) as #666} in relation toyour representations (conscientia erronea: erring conscience of thereprobate *MIND* which misidentifies the good) as improper claims madeof Jesus {He is saved/A saviour; a deliverer} of Nazareth {Sovereign;one chosen or set apart; separated; crowned; sanctified}, in being thenthe full embodiment of this Divine *MIND* as an AUTONOMY OF WILL?

This tetragram shows life resurgent and *MORAL* life retrieved from evilhabits. Though change of any kind calls for caution, change at thistime opens the way for generally positive developments.

Appraisal 1: Having evolved in darkness,It is not right.Impropriety seems like nature.Fathoming 1: Darkly changed, proprieties blocked,Means: In youth, he alters his course.

Deep at the core of his being, the individual has neglected to developthe potential for goodness that is endowed with human nature. As heaccustoms himself to evil, it becomes his second nature. Such a basicdistortion of human nature can seem natural enough, especially whenchanges are carried out gradually over the years. As one HANphilosopher observed:

Whatever is completed during one's youth seems like the human naturesent by Heaven. Whatever is customary comes to seem 'natural.'

Still, the implications of such changes could not be more profound.Through his failure to develop his innate potential for Goodness, thepetty person loses the only characteristic that truly distinguishes himfrom the beasts. It is especially important, then, to take care at thebeginning and attend to the base.

Appraisal 2: The time is Seven, the time is Nine.The carriage rolls on its way.Fathoming 2: Timely seven times, timely nine timesMeans: Without fail, he faces change.

By convention, both #7 - ENGENDERING NATURE / #4 - NATURE AMENDED IN ITSNATURE: {ZAYIN / *PRINCIPALITIES* (Gk. Exousia - (in the sense ofability); privilege, that is, (subjectively) *force*, capacity,competency, freedom, or (objectively) mastery (concretely magistrate,superhuman, potentate, *token* *of* *control*), delegatedinfluence:--authority, jurisdiction, liberty, power, right, strength)}and #9 - AUTONOMOUS NATURE / #6 - FORM OF NATURE: {TETH / ANGELS (Gk.Aggelos - a messenger; especially an 'angel'; by implication a churchpastor or ecclesiastic)} as odd numbers symbolize yang ch'i. In anine-part cycle, they would correspond to maturity and decline. Theremay also be number magic at work here:

Since #2 - NATURE REJOICES IN ITS NATURE: {BETH (DOUBLE - #1 - NATURECONTAINS NATURE {#4 - NATURE AMENDED IN ITS NATURE}) / CHERUBIM (Gk.Cheroubim - a cherub or imaginary figures which covered the mercy seatto the Ark of the Covenant [Exodus 25:17-22] and from where God communedwith Israel)} + #7 = #9, Fire (Phase for Appraisal numbers 2 and 7) andMetal (Phase for number 9) are in direct opposition, and so changeoccurs. Still, the Mystery seldom discusses maturity, let aloneirrevocable decline this early in its sequence of Appraisals. Probably#7 and #9 merely stand for repetitive change. Like the carriage wheel,life moves inexorably on its journey.

The *MORAL* person makes sufficient preparation to insure that the tripgoes as smoothly as possible. He also adjusts his conduct continuallyalong the road, the better to conform with ever-changing cosmic,political, and personal cycles. Then, whether faced with prosperity tomaterial failure, he is able [to] respond appropriately tocircumstances, and better able to uphold the constant norms underlyingphenomenal change. Since the sage is not fixated on a single mode ofoperation, he can experience endless transformations without damagingthe self. In other words, the sage can also be 'timely seven times,timely nine times.'

Appraisal 3: White things in mudTurn black.Fathoming 3: Changing white in mudMeans: Change does not enlighten.

A popular metaphor compares human nature at birth to un-dyed silk, whichis then coloured by training and experience. *MORAL* improvement shouldwork to turn evil into good, black into white. Here, by contrast,material of pristine purity is steeped in filth. This suggests theeffect on the soul of bad companions or bad customs. That no good cancome from this is clearly shown in a pun by which 'black' also means'calamity.'

Appraisal 4: With each change, slight gain;In use, nothing but profit.Fathoming 4: In change, slight gainMeans: This is what the people look to.

Appraisal 4 marks the Beginning of Good Fortune. Several types of goodfortune may be predicted by these lines. In one reading, theincremental political and cultural changes instituted by the sage-rulereventually lead to marked social improvements, though the reformslargely go unnoticed by the subject population.

And on TETRA: 45 - *GREATNESS*, Yang Hsiung comments: The sage looks atsmall details overlooked by lesser men, making them the securefoundation of his visionary rule.

The commentators unanimously prefer a different reading, however:

The *GREAT* do not view themselves as *GREAT*.It helps to use [this way] to become *GREAT*.The *GREAT* do not view themselves as *GREAT*,Meaning: They use 'keeping small' as the base.

Either reading is possible. (Compare with Appraisal 6 below.)

Appraisal 4: Though failing to get the knife he needs,He enlarges his *GATES* outside the city.Such fame is empty.Fathoming 4: Enlarging his *GATES* in suburbsMeans: As real worth goes, the name comes.

Position 4 corresponds to official rank. Chinese sumptuary rules limitthe construction and enlargement of high *GATES* to those honoured byhigh rank by the emperor. Enlargement of the *GATES*, then, constitutespublic display of enhanced status. The petty man typically disregardsinternal reform, concentrating instead on advertising himself. In this,he fails to focus on what is fundamental. That his preoccupations arefar from *CENTRAL* is indicated by the *GATES* location out in the country.

The *GREATNESS* of any house lies in its ability to concentrate isresources. The *SHARP* knife symbolises the *SHARP* *MIND* able toframe good decisions which benefit the community. The knife alsosymbolizes money since certain coins were minted in its image. Here thehouse lacks either the incisive thinking or the material resources itneeds to flourish. How long can it sustain itself? Before too long,its reputation will be shown to be *HOLLOW*.

Appraisal 5: By using the Mean, he draws the outlinesInto his realm, and so is victorious.Fathoming 5: Bringing them in by *CENTRING*Means: He oversees the Nine Barbarians.

Position 5 is aligned with Earth, with the *CENTRE*, and withhumaneness, the binding {ie. the BINDING NORM (NORMA OBLIGANS) IS NOTMARRIAGE AS PROPOSED BY THE PYTHAGOREAN HETEROS THOERY OF NUMEBR, BUTHUMANENESS as having or showing compassion or benevolence; inflictingthe minimum of pain; [formal] (of a branch of learning) intended to havea civilizing effect on people.


And under the Letters Patent to the Federation of the Commonwealth ofAustralia of 1901, the binding agent as norm is defined under SECTIONVIII as the requirement to be "*OBEDIENT*, *AIDING*, *AND* *ASSISTING*unto Our said Governor General:

VIII - And *We* *do* *hereby* *REQUIRE* *and* *COMMAND* *ALL* *OUR**OFFICERS* *AND* *MINISTERS*, *CIVIL* *AND* *MILITARY*, *AND* *ALL**OTHER* *THE* *INHABITANTS* of Our said Commonwealth *TO* *BE**OBEDIENT*, *AIDING*, *AND* *ASSISTING* unto Our said Governor General,or, *in* *the* *event* *of* *his* death, *INCAPACITY*, or absence, tosuch person or persons as may, *FROM* *TIME* *TO* *TIME*, *under* *the**PROVISIONS* *OF* *THESE* *OUR* *LETTERS* *PATENT*, *ADMINISTER* *THE**GOVERNMENT* of Our said Commonwealth.

} agent for society. As such, it represents the virtue of *CENTRALITY*,or 'keeping to the Mean.' By epitomizing what is *CENTRAL*, the truesage eventually gains power and authority over all four corners of theearth. The rule functions as AXIS MUNDI around which other thingsrevolve. In return, all people are shielded from harm by the royalpresence {ie. The sovereign as ruler is the master of *MORAL*transformation. If he would do Viewing of what he himself is, he shoulddo Viewing of the people who themselves are morally transformed by theirviewing as the *WATCHERS*}.

Appraisal 6: The *GREAT* fail because of the small;The many, because of the few.Fathoming 6: The *GREAT* failing in the smallMeans: The seemingly insignificant breeds disaster.

If the individual neglects what appear to be the only insignificantbeginnings of contrary trends, those unfortunate tendencies willeventually grow to overwhelm present prosperity, much as a large waveoverwhelms tiny ripples. The true sage is on the lookout for he firstsigns of disruption; by taking immediate steps to remedy the situation,he can both adapt to and manipulate the situation for the benefit of theGood. This is no less true in the private world of the soul that in thepublic world of the court.

THE WISDOM BEHIND CIRCUMCISIONWith regard to a man, he cannot be clean from urine unless he iscircumcised, because drops of urine collect underneath the foreskin andhe cannot be sure that they will not drip and make his clothes and bodyimpure. Hence 'Abd-Allaah ibn 'Abbaas was very strict on the issue ofcircumcision. Imam Ahmad said: Ibn 'Abbaas was very strict on thismatter, and it was *narrated* *that* *there* *is* *no* (*Hajj* *and**no* *prayer* *for* *him*, that is *if* *a* *person* *is* *not**circumcised* *his* *Hajj* *and* *prayer* *are* *not* *valid*.[Al-Mughni, 1/115]

With regard to the wisdom behind the circumcision of women, it is toregulate their *desire* so it will be moderate:

MIND: {DAY #1 + DAY #2 = #3} +SCIENCE: {DAY #3 + DAY #4 = #7} +OPINION: {DAY #5 + DAY #6 = #11} +SENSE: {DAY #7 + DAY #8 = #15} = #36 (ie. H27 - Realm of its Nature asHeaven - Formula of Universal Law + H9 - System's Cosmology as Earth -Formula of Humanity)

"And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,

Speak unto the children of Israel, saying [in such a jurisprudent mannerof SENSE as this], If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child:then she shall be unclean seven (ie. DAY #7) days; according to the daysof the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean.

And in the eighth (ie. DAY #8) day the flesh of his foreskin shall becircumcised.

And she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying three andthirty days (ie. #33 - Achievable Goals, Virtue of Discrimination;I-Ching: *H9* - Lesser Domestication, Minor Restraint, SmallAccumulating, The taming power of the small, Small harvest; Tetra: 35 -Gathering); she shall touch no hallowed thing, nor come into thesanctuary, until the days of her purifying be fulfilled.

But if she bear a maid child, then she shall be unclean two weeks (ie.#14 - Praising the Mysterious (Metaphysics); I-Ching: H19 - Overseeing,Approaching, Nearing, The forest; Tetra: 9 - Branching Out), as in herseparation: and she shall continue in the blood of her purifyingthreescore and six days (ie. #66 - Strategic Reversal, Putting OneselfBehind; I-Ching: H41 - Diminution, Decrease, Diminishing; Tetra: 55 -Diminishment)." [Leviticus 12:1-5 (KJV)]

We can obtain a glimpse into the intention as the mind of God Almightyfrom the meaning of the first phrase: "her purifying three and thirtydays", as a computed understanding which is given of Nous: #33 as adetermination made of the 4th of the septet #369 magic square arrays asthe chronological plane and which produces the CATEGORIES OFUNDERSTANDING given as SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #435 and EGO (FEMALE) IDEA:#307.

Nous:#33Time:04:15 hrsDate:2017.5.24Torah:#10 #7 #30 %81 = #47Dao:Achievable Goals, Virtue of DiscriminationTetra:#35 - GatheringI-Ching:H9 - Lesser Domestication, Minor Restraint, Small Accumulating,The taming power of the small, Small harvest

Latin: Benedictus {God glorified in all things} Alt: Vambel {RepeatedEntrance of God} {1. AIDS RECONCILIATION & CONJUGAL FAITHFULNESS2. FRIENDSHIP & AFFABILITY3. MEMORY, SHREWDNESS & DESIGN4. Theosulk}

Shelah {Sprout/That breaks; that unties; that undresses}

- http://www.grapple369.com?zen:4,row:2,col:7,nous:33

***@zen: 4, row: 2, col: 7, nous: 33 [Super: #435 / #40 -Reversal, Avoiding Activity; I-Ching: H36 - Suppression of the Light,Sinking/Darkening Light, Brilliance injured, Intelligence hidden; Tetra:68 - Dimming, Ego: #307 / #33 - Achievable Goals, Virtue ofDiscrimination; I-Ching: H9 - Lesser Domestication, Minor Restraint,Small Accumulating, The taming power of the small, Small harvest; Tetra:35 - Gathering]

But special note ought to be given to the consideration that each ofthese associated I CHING's meta-descriptor prototypes are assigned to:

H36 - Suppression of the Light, Sinking/Darkening Light, Brillianceinjured, Intelligence hidden;H9 - Lesser Domestication, Minor Restraint, Small Accumulating, Thetaming power of the small, Small harvest;

(ie. H27 - Realm of its Nature as Heaven - Formula of Universal Law + H9- System's Cosmology as Earth - Formula of Humanity = H36)

As being a mutually exclusive element which comprises theHEAVEN-EARTH-MAN dynamic {H27 (*HEAVEN*) + H9 (*EARTH*) = H36 (*MAN*) asthe 6x6 = #111 magic square sum assigned to the Sun {Runner of the Sun(Heliodromus) as Sol Invictus} and given a total esoteric sum of #666:"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of thebeast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundredthreescore and six." [Revelation 13:15-18 (KJV)]) as use of thisencapsulated microcosm within its CANON OF TRANSPOSITION as underlyingthe Pythagorean Intellectual Tetrad by its logical fallacy constitutinga faux-wisdom sophistry and transformative prototype which is known asthe binary HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER.

SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #435 has 17 Categories:

#6, #400, #2, #9, #8, #10 = batach (H982): 1) *to* *trust*; 2) (TWOT) tofeel safe, be careless; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) *to* *trust*, *trust* *in*; 1a2)to have confidence, be confident; 1a3) to be bold; 1a4) to be secure;1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to cause to trust, make secure; #3, #2, #30, #400 =gabluth (H1383): 1) a twisting; #10, #5, #6, #4, #10, #400 = Yehuwdiyth(H3067): {the praise of the Lord; confession} 1) the daughter of Beeri{my well} the Hittite {one who is broken; who fears} and wife of Esau{he that acts or finishes}; #5, #30, #100, #300 = leqesh (H3954): 1)after-growth, aftermath, spring-crop, late crop after-growth; #40, #300,#40, #50, #5 = Mishmannah (H4925): {fatness; taking away provision} 1) aGadite {a band; a troop}, one of David's {well-beloved, dear} mightywarriors, who joined him at Ziklag {measure pressed down}; #20, #300,#5, #60, #20, #30 = cakal (H5530): 1) *fool*; #80, #200, #90, #10, #5,#50 = perets (H6556): 1) breach, gap, bursting forth; 1a) burstingforth, outburst; 1b) breach; 1c) broken wall; 1d) *outburst*(*figurative* *of* *God's* *wrath*); #5, #40, #90, #80, #90, #80, #10,#40 = tsaphaph (H6850): 1) (Pilpel) to chirp, peep; 1a) of birds; 1b) of*ghosts*;

"And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiarspirits, and unto wizards that peep {tsaphaph-peep [H6850]: #435}, andthat mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? For the living tothe dead?" [Isaiah 8:19]

"And my hand hath found as a nest the riches of the people: and as onegathereth eggs that are left, have I gathered all the earth; and therewas none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth, or peeped{tsaphaph-peep [H6850]: #435}." [Isaiah 10:14]

#90, #80, #200, #50, #10, #5 = tsipporen (H6856): 1) *fingernail*,stylus point; 1a) *finger-nail*; 1b) point (of a diamond); #6, #30, #5,#100, #200, #4, #40, #10, #40 = qardom (H7134): 1) axe; #10, #300, #9,#50, #6, #50, #10 = satan (H7853): 1) (Qal) *to* *be* *or* *act* *as**an* *adversary*, *resist*, *oppose*; #40, #5, #300, #40, #10, #40 =shamayim (H8064): 1) *heaven*, *heavens*, *sky*; 1a) *visible**heavens*, *sky*; 1a1) *as* *abode* *of* *the* *stars*; 1a2) *as* *the**visible* *universe*, *the* *sky*, *atmosphere*, *etc*; 1b) *Heaven*(*as* *the* *abode* *of* *God*);

*CLOUDLAND* (ie. *the* *sky*; *a* *region* *of* *unreality*,*imagination*, *etc*; *dreamland*; Courtesy: Word of the Day for 3February, 2017; www.dictionary.com)

#50, #300, #80, #5 = shaphah (H8192): 1) to sweep bare, *scrape*; 1a)(Niphal) to be *wind*-*swept*, be bare, be scraped barren (*by* *wind*);1b) (Pual) *to* *be* *bare*, *be* *laid* *bare*; #5, #300, #80, #40, #10= Shiphmiy (H8225): {beholder; honeycomb; garment} 1) an inhabitant ofShepham or Siphmoth; #4, #10, #1, #20, #70, #50, #70, #10, #200 =diakonos (G1249): 1) *one* *who* *executes* *the* *commands* *of**another*, *especially* *of* *a* *master*, *a* *servant*, *attendant*,*minister*; 1a) *the* *servant* *of* *a* *king*; 1b) *a* *deacon*, *one**who*, *by* *virtue* *of* *the* *office* *assigned* *to* *him* *by**the* *church*, *cares* *for* *the* *poor* *and* *has* *charge* *of**and* *distributes* *the* *money* *collected* *for* *their* *use*; 1c) awaiter, one who serves food and drink; #200, #20, #70, #80, #5, #10, #50= skopeo (G4648): 1) to look at, observe, contemplate; 2) to mark; 3) tofix one's eyes upon, direct one's attention to, any one; 4) *to* *look**to*, *take* *heed* *to* *thyself*; #300, #10, #30, #30, #5, #10, #50 =tillo (G5089): 1) *to* *pluck*, *pluck* *off*;

EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #307 has 9 Categories:

#6, #1, #40, #200, #10, #50 = 'immar (Aramaic) (H563): 1) *lamb*; #6,#40, #4, #2, #200, #10, #5, #40 = dabar (H1697): 1) *speech*, *word*,*speaking*, *thing*; 1a) *speech*; 1b) *saying*, *utterance*; 1c)*word*, *words*; 1d) *business*, *occupation*, *acts*, *matter*, *case*,*something*, *manner* (*by* *extension*); #30, #7, #20, #200, #10, #40 =zakar (H2145): 1) *male* (*of* *humans* *and* *animals*) *adjective*; 2)*male* (*of* *humans*); #2, #70, #200, #30, #5 = `orlah (H6190): 1)*foreskin*, *uncircumcised*; #2, #100, #200, #5 = qarah (H7135): 1)cold; #30, #200, #2, #70, #5 = raba` (H7250): 1) to lie stretched out,lie down; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to lie down; 1a1a) for repose; 1a1b) for*copulation* (of woman with beast); 1b) (Hiphil) to cause to lay down(of cattle breeding); #2, #200, #50, #50, #5 = renanah (H7445): 1)*ringing* *cry*, *shout* *(*for* *joy*); #200, #70, #6, #1, #30 =Re`uw'el (H7467): {the shepherd or friend of God} 1) a son of Esau {hethat acts or finishes} by his wife Bashemath {perfumed; confusion ofdeath; in desolation}, the sister of Ishmael {God that hears}; 2) thefather-in-law of Moses {taken out; drawn forth}; 3) father of Eliasaph{the Lord increaseth}, the leader of the tribe of Gad {a band; a troop}at the time of the census at Sinai {a bush; enmity}; 4) a Benjamite {sonof the right hand}, ancestor of Elah {an oak; a curse; perjury}; 2a)also Jethro {his excellence; his posterity}; #6, #200, #90, #10, #1 =Ritsya' (H7525): {to be pleased with; specifically to satisfy a debt} 1)an Asherite {happiness} of the sons of Ulla {elevation; leaf; young child};

Nous:#14Time:20:35 hrsDate:2017.1.29Torah:#10 #5 #5 %81 = #20Dao:Praising the Mysterious (Metaphysics)Tetra:#9 - Branching OutI-Ching:H19 - Overseeing, Approaching, Nearing, The forest


#65 CE

- http://www.grapple369.com?zen:4,row:8,col:8,nous:14

***@zen: 4, row: 8, col: 8, nous: 14 [Super: #404 / #60 - SkillRulership, Maintain One's Place; I-Ching: H15 - Modesty, Humbling;Tetra: 5 - Keeping Small, Ego: #359 / #14 - Praising the Mysterious(Metaphysics); I-Ching: H19 - Overseeing, Approaching, Nearing, Theforest; Tetra: 9 - Branching Out]

SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #404 has 11 Categories: #4, #300, #50, #10, #40 =dashen (H1879): 1) fat subst; 2) *vigorous*, *stalwart* *ones*; #6, #40,#8, #300, #10, #40 = Chuwshiym (H2366): {man of haste, or of silence} 1)one of the two wives of Shaharaim; 2) the sons of Aher, a Benjamite {sonof the right hand}; 3) descendants of Dan {judgment; he that judges};#6, #10, #6, #300, #10, #2, #10, #50, #10 = yashab (H3427): 1) to dwell,remain, sit, abide; 10) to be inhabited; 100) to make to dwell; 1a)(Qal); 1a1) to sit, sit down; 1a2) to be set; 1a3) to remain, stay; 1a4)to dwell, have one's abode; 1b) (Niphal) to be inhabited; 1c) (Piel) toset, place; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) *to* *cause* *to* *sit*; 1d2) to cause toabide, set; 1d3) to cause to dwell; 1d4) to cause (cities) to beinhabited; 1d5) to marry (give an dwelling to); 1e) (Hophal); #40, #300,#8, #50, #6 = mashach (H4886): 1) to smear, anoint, spread a liquid; 1a)(Qal); 1a1) to smear; 1a2) *to* *anoint* (*as* *consecration*); 1a3) toanoint, consecrate; 1b) (Niphal) to be anointed; #6, #40, #50, #8, #300= nachash (H5172): 1) *to* *practice* *divination*, *divine*, *observe**signs*, *learn* *by* *experience*, *diligently* *observe*, *practice**fortunetelling*, *take* *as* *an* *omen*; 1a) (Piel); 1a1) *to**practice* *divination*; 1a2) *to* *observe* *the* *signs* *or* *omens*;#6, #2, #50, #90, #6, #200, #10, #40 = natsar (H5341): 1) to guard,watch, watch over, keep; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) *to* *watch*, *guard*, *keep*;1a2) *to* *preserve*, *guard* *from* *dangers*; 1a3) to keep, observe,guard with fidelity; 1a4) to guard, keep secret; 1a5) to be kept close,be blockaded; 1a6) watchman (participle); #300, #10, #80, #6, #8 =puwach (H6315): 1) to breathe, blow; 1a) (Qal) to breathe; 1b) (Hiphil);1b1) to cause to exhale or breathe; 1b2) to puff, snort; 1b3) *to**excite*, *inflame*; 1b4) to puff, pant for it; 1b5) to breathe out,utter; 1b6) *to* *blow*, *blast*; #100, #4, #300 = Qadesh (H6946):{holiness} 1) a city in the extreme south of Judah {the praise of theLord; confession}; 1a) same as 'Kedesh' and 'Kadesh-barnea' {holiness ofan inconstant son}; #40, #5, #300, #9, #10, #40 = Shittiym (H7851):{thorns} 1) place of Israel's {who prevails with God} encampment betweenthe conquest of the transjordanic region and crossing the Jordan {theriver of judgment} into Canaan {merchant; trader; or that humbles andsubdues}; 2) a place west of Jerusalem {vision of peace}; #6, #300, #40,#8, #10, #40 = sameach (H8056): 1) *joyful*, *merry*, *glad*; 1a)*joyful*, *showing* *joy*; 1b) you who rejoice (subst); #20, #1, #300,#1, #30, #1, #30, #10, #1, #10 = katalalia (G2636): 1) *defamation*,*evil* *speaking*;

EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #359 has 16 Categories:

#6, #1, #300, #2, #50 = 'Eshban (H790): {fire of the sun} 1) an chief ofEdom {red, earthy; of blood}; #6, #3, #300, #50 = Goshen (H1657):{approaching; drawing near} 1) a region in northern Egypt {that troublesor oppresses; anguish}, east of the lower Nile {black; trouble}, wherethe children of Israel {who prevails with God} lived from the time ofJoseph {increase; addition} to the time of Moses {taken out; drawnforth}; 2) a district in southern Palestine {which is covered;*watered*; or brings and causes ruin} between Gaza and Gibeon; 3) a townin the mountains of Judah probably in the district of Goshen; #6, #50,#8, #200, #90, #5 = charats (H2782): 1) *to* *cut*, *sharpen*, *decide*,*decree*, *determine*, *maim*, *move*, *be* *decisive*, *be**mutilated*; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) *to* *cut*, *mutilate*; 1a2) *to**sharpen*; 1a3) *to* *decide*; 1b) (Niphal) *to* *be* *decisive*; #6,#5, #30, #2, #10, #300, #6 = lebash (Aramaic) (H3848): 1) to be*clothed*; 1a) (P'al) to be *clothed*; 1b) (Aphel) to clothe someone;#50, #8, #300, #1 = nechash (Aramaic) (H5174): 1) copper, bronze; #6,#80, #3, #200, #10, #20, #40 = peger (H6297): 1) *corpse*, *carcass*,*monument*, *stela*; 1a) *corpse* (*of* *man*); 1b) carcass (of animals);

It's a marvellous thing this tax free business as the Grace of God, howit is that on the one hand, God can suffer the intolerance of the RomanState / Religion's murderers of Christ by the indulgence made ofCaesar's who instead called himself the son of God and that is then thecause for the vanity of the Popes, who proudly bear the same feignedtitles of pretentious holiness preyed in "purple and scarlet" as MALAKOSrobes. Declaring it a self-evident virtue as inviolability of hisperson and this arrogant capacity is an impropriety made against allwisdom of God as his embodiment and entitlement alone. As to be capableof even vetoing the Senate (ie. I ought to try that number myself) bysuch was his apparent power and the authority as the august son of Godbeing bestowed such by their thievery and pillaging of othersintellectual property of which there was neither limit nor restraint,murderers, rapists and anal sadistic by their intrinsic nature with nomoral claim to make through their ARSENOKOITE sins by those who are thespawn of Satan, as especially the essence of the Roman Julio-ClaudianDynasty (27 BCE to 68CE) of Caesars.

The proposition is that this microcosm which is encapsulated as adynamic within our broader tetragrammaton knowledge of the ternaryHOMOIOS rather than its binary HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER consideration asit's public proclamation of accomplishment, I had considered it'searlier origins (if not earlier) at the time of King Wen of Zhou(1152-1056 BCE) and therefore has an intellectual dependence on theDAOist HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER for it's CANON OF TRANSPOSITION and thiswill be exhibited within the metaphysical poetic narrative of the thesisknown as the CANON OF SUPREME MYSTERY text which was published within 4BCE and provides expansive detail of the I-CHING/TAO TE CHING amalgam.

ISIS was the *GREAT* Mother of God(s) and all abominations of chaos, theSerpent of Chaos, the Ancient One. And is the Dark Goddess who was alsooften depicted carrying a phallic object which identifies the maleemblem with its solar origin as a symbol of the Sun. Therefore, shecarries the sun under her veil for she is the *GREAT* Mother to the Sonof the Sun as Horus who she also nurses on her breast for she is theMoon Goddess or the Goddess of darkness, and chaos.

From antiquity, the mythopoetic (ie. of or relating to the making ofmyths; causing, producing, or giving rise to myths; Courtesy: Word ofthe Day for 18 December, 2016; www.dictionary.com) depictions of thesetwo planets have always conveyed them as fighting one another. It is inAncient Egyptian mythology where we find that Set kills his brotherOsiris. Hence, the darkness and chaos (Set who is Saturn) kills thelight and order (Osiris who is Jupiter). These same planetary andearthly battles were carried on by the Greeks, with Jupiter beingassigned to Zeus who thusly battles his brother Cronus, and evenbanished his own son Prometheus to an island where his liver fed on byeagles for the grievous sin of teaching mortals the secret arts andtheir meaning.

- http://gnosticwarrior.com/isis.html

In Ancient Egyptian mythology, the god named Osiris is the SO BELOW(earth) representative of the AS ABOVE king of all the planets, Jupiter.

The god Osiris on earth through mythology represents the planet Jupiterin the heavens. Osiris is he who is permanently benign and youthful, thecreator god, the lord of love, the lord of silence, god of theafterlife, the underworld and the dead. In Greek Mythology, they hadassigned Jupiter to their god Zeus who they had also called the "MorningStar and Light Bringer." Osiris is the mythological husband of thegoddess Isis who represents the Moon, planet Venus, and the star Sirius.

Osiris is also the father of the god of truth and light, Horus. InEgyptian mythology, we find Osiris as the Creator, his son Horus thePreserver, and his brother Typhon the Destroyer. The name Typhon isassigned to Osiris's brother whose name is Set (Set, Seth, Shaitan, orMolech), which is where we get the modern word for who Westerners call'Satan or the Devil.'

Set is the SO BELOW of the planet on the AS ABOVE called Saturn. Hence,the gods Set, Satan, the Devil and Saturn are all one and the same. Justlike Osiris of the Egyptians, Zeus of the Greeks, Yahweh of theIsraelites, and Jove to the Romans are all improperly considered to bejust different allegorical names from different ancient cultures, whichall represent the very same one planet we know of today as Jupiter.

In that, my virtuous realty is unambiguously and clearly sustained by adual universal statement of an undiminished tangibility of faith as anintellectual property in being firstly encapsulated by the knowledge ofa HOMOIOS rather than HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER consideration, and thensecondarily re-enforced by a universal statement which is a singularitycompliant with a DIVINE FIAT and potentiality as a cosmological /language consideration of the chronological circumscribing given to the10 commandments as then defining human consciousness by a cosmologicalanthropic principle.

Which is otherwise derived from an opposing metempirical andmetaphysical worldview as a psychological *MINDSET* and social impresswhich is a mechanistic contrivance known as a PYTHAGOREAN (BABYLONIAN)HETEROS mystical conception of the THEORY OF NUMBER asSOVEREIGN/MARRIAGE and PEACE dynamic, being a binary apparatus (ie. asspermatic and gender bifurcated attribution) by a CANNON OFTRANSPOSITION effecting a transformative prototype, that only has a weaknotion of the ego as self identity to any formula of autonomy AS it'sbasis for REGULATIVE FREE WILL.

Once again, I stress that I am not an Egyptologist and will alwaysacquiesce to the opinion of those with the appropriate archaeologicaland education skills. But I wish to convey a further consideration uponanother image which has also gotten me perplexed and I thought itprudent to urgently bring this observation to your immediate attention:

1) Firstly I will summarize the thought that I have previously raisedwith you made in relation to an image also associated to the EgyptianMysteries belief which is obtained from page 45 of a book titled "TheSeventy *GREAT* Mysteries of Ancient Egypt." [(C) 2003 Thames & HudsonLtd, London as ISBN 0-500-05123-2].

That OSIRIS (#34 CE = JUPITER) is here depicted "enthroned as king ofthe Dead, according to a Book of the Dead (a funerary papyrus). He isworshipped by the dead man and his wife, who have passed over to theafterlife by following in Osiris' footsteps." [p 198]

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indMFdibEl6MDU0RWM

According to a Book of the Dead (papyrus) it is shown as equating theserpent meta-descriptor prototype as being the equivalent of ROSH HA SATAN.

In my view, the 6 series of images which are especially and immediatelyto the left of the wife (and those of above) are not hieroglyphs in thelinguistic sense, but might be considered as perhaps serving as a recipeof meta-descriptor prototypes and therefore the equivalent of that whichI had earlier identified, form the quintessence of the Chinese DAOistperspective, in having the H64 Hexagram / #81 Tetragrammaton dynamic asa correspondence to the progression of magic squares:

#0 CE ... #15 CE (9) ... #34 CE (16) ... #65 CE (25) ... #111 CE (36)... #175 CE (49) ... #260 CE = I CHING AS H64 META-DESCRIPTOR PROTOTYPES... #369 CE = DAO TE CHING AS #81 META-DESCRIPTOR PROTOTYPES

2) This SECOND image related to the Egyptian Mysteries belief isobtained from page 15 of this same book and is made in relation to "themirror image scenes, where Ahmose makes offerings to Queen Tetishery onthe geometric stela upon which the Jewish Torah geometric KabbalisticTree of Life (ie. 22 HEBREW LETTERS/10 SEFIROT) as indestructiblethought atom can be superimposed upon the image in an equivalent mannerto ENNEAD geometric image is also being imposed upon the hieroglyph ofTHOTH, as to revealing it's actual intellectual conception.

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7inddzlmb3JUc3VvRTg

That this image with its clearly segmented columns, might also beconsidered as perhaps serving as further narration of those samemeta-descriptor prototypes which I have already raised as hypotheticalconsideration and therefore they were readily known for some time prior.

According to Wikipedia: Tetisheri was the matriarch of the Egyptianroyal family of the late 17th Dynasty and early 18th Dynasty.

Tetisheri was the daughter of Tjenna and Neferu. The names ofTetisheri's parents are known from mummy bandages found in TT320. Shewas selected by Senakhtenre, despite her non-royal birth, to be not onlyhis wife but his *GREAT* Royal Wife. Tetisheri was the mother ofSeqenenre Tao, Queen Ahhotep I and possibly Kamose.

Pharaoh Ahmose I erected a stela at Abydos to announce the constructionof a pyramid and a "house" for Tetisheri. Ahmose refers to the Queen as"the mother of my mother, and the mother of my father, *GREAT* king'swife and king's-mother, Tetisheri" (Breasted). [Wikipedia 2016:Tetisheri]

3)Whilst the image of the Egyptian god THOTH is a publicly accessibleimage, the additional inclusion upon the image of the geometric shape ofthe dynamic of the ENNEAD as representing rational PI (22/7 =3.14285714...) is my discovery and intellectual property alone.

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indT2h5MFJxblJaT2M

And I have granted no-one the right to reproduce the object in thatmanner as it does not include appropriate recognition of my propertyrights associated to the interpretation of the DECALOGUE (10COMMANDMENTS) as an Anthropic Cosmological Principle.

On 20 September, 2016 both China and Israel has signed off to anagreement on the sharing 'of experience regarding legislativecontributions to national development, and keep optimizing thelegislative environment to facilitate cooperation between enterprises ofthe two countries and their people-to-people exchanges.'

After all the Chinese DAOist HAN Dynasty with the COURSE-trochos OFNATURE-genesis [James 3:5-9 (KJV)] basis to the Chinese calendaroccurring on the new moon/solstice Grand Inception of midnight 21December 103 BCE as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER expresses the same "3-6-9"internal dynamic as the notion of rational PI (ie. 22/7 = 3.14285714...)conveying by a bifurcated state as is exhibited in the ENNEAD of THOTH(ie. as shown above) being a Cosmological Anthropic Principle andconveyed by the first half (ie. microcosm of 1 to 3 and the macrocosm of4 to 7) conveyed by the 10 Commandments.

In my view the Twofold Truth Doctrine which is as MIND the product ofmetempirical (ie. the branch of philosophy that deals withthings existing beyond the realm of experience) philosophy as theperennialist school of thought and that of metaphysical (ie. of thingstranscending what is physical or natural and the temporal reality)Theology (as supposedly Torah compliant Kabbalistic thinking) and washistorically a notion about DIVINE MARRIAGE associated with thePythagorean sophistic OPINION as SCIENCE so called by use of the binary(ie. gender and spermatic bifurcated attributes) HETEROS THEORY OFNUMBER as being an encapsulated fallacy by means of a CANON OFTRANSPOSITION deploying the I CHING's H64 Hexagram binarymeta-descriptor prototypes to be then a transformative prototype dynamicas the substituted sub-strata within the DAO TE CHING's #81 Tetragramsas ternary meta-descriptor prototypes comprising the HOMOIOS THEORY OFNUMBER, as therefore in this SENSE constituting a wilful criminal actof deception by a logical fallacy which is perpetuated against the humanpsyche, soul and body of the HOMO[IOS] SAPIEN[T], its self identity andthe free exercise as autonomy of will.

AS THEY CLAIM TO HONOURABLY SWEAR BY OATH (BUT SOME LIKE LEGAL COUNSELMR. PETER RIDDELL ONLY BY A WEAK AFFIRMATION):That is religious values based discrimination is in part due to adelusional and ignorant religious belief as the Pythagorean HETEROSTHEORY OF NUMBER DERIVED as which is the basis of their own oath takingas being prerequisite the sworn undertaking of duties related to anytenure of office. This is indicated by Victoria Police signagecomprising 7 {blue} and 8 {white} squares therefore reflects this SENSE:{7 + 8 = #15} of the Pythagorean idolatry as mysticism and one candeclare that the swearing of an oath is made to some other god otherthan YAHWEH as to seven oneself is made in the sense of a statementwhich is a singularity compliant with a DIVINE FIAT and potentiality asthe cosmological / language consideration of the chronologicalcircumscribing given to the 10 commandments as then defining humanconsciousness by a cosmological anthropic principle; is to swear (as ifby repeating a declaration seven times):—adjure, charge (by an oath,with an oath), feed to the full, take an oath, (cause to, make to) swear.

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indVlhaYkJ5ZktucWs

On the basis of this presumptive ignorance, I have then on 11 January,2017 provided to the Sale Magistrates Court a number of detaileddocuments in support of my material details and they comprise some 1,900pages as conveying a unity of apperception as coherent thought on thefollowing historical perspective in full support and legalsubstantiation of my claim against them in my having fulfilled all mypacifist anti-terrorism initiatives and GLBTI Community activism andadvocacy activity which was the intention motive of Saturday 21 August,1999 protest action which was the seminal event for the history of thesubstance of the complaint that "FALSE POLICE COMPUTER RECORDS AS THECAUSE FOR PSYCHIATRIC INTRUSIONS" which was made to the Health ServicesCommissioner and is now the cause for the preparation and lodgement of acomplaint relating to a denial of these facts as constitutingtreasonable acts by yourself and others and not only to be considered ascrimes against humanity, but war crimes which is made in opposition tomy initiatives as then the basis Human Rights Claim which is to madeInternationally.

And therefore ought to be unlawful conduct by a public authority such asthe Victoria Police under Section 38(1) to (3) of the Charter of HumanRights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006, which states: "(1)Subject to this section, it is unlawful for a public authority to act ina way that is incompatible with a human right or, in making a decision,to fail to give proper consideration to a relevant human right.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if, as a result of a statutoryprovision or a provision made by or under an Act of the Commonwealth orotherwise under law, the public authority could not reasonably haveacted differently or made a different decision.

EXAMPLEWhere the public authority is acting to give effect to a statutoryprovision that is incompatible with a human right.

(3) This section does not apply to an act or decision of a private nature.

(4) Subsection (1) does not require a public authority to act in a way,or make a decision, that has the effect of impeding or preventing areligious body (including itself in the case of a public authority thatis a religious body) from acting in conformity with the religiousdoctrines, beliefs or principles in accordance with which the religiousbody operates.

(5) In this section religious body means—

(a) a body established for a religious purpose; or(b) an entity that establishes, or directs, controls or administers, aneducational or other charitable entity that is intended to be, and is,conducted in accordance with religious doctrines, beliefs or principles.

3 - #15 as Saturn {Father (Pater)}4 - #34 as Jupiter {Lion (Leo)}5 - #65 as Mars {*Soldier* (Miles)}6 - #111 as Sun {Runner of the Sun (Heliodromus) as Sol Invictus}7 - #175 as Venus {Bridegroom (Nymphus)}8 - #260 as Mercury {Raven (Corax)}9 - #369 as Moon {Persian (Perses)}

#300, #6, #3, #10, #40 = shagah (H7686): 1) *to* *go* *astray*, *stray*,*err*; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) *to* *err*, *stray*; 1a2) *to* *swerve*,*meander*, *reel*, *roll*, *be* *intoxicated*, *err* (*in**drunkenness*); 1a3) *to* *go* *astray* (*morally*); 1a4) *to* *commit**sin* *of* *ignorance* *or* *inadvertence*, *err* (*ignorantly*); 1b)(Hiphil); 1b1) *to* *lead* *astray*; 1b2) *to* *lead* *astray*,*mislead* (*mentally*); 1b3) *to* *lead* *astray* (*morally*); #5, #300,#4, #10, #40 = Siddiym (H7708): {the tilled field} 1) valley where theDead Sea is located; #50, #300, #6, #3 = suwg (H7734): 1) to move, go,turn back, turn away; 1a) (Niphal) to turn oneself away; #300, #9, #10,#40 = shittah (H7848): 1) acacia tree, acacia wood; #5, #300, #40, #9,#5 = shemittah (H8059): 1) letting drop of exactions, (temporary)remitting, release (from debt); #2, #70, #8, #9, #70, #200 = boethos(G998): 1) a helper; #4, #5, #60, #10, #70, #10, #200 = dexios (G1188):1) *the* *right*, *the* *right* *hand*; 2) *metaphor*; 2a) *a* *place**of* *honour* *or* *authority*; #20, #5, #50, #70, #4, #70, #60, #70,#10 = kenodoxos (G2755): 1) *glorying* *without* *reason*, *conceited*,*vain* *glorious*, *eager* *for* *empty* *glory*; #70, #20, #50, #8,#200, #1, #10 = okneo (G3635): 1) to feel loath, to be slow; 2) todelay, hesitate; #5, #200, #8, #40, #1, #50, #5, #50 = semaino (G4591):1) *to* *give* *a* *sign*, *to* *signify*, *indicate*; 2) *to* *make**known*;



- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indYU1MaGc2LVlPRlE


- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indNHFyYlVHU29BXzQ

THIS TETRA IDEA: #13 has 10 Categories: #1, #5, #6, #1 = 'Ahava' (H163):1) town or area in Babylonia {incongruity; confusion; mixture}; #1, #7,#4, #1 = 'azad (Aramaic) (H230): 1) (P'al) to be gone; #2, #3, #6, #2 =Gob (H1359): 1) a place which was the scene of two encounters betweenDavid's {well-beloved, dear} warriors and the Philistines {those whodwell in villages} (also Gezer {dividing, sentence}); #3, #2, #8 =gibbeach (H1371): 1) to be high, bald (in the forehead), having a baldforehead; #3, #4, #6 = gedad (Aramaic) (H1414): 1) to *cut* down, hewdown; #3, #5, #5 = gehah (H1456): 1) a cure, a healing; #6, #5, #2 =Vaheb (H2052): 1) a place in Moab, site unknown; #7, #2, #4 = zebed(H2065): 1) endowment, gift; #7, #6 = zuw (H2098): 1) this, such; 2)(of) which, (of) whom; #5, #3, #5 = yagah (H3014): 1) (Hiphil) to repel,thrust away, push away;

HEAD: Yang ch'i is burgeoning. Things accordingly pile up andincrease. Daily manifesting [their energy], they grow. (Note 2: A playupon documents 'Kao Yao mo' refers to TE ('charismatic virtue'). Othersread HSUAN as TA ('big') and yet others read it as PU SAN ('not todisseminate'))

As yang ch'i daily increases, under its protection all things prosper.This is a odd-numbered (ie. yang) heads with an auspicious title, so thetetragram is lucky in its main theme: An increase in *MORAL* acuity isbased on a sound ethical foundation. This increase, of course, mimicsyang ch'i, which productively expands only after building a solid innerbase in Tetragram 9:

***@zen: 4, row: 8, col: 8, nous: 14 [Super: #404 / #60 - SkillRulership, Maintain One's Place; I-Ching: H15 - Modesty, Humbling;Tetra: 5 - Keeping Small, Ego: #359 / #14 - Praising the Mysterious(Metaphysics); I-Ching: H19 - Overseeing, Approaching, Nearing, Theforest; Tetra: 9 - Branching Out]

- http://www.grapple369.com/?date:2017.1.29

Head 13 represents a major step forward from the immaturity discussed inthe previous tetragram 12 which relates to:

***@zen: 4, row: 8, col: 1, nous: 36 [Super: #368 / #68 -Coinciding with Nature, Complying With Heaven; I-Ching: H14 - GreatHoldings, Great Possessions, Possession in great measure; Tetra: 38 -Fullness, Ego: #338 / #36 - Natural Reversals, 'Secret' Explanation;I-Ching: H4 - Juvenile Ignorance, Youthful Inexperience, Enveloping, Theyoung shoot, Discovering; Tetra: 12 - Youthfulness]

- http://www.grapple369.com?zen:4,row:8,col:1,nous:36

Within the discussion given by THE CANON OF SUPREME MYSTERY ON TETRA: 67- DARKENING, there is conveyed a series of word-plays on light and*ENLIGHTENMENT*, darkness and *MORAL* benightedness, and that the DarkBird may refer to the black crow {ie. within the Mithraic mysteries ofRoman Empire Governance might be considered the microcosm source oflight #260 - *Raven* (Corax): Mercury} symbol of the sun as conveyed theexplanation given by the Canon of Supreme Mystery on Tetra: 78 - ON THEVERGE:


INVENTORI LUCIS SOLI INVICTO AUGUSTO('to the contriver of light, sol invictus augustus')

According to Wikipedia the Mithraic mysteries was the cult which was allmale being especially popular with the military due to an emphasis ontruth, loyalty and the fight of good against evil, with which there wereseven degrees of initiation (as held in common association as esotericbelief by Islam and Judaism to this present day).

Specifically the union of the sun (6x6 = 36 as the PYTHAGOREANTETRACTYS AND COSMOS-WORLD ARCHETYPAL IMPERATIVE / #111 - Runner of theSun (Heliodromus): Sol Invictus / Esoteric Number: #666 as the male) andthe moon (9x9 = 81 as ORGANIZATION OF THE MYRIAD OR *NUMBER* OF THINGS /#369 - Persian (Perses): Moon/Lunar: #3321 as female).

Appraisal 1: Hearing alright, and increasingly silent,Outsiders fail to notice.Fathoming 1: hearing alright, ever more silent,Means: He discerns what is inside.

Appraisal 1, signifying the Beginning of Thought, here is associatedwith auspicious Day. The first response of the gentleman to hearing theWay is to contemplate it in silence. Temporarily distracted frommundane existence, the good man may even appear stupid to those oflesser understanding; true virtue is recognised only by an inner circleof accomplished individuals. Having no *desire* to show off hisknowledge of the Way, he considers in awed silence the *MIRACULOUS**PATTERNS* *OF* *THE* *COSMOS*. Eventually, he quietly applies what hehas learned to the 'inside,' the inner workings of the universe andseeds of Goodness deep within himself. As the Lao Tzu says:

He who knows others is cleverHe who knows himself has discernment.

SEE ALSO: "THE GURU TRANSPARENCY - Why Inner Attainment shouldn't beequated with Outer Knowledge" by David Lane

- http://www.integralworld.net/lane114.html

Appraisal 2: To increase his search for gloryWithout squaring his inner lifeIs benighted.Fathoming 2: Not increasing his 'squareness'Means: He only embellishes the outside.

The contrast between the internal and external continues. Squarenessrefers to 'directional' behaviour aimed at the Tao. It implies'squaring' thoughts and deeds, as well as acting within well-establishedbounds. The good person, then, takes it as a duty to make the outerlife square with inner constraints. As true increase in virtue worksagainst artifice and pretension (ie. *CHARADE*), but the petty personfocuses on external adornment, hoping to *fool* others by superficialchanges. Yang Hsiung puts a spin on the famous question posed by LaoTzu, '*WHICH* *IS* *DEARER*, *YOUR* *NAME* *OR* *YOUR* *LIFE*?' YangHsiung asks instead, '*WHICH* *IS* *DEARER*, *THE* *INNER* *LIFE* *OR**OUTER* *GLORY*?' External brilliance cannot conceal inner confusionfor long.

Appraisal 3: Trees stay put,And so steadily grow.Fathoming 3: Rooted trees, gradual increase,Means: They cannot be suppressed.

*WOOD* comes up for two reasons: Appraisal 3 is assigned to agent woodin the Mystery's schema of correlations. At the same time, the Judgmentattached to the correspondent Changes hexagram associates the 'way of*WOOD*' with increase, success, and the promise of 'daily advancewithout limit.' Trees support extensive (if gradual) growth above tothe extent that they are firmly rooted below. They (ie. *TREES*)*BECOME* *THE* *MODEL* *FOR* *ACQUIRING* *VIRTUE*.

Appraisal 4: His waist cannot bear the load.Yet others add to the weight on top.Fathoming 4: That the *CENTRE* cannot holdMeans: he can be defeated.

The poem depends upon a neat double entendre, with the same meaning'waist' and 'what is *CENTRAL*' or 'essential.' As the fulcrum of thebody, the waist bears the major portion of weight in any beast ofburden, including man. With the physical *CENTRE* too weak to bear theinitial burden, one can only imagine the damage that will result whenadditional weight is heaped on. By analogy, when the essential core ofone's being is inadequate to deal with life's daily challenges, an extracrisis may send the person into complete collapse. The essential core,however, can be strengthened by various techniques of self-cultivation.

Appraisal 5: In *MARSHES*, being low makes for capacity.Many *waters* converge there.Fathoming 5: That the low *MARSH* holds much,Means: From self-effacement springs *GREATNESS*.

The Lao tzu explains, 'The reason why the river and the sea are able tobe kings of the Hundred Valleys is that they excel in taking the lowerposition.' Modesty and self-effacement make for true *GREATNESS* inthat they come the support of others. Appraisal 5 corresponds to theruler. Clearly, the single most important attribute that qualifies theemperor to head the state is his ability to humble himself, asdemonstrated by the courteous treatment of subordinates and awillingness to accept harsh criticism. Acting thus, the rule becomesthe figure around whom 'the myriad *BLESSINGS* converge.' This, ofcourse, is the *CENTRAL* argument of the influential '*GREAT* Plan'chapter of the Book of Documents.

Appraisal 6: In Like a torch, the Red Chariot spreads its light.One day increases our lists by three thousand.The noble man wins praise.The petty man takes wounds.Fathoming 6: By the Red Chariot, daily increasing,Means: The petty man is no match for the noble.

The Red Chariot probably refers to the sun in its daily round. The sun,in turn, suggests the good ruler in two ways:

- First, the beneficent presence of the sage-king acts like the sun toenlighten, fostering peace and harmony wherever it goes; and- Second, the wise leader's favours are distributed fairly to all men ofworth, just as the sun shines equally on every region of the earth.

But what has this to do with an 'increase of three thousand'? Literaryconvention associates the founding of the Chou dynasty (correlated withRed and Fire in the Chinese schema) with just such an increase. Afterall, legend tells us that good King Wu in 1122 BCE was able to musterthree thousand troops in a few days' time to defeat the last evil tyrantof the Shang-Yin dynasty. As the philosopher Mencius (circa 4th centuryBCE) says, 'So long as the ruler of a State is drawn to benevolence, hewill have no match in the empire.'

One commentator, however, sees these verses as a kind of shorthanddescription of the high official's life. In his public life, theofficial employs munificent 'red chariots'; in his private life at home,he enjoys the warm glow of torchlight. His retainers daily increase innumbers. The man of virtue merits this rapid rise in salary andposition. The same promotions, however, prove disastrous for theambitious man who lacks virtue.

Appraisal 7: With height increased,*Cut* back its peakTo make the mountain stable.Fathoming 7: Increased height and graded peakMeans: With loss, all is accomplished.

Paradoxically, the Changes associates final 'expansion' with 'decrease.'*The* *individual* *who* *trims* *his* *own* *desires* *for**aggrandizement* *increases* *his* *chances* *of* *accomplishing* *his**goals*. Therefore, the wise person acts to curb himself in order toassure his own security, preferring to keep his growth in balance with asolid base of support. Nothing is more dangerous that unimpeded orunsupported increase, here symbolised by a mountain precipice. Afterall, the higher the position attained, the harder the fall.

Appraisal 8: Enslaved by a handful or cowries,Past profits shave future gain.Fathoming 8: Enslaved for a handful of cashMeans: First happiness, then ruin.

The cowry, one of the earliest forms of currency in China, signifieswealth. The individual becomes a willing slave in return for materialadvancement. In his greed for cash, he accepts utter debasement,indicated here by the word '*shaved*,' which refers to the tonsure ofthe indentured servant, the slave, or the convict. As in the NewTestament story of Judas {the praise of the Lord; confession} Iscariot{a man of murder; a hireling}, the paltry sums gained are contrastedwith the magnitude of the *MORAL* loss.

Appraisal 9: Jagged peaks do not collapseWhen they lean on their foothills.Fathoming 9: That rocky crags do not collapseMeans: Many knights give firm support.

Appraisal 9 represents the extremities. In the case of mountains, thepeak or precipice is the part most vulnerable to collapse. However, ifthe dizzying heights are supported by a firm base, they will not toppedover even under the *GREATEST* stress. Likewise, if the ruler issupported by many worthy followers, his reign cannot be overturned.

Nous:#66Time:10:15 hrsDate:2017.8.26Torah:#30 #20 #2 %81 = #52Dao:Strategic Reversal, Putting Oneself BehindTetra:#55 - DiminishmentI-Ching:H41 - Diminution, Decrease, Diminishing

Latin: Longanimis {Inspiring God} Alt: Akael {Weary of God} {1. SERVES TO CAST LIGHT ON ONE'S JOB2. VEGETATION3. ASTROLOGY4. Tomi}

Obed {A servant; workman}

- http://www.grapple369.com?zen:4,row:4,col:9,nous:66

***@zen: 4, row: 4, col: 9, nous: 66 [Super: #417 / #52 - SoWhat?, Returning to the Origin; I-Ching: H45 - Gathering, Congregation,Clustering, Gathering together (massing), Finished; Tetra: 61 -Embellishment, Ego: #233 / #66 - Strategic Reversal, Putting OneselfBehind; I-Ching: H41 - Diminution, Decrease, Diminishing; Tetra: 55 -Diminishment]

CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING as SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #417 is also associatedto Nous #25 which has EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #417 as a determination made ofthe 4th of the septet #369 magic square arrays as the chronologicalplane which is assigned to the 6x6 magic square array as a value of #111CE given as the Sun {Runner of the Sun (Heliodromus) as Sol Invictus}.

***@zen: 4, row: 8, col: 9, nous: 25 [#462 / #67 - ThreeTreasures; I-Ching: H10 - Treading (conduct), Tread Carefully,Continuing; Tetra: 48 - Ritual, Ego: #417 / #25 - What's behind it all?,Imaging the Mysterious; I-Ching: H62 - Minor Superiority, Small Excess,Small Exceeding, Preponderance of the small, Small surpassing; Tetra: 10- Defectiveness, Distortion]

SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #417 has 20 Categories:

#400, #5, #6, #2, #4 = 'abad (Aramaic) (H7): 1) to perish, vanish; 1a)(P'al) shall perish; 1b) (Aphel) destroy; 1c) (Hophal) be destroyed; #1,#50, #300, #10, #50, #6 = 'enowsh (H582): 1) *man*, *mortal* *man*,*person*, *mankind*; 1a) *of* *an* *individual*; 1b) *men*(*collective*); 1c) *man*, *mankind;* #2, #400, #10, #5 = Bithyah(H1332): {daughter of the Lord} 1) a daughter of a Pharaoh {thatdisperses; that spoils} and wife of Mered {rebellious, ruling} of Judah{the praise of the Lord; confession}; #6, #400, #3, #8 = giyach (H1518):1) to burst forth; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to burst forth; 1a2) to draw forth;1a3) to bring forth; 1b) (Hiphil) to break forth; #6, #300, #10, #90,#10, #1 = yetsa' (Aramaic) (H3319): 1) (Shaphel) *to* *bring* *to* *an**end*, *finish*, *bring* *out* *to* *an* *end*; #20, #40, #7, #200,#100, #10, #40 = mizraq (H4219): 1) bowl, basin; 1a) bowl (for wine);1b) basin (vessel for throwing or tossing a liquid); #6, #30, #40, #10,#300, #1, #30 = Miysha'el (H4332): {who is asked for or lent; who (is)what God (is)?} 1) the godly friend of Daniel {judgment of God; God myjudge} who Nebuchadnezzar {tears and groans of judgment} renamed Meshach{that draws with force}; one of the three friends who with Danielrefused to make themselves unclean by eating food from the king's tablewhich went against the dietary laws which God had given the Jews; alsoone of the three who were thrown into the fiery furnace for refusing tobow down to a graven image of Nebuchadnezzar and who were saved by theangel of the Lord; 2) a son of Uzziel {the strength, or kid, of theLord} and a cousin of Moses {taken out; drawn forth} and Aaron {ateacher; lofty; mountain of strength}; 3) one of those who stood at theleft hand of Ezra {help; court} when he read the law to the people; #40,#300, #2, #70, #5 = soba` (H7648): 1) *satiety*, *abundance*,*fullness*; 1a) *satiety*; 1b) *abundance*; #6, #300, #40, #70, #1 =Shim`a' (H8092): {that hears or obeys; my reputation; my fame} 1) son ofDavid {well-beloved, dear} by Bathsheba {the seventh daughter; thedaughter of satiety}; 2) brother of David, the 3rd son of Jesse {gift;oblation; one who is}; 3) a Gershonite }{his banishment; the change ofpilgrimage} Levite {associated with him}, father of Berachiah {speakingwell of the Lord}, and grandfather of Asaph {who gathers together}; 4) aMerarite {bitter; to provoke} Levite, son of Uzzah {strength; goat}, andfather of Haggiah {the Lord's feast}; 2a) also 'Shammah', 'Shimma', and'Shimeah'; #300, #50, #1, #6, #50, #10 = sin'ah (H8135): 1) *hating*,*hatred*, *hate*; 1a) *hatred*; 1a1) *of* *man*, *God*; #5, #400, #6, #6= tavah (H8428): 1) (Hiphil) *to* *pain*, *wound*, *trouble*, *cause**pain*; 1a) meaning probable; #1, #50, #1, #9, #5, #40, #1, #300, #10 =anathema (G331): 1) a thing set up or laid by in order to be kept; 2)*a* *thing* *devoted* *to* *God* *without* *hope* *of* *being**redeemed*, *and* *if* *an* *animal*, *to* *be* *slain*; therefore aperson or thing doomed to destruction; 1a) specifically, an offeringresulting from *a* *vow*, which after being consecrated to a god washung upon the walls or columns of the temple, or put in some otherconspicuous place; 2a) *a* *curse*; 2b) *a* *man* *accursed*, *devoted**to* *the* *direst* *of* woes; #2, #70, #8, #9, #8, #200, #70, #50 =boetheo (G997): 1) to help, succour, bring aid; #5, #50, #1, #50, #300,#10, #1 = enantios (G1727): 1) *over* *against*, *opposite*; 2)metaphor: 1a) of place, opposite, contrary (of the *wind*); 2a)*opposed* *as* *an* *adversary*, *hostile*, *antagonistic* *in**feeling* *or* *act*; 2b) *an* *opponent*; #5, #80, #10, #2, #1, #100,#8, #200, #1, #10 = epibareo (G1912): 1) *to** put* *a* *burden* *upon*,*to* *load*; 2) *to* *be* *burdensome*; #20, #1, #20, #70, #80, #1, #9,#5, #10, #1, #200 = kakopatheia (G2552): 1) *the* *suffering* *of**evil*, *ie*. *trouble*, *distress*, *afflicted*; #40, #1, #10, #50, #5,#300, #1, #10 = mainomai (G3105): 1) *to* *be* *mad*, *to* *rave*; 1a)*of* *one* *who* *so* *speaks* *that* *he* *seems* *not* *to* *be* *in**his* *right* *mind*; #70, #3, #4, #70, #70, #200 = ogdoos (G3590): 1)*the* *eighth*; #80, #100, #70, #8, #30, #9, #70, #50 = proerchomai(G4281): 1) to go forward, go on; 2) to go before; 2a) to go before,precede; 2b) to go before, in the advance of another; #5, #300, #1, #60,#1, #50 = tasso (G5021): 1) to put in order, to station; 1a) *to**place* *in* *a* *certain* *order*, *to* *arrange*, *to* *assign* *a**place*, *to* *appoint*; 1a1) *to* *assign* (*appoint*) *a* *thing* *to**one*; 1b) *to* *appoint*, *ordain*, *order*; 1b1) *to* *appoint* *on**one's* *own* *responsibility* *or* *authority*; 1b2) to appointmutually, ie. agree upon;

EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #233 has 11 Categories: #30, #2, #1, #200 = be'er(H875): 1) well, pit, spring; #2, #20, #6, #200, #5 = bikkuwrah (H1063):1) first-ripe fig, early fig; 2) (TWOT) firstfruits; #6, #2, #200, #20,#5 = Berakah (H1294): {blessing; bending the knee} 1) a Benjamite {sonof the right hand}, one of David's {well-beloved, dear} warriors; 2) avalley in the wilderness near Tekoa {trumpet; that is confirmed} whereJehoshaphat {the Lord is judge} and his people assembled to blessJehovah after the overthrow of the hosts of the Moabites {of hisfather}; #3, #200, #30 = garol (H1632): 1) *harsh*, *rough*; 2) (TWOT)*lot*, *portion*; #6, #7, #20, #200 = Zeker (H2144): 1) a Gibeonite; #5,#8, #80, #90, #10, #40 = chaphets (H2655): 1) *desiring*, *delighting**in*, *having* *pleasure* *in* #8, #80, #90, #10, #5, #40 = chephets(H2656): 1) *delight*, *pleasure*; 1a) *delight*; 1b) *desire*,*longing*; 1c) *the* *good* *pleasure*; 1d) *that* *in* *which* *one**takes* delight*; #6, #10, #8, #200, #3, #6 = charag (H2727): 1) (Qal)to shake from fear, tremble, quake; #3, #70, #40, #70, #50 = gomos(G1117): 1) a lading or freight of a ship, cargo, merchandise conveyedin a ship; 2) any merchandise;

"The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying, son of man, prophesyand say, 'Thus saith the Lord GOD; Howl ye, Woe worth the day!

For the day is near, even the day of the LORD is near, a cloudy day; itshall be the time of the heathen.

And the sword shall come upon Egypt {that troubles or oppresses;anguish}, and great pain shall be in Ethiopia {blackness; heat}, whenthe slain shall fall in Egypt, and they shall take away her multitude,and her foundations shall be broken down.

Ethiopia {blackness; heat}, and Libya {the heart of the sea; fat}, andLydia {a standing pool}, and all the mingled people, and Chub, and themen of the land that is in league, shall fall with them by the sword.

Thus saith the LORD; They also that uphold Egypt shall fall; and thepride of her power shall come down: from the tower of Syene {a bush;enmity} shall they fall in it by the sword, saith the Lord GOD.

And they shall be desolate in the midst of the countries that aredesolate, and her cities shall be in the midst of the cities that arewasted. And they shall know that I am the LORD, when I have set a firein Egypt, and when all her helpers shall be destroyed.

In that day shall messengers go forth from me in ships to make thecareless Ethiopians afraid, and great pain shall come upon them, as inthe day of Egypt: for, lo, it cometh.Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will also make the multitude of Egypt tocease by the hand of Nebuchadrezzar {tears and groans of judgment} kingof Babylon {incongruity; confusion; mixture}.

He and his people with him, the terrible of the nations, shall bebrought to destroy the land: and they shall draw their swords againstEgypt, and fill the land with the slain.And I will make the rivers dry, and sell the land into the hand of thewicked: and I will make the land waste, and all that is therein, by thehand of strangers: I the LORD have spoken it.

Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will also destroy the idols, and I will causetheir images to cease out of Noph {honeycomb; anything that distills ordrops}; and there shall be no more a prince of the land of Egypt: and Iwill put a fear in the land of Egypt.

And I will make Pathros {mouthful of dough; persuasion of ruin}desolate, and will set fire in Zoan {motion}, and will execute judgmentsin No {stirring up; forbidding}. And I will pour my fury upon Sin{bush}, the strength of Egypt; and I will cut off the multitude of No.And I will set fire in Egypt: Sin shall have great pain, and No shall berent asunder, and Noph shall have distresses daily. The young men ofAven {iniquity; force; riches; sorrow} and of Pibeseth {abode of thegoddess Bahest or Bast} shall fall by the sword: and these cities shallgo into captivity.

At Tehaphnehes also the day shall be darkened, when I shall break therethe yokes of Egypt: and the pomp of her strength shall cease in her: asfor her, a cloud shall cover her, and her daughters shall go intocaptivity. Thus will I execute judgments in Egypt: and they shall knowthat I am the LORD." [Ezekiel 30:1-19 (KJV)]

#5, #80, #5, #50, #5, #3, #20, #5, #10, #50 = epiphero (G2018): 1) tobring upon, bring forward; 2) to lay upon, to inflict; 3) to bring upon,ie. in addition, to add, increase; 4) to put upon, cast upon, impose;1a) *used* *of* *accusers*; #20, #30, #10, #2, #1, #50, #70, #50 =klibanos (G2823): 1) a clibanus, a earthen vessel for baking bread. Itwas broader at the bottom than above at the orifice, and whensufficiently heated by a fire kindled within, the dough was baked bybeing spread upon the outside. [but according to others, the dough wasbaked by being placed inside and the fire or coals outside, the vesselbeing perforated with small holes that the heat might better penetrate.;2) a furnace, oven;

ISLAMIC TIME FOR CIRCUMCISIONAccording to some traditions, Muhammad was born without a foreskin(*APOSTHETIC* as a quaint parallelism and a *playing* *off* *the**language* between that alien physical deformity of manhood endowmentand the APOSTLE www-site which is a special interest group for UFO geeksforthwith known as 'adherents'), while others maintain that hisgrandfather Abd-al-Muttalib circumcised him when he was seven days oldat the time of their Aqiqah as a traditional celebration for the birthof a child which involves the sacrifice of an animal in thanks to Allahas reported in al-Bayhaq. Another thing I have heard is that ifcircumcision is done late, the child feels *mutilated* if they don'tunderstand the reasoning behind doing it. So many recommend as early aspossible. Many of his early disciples were circumcised to symbolizetheir inclusion within the emerging Islamic community. Some accountsreport that Heraclius, Emperor of Byzantium (610 - 641 CE), had referredto Muhammad as the "leader of the circumcised people".

Islamic sources do not fix a particular time for circumcision. Itdepends on family, region and country. A majority of Ulema (ie. a bodyof Muslim scholars who are recognized as having specialist knowledge ofIslamic sacred law and theology) however take the view that parentsshould get their child circumcised before the age of ten. The preferredage is usually at seven days (ie. and therefore has no association toJewish piety) although some Muslims are circumcised as early as on theseventh day after birth and as late as at the commencement of puberty.

Islamic male circumcision is improperly claimed to be analogous but notidentical as it is a contrary fact and untrue to claim in any way thatis performed for the same ritual purpose as the Jewish rite ofcircumcision. Islam is currently the largest single religious group inwhich the practice is widespread, and although circumcision is notmentioned in the Qur'an itself, it is mentioned in a hadith and thesunnah. Whether or not it should be carried out after converting toIslam is debated among Islamic scholars.

The conventional semitic pictographs including the thorn are related tothis 15th letter of the Hebrew alphabet SAMEK {} was thought torepresent speech, hence the pun: "his grandmother taught him his letters."


The pictograph of a thorn is used almost exclusively throughout theearly and middle history of this letter.

Furthermore this pictograph has the meanings of "pierce" and "sharp" andin this regard is equivalent to Nous #14 as a determination made of the4th of the septet #369 magic square arrays as the chronological planeand which produces the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING associated within Nous:#14 to the EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #359 as #6, #50, #8, #200, #90, #5 =charats (H2782): 1) *to* *cut*, *sharpen*, *decide*, *decree*,*determine*, *maim*, *move*, *be* *decisive*, *be* *mutilated*; 1a)(Qal); 1a1) *to* *cut*, *mutilate*; 1a2) *to* *sharpen*; 1a3) *to**decide*; 1b) (Niphal) *to* *be* *decisive*;

This letter also has the meaning of a shield, as thorn bushes were usedby the shepherd to build a wall, or shield, to enclose his flock duringthe night to protect them from predators. Another meaning of this letteris to "grab hold" as a thorn clings to hair and clothing.

Of all the letters in the Hebrew alphabet, this is the most difficult toreconstruct due to its limited archeological and textual support. TheModern Hebrew name for this letter is SAMECH, which is a word that means"support," with no apparent connection to a two letter parent root or tothe meaning of the original picture of this letter. The Arabic alphabetdoes not have this letter.

The Messenger of Allah (ie. who adhered to the esoteric means of thePythagorean mechanism of reduction as can then be considered aCATEGORICAL IMPERATIVE: #1 - MONAD: #505CE; #5 - DUAD: #671 CE; #6 -TRIAD: #15 - SATURN (MARRIAGE/SOVEREIGN DYNAMIC); #7 - TETRAD: #34 (theAngel Gabriel has a mission of 16 epochs with an impeding re-emergenceof the German fascist 3RD REICH as *GOLDEN* *AGE* by 2056 CE) said tothe woman who did circumcisions:

'Leave something sticking out and do not go to extremes in *cutting*.That makes her face look brighter and is more pleasing to her husband.'{ie. Within Nous: #66 is associated with the EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #233 as#5, #8, #80, #90, #10, #40 = chaphets (H2655): 1) *desiring*,*delighting* *in*, *having* *pleasure* *in* #8, #80, #90, #10, #5, #40 =chephets (H2656): 1) *delight*, *pleasure*; 1a) *delight*; 1b) *desire*,*longing*; 1c) *the* *good* *pleasure*; 1d) *that* *in* *which* *one**takes* delight*;}

That is because the purpose of circumcising a man is to make him cleanfrom the impurity that may collect beneath the foreskin. But the purposeof circumcising women is to regulate their *desire*, because if a womanis not circumcised her *desire* will be strong. Hence the words "O sonof an uncircumcised woman” are used as an insult, because theuncircumcised woman has stronger *desire*. Hence immoral actions aremore common among the women of the Tatars and the Franks, that are notfound among the Muslim women. If the circumcision is too severe, the*desire* is weakened altogether, which is unpleasing for men; but if itis *cut* without going to extremes in that, the purpose will beachieved, which is moderating *desire*. And Allah knows best doesn't he?[https://islamqa.info/en/9412]

Male Circumcision is among the rites of Islam and is part of the (inArabic): fitrah.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "*FIVE* (and some say*TEN*) are the acts quite akin to fitrah", which we in the enlightenedand fashionable west would regard this as a declaration made to the*uncouth* (ie. what do you wipe your arse with?) in being mere mattersof regular grooming as routine man-scaping which even animals do withoutany feigned pretext to piety. It's basic hygiene which are implicit tothe premise of inter-personal dynamics which gives rise torespectability as a civil society: Circumcision, clipping or *shaving*the pubes, *cutting* the nails, plucking or *shaving* the hair under thearmpits and clipping (or *shaving*) the moustache." [Reported in Bukhari& Muslim]

I adopted on the occasion when legislative changes within Victoria whichoccurred

which whilst the registered owner se of my non terrorist as pacifistvoluntary war initiatives and my GLBTI Community advocacy made insupport of same sex marriage which is sustained )


Whilst the equivalent content of the determined *defamation* by slanderas an intentioned vilification as systematic dehumanising, so as to notjust steal my prerogative to an Intellectual Property but that of thegovernment and peoples of the Commonwealth of Australia, is sufficientin and of itself, to warrant an indictment for a criminal offence. Thatit is then transformed into a transcendent accusation of crimes againsthumanity as a war crime by the elliptical concordance with the identicalcomputed CATEGORIES OF UNDERSTANDING that is a phenomenal property whichcan only be known by observing the events through the lens provided bymy mathematical theoretical noumenon and are given a value of SUPER(MALE) IDEA: #310 and EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #339 and that are theassociated to the time of day of 2245 - 2250 hours / 2 March, 2017 and1925-30 hours / 12 January, 2007:

***@zen: 2, row: 9, col: 7, nous: 3 [Date: 2017.03.02, Time: 2245hrs, Super: #310 / #23 - Constancy of Guiding Concepts, Emptiness &Non-Existence; I-Ching: H18 - Ills to Be Cured, Arresting Decay,Correcting, Work on what has been spoiled (decay), Decaying, Branch;Tetra: 26 - Endeavor, Ego: #339 / #3 - Political Prescriptions,Quietude; I-Ching: H46 - Climbing, Moving/Pushing Upward, Ascending;Tetra: 8 - Opposition]

Nous:#21Time:19:25 hrsDate:2016.1.12Torah:#30 #6 #6 %81 = #42Dao:Guiding the Physical, Emptying the HeartTetra:#42 - Going to MeetI-Ching:H31 - Reciprocity, Conjoining, Influence (wooing), Feelings

Latin: Dator {God who forgives sinners} Alt: Aniael {Remove the Woe ofGod} {1. PROTECTS & AIDS IN OBTAINING GRACE2. THE MEMORY3. JOVIALITY & INTELLIGENCE4. Sotis}

Terah {Station, delay, a station of Israel in the wilderness, Tobreathe; scent; blow}

- http://www.grapple369.com?zen:2,row:8,col:5,nous:21

***@zen: 2, row: 8, col: 5, nous: 21 [Date: 2017.1.12, Time: 19:25hrs, Super: #310 / #30 - Government without Coercion, Be Chary of War;I-Ching: H45 - Gathering, Congregation, Clustering, Gathering together(massing), Finished; Tetra: 59 - Massing, Ego: #339 / #21 - Guiding thePhysical, Emptying the Heart; I-Ching: H31 - Reciprocity, Conjoining,Influence (wooing), Feelings; Tetra: 42 - Going to Meet]

On 12 January, 2017 according to the fake as manufactured news reporterand fascist propagandist Lisa Bourne who just loves the Roman CatholicChurch and its rich Traditions because it allegedly informs her feignedopportunity to 'save lives and souls', reports that the Pope has yetagain derided defenders of the Church for their internally contrivedtheatre of doctrinal controversy, which has no importance for the worldat large and ought to be kept within, as un-Christ like in it's mannerof teaching:

"Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying,'I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.'

The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that itthundered {ie. fulminated: 1) to issue denunciations; 2) to explode witha loud noise; debate; 3) to cause to explode; 4) to issue or pronouncewith vehement denunciation, condemnation, or the like; Courtesy: Word ofthe Day for 26 January 2017 from www.dictionary.com}: others said, 'Anangel spake to him.'

Jesus answered and said, 'This voice came not because of me, but foryour sakes.

Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world becast out.

And I, if be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.'

This he said, signifying what death he should die.

The people answered him. 'We have heard out of the law that Christabideth for ever: and how sayest thou, 'The Son of man must be lifted up?

Who is this Son of man?'

Then Jesus said unto them, 'Yet a little while is the light with you.Walk while ye have the light, lest *DARKNESS* come upon you: for he thatwalketh in *DARKNESS* knoweth not whither he goeth.

While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the childrenof light.

These things spake Jesus {He is saved/A saviour; a deliverer} ofNazareth {Sovereign; one chosen or set apart; separated; crowned;sanctified}, and departed, and did hide himself from them." [John12:28-36 (KJV)]

Pope Francis took aim at Catholics concerned with Church doctrine againon Tuesday, preaching at Mass that "doctors of the law" were incoherent,hypocritical, clericalist, and lacking in real authority.

Christ's authority was derived from His service and proximity to peopleand the fact "he was coherent {ie. *OF* *AN* *ARGUMENT*, *THEORY*, *OR**POLICY* *WHICH* *IS* *LOGICAL* *AND* *CONSISTENT* *AS* *BEING**CAPABLE* *OF* *UNDERSTANDING*}," the pope said in his morning Masshomily at Casa Santa Marta.

But his frequent and repeated derision of doctors of the law andPharisees closely resembled negative assessments he has levelled atOrthodox Catholics at all echelons with ever-increasing frequency.

The doctors of the law considered themselves princes, the pope said, andthey are the opposite of Christ, who had authority, was coherent, andclose to people."

SUPER MALE IDEA: #310 has 18 Categories:

#6, #5, #200, #3, #50, #6, #40 = harag (H2026): 1) *TO* *KILL*, *SLAY*,*MURDER*, *DESTROY*, *MURDERER*, *SLAYER*, *OUT* *OF* *HAND*; 1a) (Qal);1a1) *TO* *KILL*, *SLAY*; 1a2) *TO* *DESTROY*, *RUIN*; 1b) (Niphal) *TO**BE* *KILLED*; 1c) (Pual) *to* *be* *killed*, *be* *slain*; #6, #8, #90,#6, #200 = Chatsowr (H2674): 1) a royal city of northern Palestineallotted to Naphtali; 2) one of the cities of Judah in the extremesouth; 3) a town north of Jerusalem in which the Benjamites residedafter the return from exile; 4) a site in Arabia; #10, #40, #5, #200,#50, #5 = mahar (H4117): 1) to obtain or acquire by paying purchaseprice, give a dowry; 1a) (Qal) to obtain in exchange; #6, #5, #40, #6,#200, #3, #10, #40 = mowrag (H4173): 1) thresher, threshing-sledge; #6,#30, #40, #200, #4, #20, #10 = Mordekay (H4782): 1) cousin and adoptivefather of queen Esther; son of Jair of the tribe of Benjamin; delivererunder Divine providence of the children of Israel from the destructionplotted by Haman the chief minister of Ahasuerus; institutor of thefeast of Purim; 2) a Jew who returned from exile with Zerubbabel; #50,#4, #200, #50, #6 = nadar (H5087): 1) to vow, make a vow; 1a) (Qal) tovow a vow; #20, #50, #40, #200 = nemar (Aramaic) (H5245): 1) leopard;#30, #70, #200, #10 = `Eriy (H6179): 1) son of Gad and progenitor of thefamily of Erites; #30, #100, #40, #90, #10, #40 = qomets (H7062): 1)closed hand, fist, handful; #200, #60, #50 = Recen (H7449): 1) a placein Assyria between Nineveh and Calah; #30, #200, #70, #10 = rea`(H7454): 1) purpose, aim, thought; #200, #100, #10 = roq (H7536): 1)spittle; #300, #10 = shay (H7862): 1) gift, present, gift offered ashomage; #5, #30, #5, #70, #200 = eleos (G1656): 1) mercy: kindness orgood will towards the miserable and the afflicted, *joined* *with* *a**desire* *to* *help* *them*; 1a) *of* *men* *towards* *men*: *to**exercise* *the* *virtue* *of* *mercy*, *show* *one's* *self**merciful*; 1b) *of* *God* *towards* *men*: *in* *general* *providence*;*the* *mercy* *and* *clemency* *of* *God* *in* *providing* *and**offering* *to* *men* *salvation* *by* *Christ*; 1c) *the* *mercy* *of**Christ*, *whereby* *at* *his* *return* *to* *judgment* *he* *will**bless* *true* *Christians* *with* *eternal* *life*; #20, #70, #20, #20,#10, #50, #70, #50 = kokkinos (G2847): 1) *CRIMSON*, *SCARLET**COLOURED*. A kernel, the grain or berry of the ilex coccifera; theseberries are the clusters of the eggs of a female insect, the kermes(resembling the cochineal), and when collected and pulverised produces ared which was used in dyeing (Pliny); 2) scarlet cloth or clothing; #30,#70, #10, #80, #70, #50 = loipon (G3063): 1) remaining, the rest; 1a)hereafter, for the future, henceforth; 1b) at last, already; 1c) for therest, besides, moreover; #70, #100, #20, #70, #50 = horkos (G3727): 1)that which has been pledged or promised with an oath; #80, #30, #70,#10, #70, #50 = ploion (G4143): 1) a ship;


One who would assist the ruler of men in accordance with the Dao doesnot use military force to gain power over all under Heaven.

COMMENT: Even one who, in accordance with the Dao, assists the ruler ofmen may not use military force to gain power over all under Heaven, sohow much more this is true for the ruler of men who devotes himself tothe Dao!

As for such matters, he is Wont to let them revert.

COMMENT: Whereas one who consciously works at governing earnestly wantsto have effect and makes things happen, one who has the Dao earnestlywants things to revert to where no conscious effort [wu wei] isinvolved. Thus the text says: 'As for such matters, he is wont to letthem revert.'

Where armies deploy, there thistles and thorns grow. The aftermath ofgreat military operations is surely a year of famine.

COMMENT: In other words, an army is a cruel and wicked thing. Notbeneficial, it is surely harmful, for it devastates the people andravages the land. Thus the text says. 'there thistles and thorns grow.'

One good at this desists when result is had and dares not use theopportunity to seize military supremacy.

Guo [result] means ji [relief]. This says that the good military leadersets out to relieve people from danger and then desists. He does notuse military force to gain power over all under Heaven.

Have result but do not take credit for it; have result but do not boastabout it; have result but do not take pride in it;

COMMENT: I do not regard the Dao of military leadership worthy ofesteem and use it only when there is no other choice, so what is thereto take credit for or boast about?

Have result but only when there is no choice; have result but do not tryto gain military supremacy.

COMMENT: In other words, although one sets forth to succeed and relievepeople from danger, this should only he done in cases where there is noother choice and only to quell violent insurrection. One should not goon to take advantage of such results to gain military supremacy.

Once a thing reaches its prime, it grows old. We say it goes against theDao, and what is against the Dao comes to an early end.

COMMENT: 'Its prime' refers to the sudden rise of military power and isa metaphor for the use of military force to gain supremacy over allunder Heaven. 'A whirlwind does not last an entire morning, and arainstorm does not last an entire clay.' Thus a sudden rise surely goesagainst the Dao Dao and will come to an early end.


Cui [Gathering] means prevalence. {When there is a gathering, things gosmoothly.} Only when a true king arrives, will there be an ancestraltemple. {Jia [come, go] here means 'arrive.' When a true king arrives,thanks to this time of gathering, there will an ancestral temp|e.} Itis fitting to see the great man [daren], and with prevalence it isfitting to practice constancy. {it is only when the gathering obtains agreat man that things manage to go smoothly and it becomes fitting topractice constancy} To use a great sacrificial beast means good fortune.{When the Dao of gathering is practiced perfectly, the use of a greatsacrificial beast will result in good fortune, but if one were to use agreat sacrificial beast when the Dao of gathering is not being practicedperfectly, the gods will not dispense blessings.} It is fitting to setout to do something.

JUDGMENTS: Cui [Gathering] means ju [gathering]. Here compliance ispracticed with delight, to which the hard and strong [ruler] responds bystaying within the Mean. Thus Gathering is achieved. {If there isnothing but 'compliance . . . practiced with delight,' it would be butthe dao of the evil sycophant, and if there were only hardness andstrength so that it did violence to the resonance proper to centrality,this would be but power as exercised by a mighty overreacher. How couldgathering ever be achieved by such means as these? But if the onepractices compliance with delight, and the other practices stewardshipwith hardness and strength, that is, if the ruler were hard and strongyet trod the path of the mean, and if resonance were maintained by himwho so trod the path of the Mean, then true gathering would beachieved.} 'Only when a true king arrives, Will there be an ancestraltemple,' for then sacrifice will be achieved that is imbued with truefilial piety. {Only the perfect practice of gathering will enable one toachieve sacrifice imbued with true filial piety.} 'It is fitting to seethe great man,' for he achieves prevalence and gathering is had thanksto his righteousness. {A great man is someone who embodies centralityand righteousness. Such a one has great success at gathering because ofhis righteousness; thanks to it, gathering achieves perfection.} 'To usea great sacrificial beast means good fortune,' and 'it is fitting to setout to do something,' for one here obeys Heaven's commands. {One who'practices compliance with delight' and so does no harm to the hard andstrong is someone who 'obeys Heaven's commands.' The virtue of Heaven isto be hard and strong, yet it does not do violence to centrality [or'does not violate the Mean], so here the one finds delight in obeyingHeaven's commands, while the other practices his stewardship withhardness and strength} Observe how gathering takes place here, for insuch gathering the innate tendencies of the myriad things can be seen.{"Those with regular tendencies gather according to kind, and thingsdivide up according to group." Only when innate tendencies are the samewill things gather, and only when material forces are in harmony willthings group.}

COMMENTARY: The Lake has risen higher than the Earth: this is the imageof Gathering. In the same way, the noble man gets his weapons in order,so he may use them to deal with emergencies.' {If gathering comes aboutbut does not have defences, the common man will start to have a mind ofhis own.}

SEQUENCE: Only after things meet is there a gathering. This is why (Gou[Encounter, Hexagram 44] is followed by Cui [Gathering]. Cui here means'to gather.'

IRREGULAR: Cui [Gathering] means 'to collect together.'

1ST YIN: If this one has sincerity but does not let it run its course,there would be confusion one moment then Gathering the next. But if onedeclares that it would be for a handclasp and were to make smiles, heshould feel no grief, for setting forth would incur no blame. {FirstYin has a resonate relationship with Fourth Yang, but Third Yin carriesFourth Yang, so First Yin might be beset with heartfelt suspicions. Thisis why the text says: 'If this one has sincerity but does not let it runits course.' lf this one were unable to remain loyal to the Dao, whichwould bring about a union of utmost goodness [between First Yin andFourth Yang], it would confuse his sense of duty and subject him tostruggle and conflict. Thus the text says: 'There would be confusion onemoment then Gathering the next.' 'A handclasp' describes brevity, and'make smiles' describes someone who is malleable and feeble. First Yinis the correct partner for Fourth Yang, but, because of its proximity,Third Yin is the favourite [of Fourth Yang]. If one at First Yin werecontent to be submissive, to withdraw, and to take care of himself inall modesty, then 'he should feel no grief, for setting forth wouldincur no blame.'}

COMMENTARY: 'There would be confusion one moment then Gathering thenext,' for the will is confused.

2ND YIN: This one is summoned, so he has good fortune and is withoutblame. If one is sincere, it would be fitting to perform a yue sacrificehere? {Second Yin abides here at a time of Gathering. It embodiessoftness and weakness and suits its position, for it occupies the centreof the Kun [Pure Yin] trigram. It alone occupies a correct place here[in the lower trigram], and, in doing so, it differs from all theothers. As one here conducts himself in a different way from the rest ofthe gathering, he is often shunned by the common folk. The one who alonepractices rectitude puts himself in danger. As this one is incapable ofaltering the substance of what he is to distance himself from harm, heis sure to be summoned [by Fifth Yang], in consequence of which 'he hasgood fortune and is without blame.' 'Due' is the name of the Yin [Shangdynasty] spring sacrifice, the most frugal of the lour seasonalsacrifices. This one abides at a time of gathering and occupies acentral and correct position, and, as he conducts himself with loyaltyand faithfulness, he can be sparing and frugal when it comes tosacrificing to spirits and gods.}

COMMENTARY: "This one is summoned, so he has good fortune and is withoutblame," for his centrality is never altered [or, "he never deviates fromthe Mean"].

3RD YIN: Now Gathering, now sighing, there is nothing at all fittinghere, but one can set forth without blame, for it involves but a littlebaseness. {Where Third Yin treads is not the territory of its rightfulposition [it is a yin line in a yang position], and, because it pairswith Fourth Yang, Fourth Yang also has to give up its position. It is byimproper gathering or by gathering the improper that disasters are born,and it is by interfering with the proper resonate relationships betweenpeople that harm arises. This is why the text says: "Now Gathering, nowsighing, there is nothing at all fitting here." Top Yin also is withoutresponse and so stands alone, occupying a place at the very end andgrieving about its danger. lt longs for help and seeks a companion, and,"compliant," it waits for another. For such a one to gather with someoneimproper [Third Yin] is not as good as if he had gathered with a truecomrade, [but still it is not too bad], thus "one can set forth withoutblame." For two yins to unite is not as good as the resonaterelationship between a yin and a yang, [but still it is not too bad],thus "it involves but a little baseness."}

COMMENTARY: "One can set forth without blame," for the one at Top Yinis compliant.

4TH YANG: Only if this one were to have great good fortune would he bewithout blame. {Where Fourth Yang treads is not its rightful position[it is a yang line in a yin position]; moreover below it is supported bythree yin lines, and in order to obtain that support it has to be out ofits rightful position. Here such a one is at a time of gathering, notonly incorrect but also dependent, and this is why he must have "greatgood fortune" and so achieve some great meritorious accomplishment, foronly then will he manage to "be without blame."}

COMMENTARY: "Only if this one were to have great good fortune would hebe without blame," for his position is not correct.

5TH YANG: Gathering is such that this one has his position. There isone without blame, but that is not because of his sincerity.Fundamentally and constantly does this one practice constancy, so hisregret disappears. {Fifth Yang is so located at this time of Gatheringthat such a one obtains to the utmost a position of power andprosperity, and this is why the text says: "This one has his position."Fourth Yang acts without proper authority and also is dependent. it isthe virtue of one there not to act; he merely protects himself and doesnothing more, and this is why the text says: "There is one withoutblame, but that is not because of his sincerity." if one cultivatesbenevolence and maintains his rectitude, eventually his regret willsurely vanish, thus the text says: "Fundamentally and constantly doesthis one practice constancy, so his regret disappears."}

COMMENTARY: "Gathering is such that this one has his position," but henever has the opportunity to let his will shine forth.

TOP YIN: This one wails and weeps, but is without blame. {Top Yinsituated as it is at a time of gathering abides at this uppermostextremity. Fifth Yang is not one upon which such a one can ride, andwithin the lower trigram there is no one who will respond with help. Heoccupies the top and stands alone with no one near or far to give himaid. There is no greater danger than this. 'Jizi' [wail] is anexpression for sighing or moaning, used, for example, when one iscapable of knowing the extremity of his danger, of fearing the depth ofthe disaster threatening him, or of grieving over the severity of someillness--such that he even goes so far as to weep. This one does notdare take charge of his own security, yet he is not harmed by all theothers, thus he manages to be "without blame."'}

COMMENTARY: That "this one wails and weeps" is because he can never besecure here at the top.


HEAD: Yin ch'i is gathering and amassing. Yang does not prohibit orprevent [anything], so things together peak? in their accumulation.

At this time of the year, the myriad things begin to mass together,either because they are stored together after harvest or because theyhuddle together in the face of harsh winter. In this, they follow themodel of now dominant yin ch'i, which is tied to contraction, ratherthan expansion. Interestingly, Yang Hsiung associates massing withghosts and spirits, although in other passages of his works Yang Hsiungexplicitly states that he doubts their existence. Most likely, he isfollowing the tradition of the correlate Changes hexagram, which isfilled with talk of ghosts and ancestral spirits. The Changes shows thewise ruler offering sacrifices to the spirits gathered at the ancestraltemple, so that he may prepare for 'the unforeseen' and forestallconfusion. Unity of mind and will is no less important in religiouspractice than in the conduct of war.

Appraisal 1: Ghosts and gods use the formless,So numinous are they.Fathoming 1: Ghosts and gods, formless and numinous,Mean: Their forms are unseen.

Appraisal 1 is aligned with *Water*, whose source and power areinvisible. Also hidden at this time of year are the myriad things, asthey burrow down, retreat, or die. With all "things reverting to theirbase," the discussion naturally shifts to the *ghosts* and gods, whoseoperations are by definition unseen, though the results of theiroperations are manifest to all. Apparently, the perfect efficacy of*ghosts* and spirits depends upon this unseen quality, for paradoxically"Whatever has form has limits. . . ." For this reason, the superior manchooses to operate as much as possible behind the scenes to effect his will.

Appraisal 2: At the banquet they gather,Titter, titter.Fathoming 2: Laughter at banquet gatheringsMeans: In their pleasure, they go to excess.

The ordinary person wants to meet with boon companions in the pursuit ofpleasure. Ignoring the constraints of ritual, he easily lapses intovacuous laughter and appalling excess. It could also be that hismediocrity prompts the ridicule of others.

Appraisal 3: He reveres his own eldersAs gateway to the many *ghosts*.Fathoming 3: To revere one's own eldersMeans: The *ghosts* await respect.

For the ancient Chinese, piety towards living and dead forebears was thefoundation of all morality. Family feeling should inform the ritual actso that the individual is naturally schooled in the properly reverentialattitude, an attitude that could be extended to other authority figures.Many also regarded ancestor worship as a prerequisite for good fortune,since a man's ancestors could intercede on his behalf in the spiritworld, thereby securing the favour of the gods in heaven. Here theMystery shows the aged to be one step away from the ancestors; a singlebarrier (the gate of death) separates the living from the dead. Membersof the household should treat their elders with respect, then, for bothpractical and moral reasons.

Appraisal 4: Leading *sheep* to show to the thicket god,Extending the left thigh, tablet in hand.Both are *uncouth*.Fathoming 4: Leading *sheeps* to thicketsMeans: This is hardly worth glorifying.

The Fathoming offers severe criticism, but the commentators cannot agreeon the specific nature of the ritual lapses cited here. Apparently, theright thigh, rather than the left, should be extended when bowing to theemperor during a formal audience." But it is less clear what is wrongwith "leading the *sheep*." Ssu-ma Kuang believes that it isinappropriate to offer the sacrifice of a *sheep* to the god of thesoil, represented by a thicket of trees. Perhaps an ox should have beenslaughtered, rather than the lowly *sheep*. A modern commentator, ChengKeng-wang, finds an additional flaw in the proceedings: No blood sacrificeis offered; the gods are only "shown" a *sheep*." In any case, whenmistakes mar the rituals, they are of no use to man or the gods; no goodcan come from them."

Appraisal 5: With yu herbs in the tripod's bloodGood ties for nine degrees of kin,Only then does real trust exist.Fathoming 5: The yu in the tripodMeans: There is trust in the king's decree.

Appraisal 5 corresponds to the Son of Heaven, who mixes an herbalinfusion in the tripod with the bloody meats as an offering to theancestors. This ceremony concludes the pact between members of theking's clan, who partake of his charismatic authority as they share thesacrificial meats. Through a single ritual act, then, the entirepolitical structure is cemented and the king's power extended.

Appraisal 6: Fearing his *ghosts*, honouring their rites,Wanton acts cause benightedness.By excess, he will be ruined.Fathoming 6: Reckless acts in fearing *ghosts*Means: He goes beyond what is right for him.

Many Han thinkers explicitly denounce the popular fear of *ghosts*,arguing that excessive sacrifices and weird cults both deplete householdfunds and disorder human relations. As the Tso Commentary writes:

When a country is about to rise, it listens to its worthy men. When thecountry is about to fall, it listens to the spirits.

Similarly, the Record of Ritual warns that 'excessive sacrifices bringno good fortune.' Those who merely fear the unknown show littleinclination to embrace the sacred cosmic norms. They splurge onsacrifices, presumptuously apply for help from gods above their ownstation, and neglect their regular duties. All such activities wouldanger, rather than satisfy the inhabitants of the otherworld. Real loveand honour inject an element of solemn restraint into the ritualprocess. In actuality, these cowards cheat the dead out of the truedevotion that is their due.

Appraisal 7: Duly reverent, they gather at the hillside grave.Fathoming 7: Reverently gathering at the hillside graveMeans: Ritual is not forsaken.

The grave sited on a hill is regarded as especially favourable bygeomantic specialists, who see in the grave a symbol both of individualdeath and family continuity. Here sacrifices to the dead ancestorsproceed with the utmost reverence. As one treats the dead, so is onelikely to treat the living members of one's family and, by extension,other figures of authority. We may expect good fortune to result.

Appraisal 8: Owls and pigeons in the forestScare off many other birds.Fathoming 8: Owls and pigeons in the forestMean: This is frightening to many.

The Chinese consider the owl and the pigeon 'robber birds' since theyfeed upon smaller birds, fledglings, and eggs purloined from nests.Defenseless birds of other species are afraid to enter the forest, lestthey be killed. By analogy, in the world of Man the vicious or violentindividual (especially the slanderer) may cause widespread panic.

Appraisal 9: Snivel dripping collects at the nose.The family gathers together.Fathoming 9: Snivel dripping and collecting at nosesMeans: A timely fate is *cut* off.

According to Yang's own schema, these lines should be auspicious; theyshould also convey an extreme example of 'massing.' For this reason, FanWang attempts a tortuous explication of the metaphors. It is morenatural, however, to read this as a description of mourners gathered fora funeral. Death itself gives an extreme example of Massing; in death,the body collapses, pulling in on itself. The lines are auspicious onlyin sofar as death rituals bring the kinship community together.'

EGO FEMALE IDEA: #339 has 5 Categories:

#30, #1, #8, #200, #50, #10, #40 = 'acharown (H314): 1) behind,following, subsequent, western; 1a) behind, hindermost, western (oflocation); 1b) later, subsequent, latter, last (of time); #30, #50, #9,#200, #10, #40 = natar (H5201): 1) to keep, keep guard, reserve,maintain; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to keep, maintain; 1a2) to keep, guard; #20,#100, #10, #9, #200 = qiytowr (H7008): 1) thick smoke, smoke; #6, #300,#2, #1, #30 = Shebuw'el (H7619): {returning captivity; seat of God} 1)son of Gershom {a stranger here} and grandson of Moses {taken out; drawnforth}; 2) one of the 14 sons of Heman {their trouble; tumult; much; ingreat number} the musician; #5, #60, #8, #10, #5, #200, #1, #50 = exeimi(G1826): 1) to go forth, go out;


A capacity for the virtue of emptiness, this alone allows conformancewith the Dao.

COMMENT: KONG [usually '*GREAT*'] here means kong [empty]. Only byembracing emptiness [kong] as virtue [de] can one ensure that one'sactions conform with the Dao.

The Dao as such is but dim, is but dark.

COMMENT: 'Dim' and 'dark' refer to the appearance of that which isformless and not attached to anything.

Dark, oh, dim, but within it some image is there. Dim, oh, dark, oh, butwithin it something is there.

COMMENT: It [the Dao] originates things thanks to its formlessness andbrings things to completion thanks to its freedom from attachments. Themyriad things are originated and completed in this way yet do not knowhow it happens. Thus the text says: 'Dark, oh, dim, oh, but within itsome image is there. Dim, oh, dark, oh, but within it something is there.'

Abstruse, oh, indistinct, oh, but within it the essence of things is there.

COMMENT: 'Abstruse' and 'indistinct' refer to an appearance ofunfathomable profundity [shenyuan]. It [the Dao] is so unfathomablyprofound that we cannot treat it as something seen, yet the myriadthings all proceed from it. Because we cannot see it and so fix what itsauthentic existence [zhen] is, the text says: 'Abstruse, oh, indistinct,oh, but within it the essence of things [jing] is there.'

Its essence is most authentic, for within it authentication occurs.

COMMENT: XIN [trust] means pinyin [authentication]. When things revertto the unfathomably profound, the ultimate state of authentic essence[zhenjing shi ji] is attained and the natures [xing] of all the myriadthings are fixed. Thus the text says: 'Its essence is most authentic,for within it authentication occur.'

From antiquity until now, its name has never been revoked.

COMMENT: The ultimate of perfect authenticity [zhizhen] cannot be named.Because it is 'nameless' [wuming], this is its name. From now back toantiquity, nothing has ever become complete except through it. Thus thetext says: 'From antiquity until now, its name has never been revoked [qu].'

We use it to convey what the father of everything is.

COMMENT: ZHONGFU [father of everything] means the origin of things. Weuse 'nameless' to convey what the origin of the myriad things is.

How do I know that the father of everything is so? It is by this.

COMMENT: 'This' means what has just been said above. In others words, ifyou ask how I know that the myriad things originate in nothingness, Iknow it by this.

The demonic 'root' of magic which is thought obtained from associationsderived from the triangulation of number n(n+1)/2 as symbolic and analternate transposition applied to the Tetragrammaton of 'YHWH' andknown as the root of nature {A-U-M} or Tetractys, the 'Holy Four-foldForm'. That is:

MOTHER LETTERS {A-U-M}YOD (10) AS 4(4+1)/2 = #10 {A = FIRE} +YOD (10) + HE (5) AS 5(5+1)/2 = #15 {U = *WATER*} +YOD (10) + HE (5) + VAV (6) AS 6(6+1)/2 = #21 {M = AIR} +YOD (10) + HE (5) + VAV (6) + HE (5) = #26 AND TOTAL OF #72

YOUTUBE: *Holy* *Holy* *Holy* *God* *Almighty* [Agnus Dei]

- http://youtu.be/UWndDW_271g

'I *swear* by him who the TETRAKTYS (#10) found,Whence all our wisdom springs and which containsPerennial Nature's fountain, cause and root.'


JUDGMENT: Reciprocity is such that prevalence is had. It is fitting topractice constancy here. To marry a woman means good fortune.

COMMENTARY: Reciprocity is a matter of stimulation. Here the soft andyielding [DUI (Joy), here representing the Youngest Daughter] is above,and the hard and strong [GEN (Restraint), representing the Youngest Son]is below. The two kinds of material force [qi] stimulate and respondand so join together. {This is how 'prevalence is had.'} The one ispassive, and the other joyous. {And this is how 'it is fitting topractice constancy here.'} The male takes a place below the female, {so'to marry a woman means good fortune.'} and his is how 'prevalence ishad,' how 'it is fitting to practice constancy,' and how 'to marry awoman means good fortune.' It is by the mutual stimulation of Heavenand Earth that the myriad things are created.

COMMENT: According to Hexagram 31 - Reciprocity: It is by the mutualstimulation of Heaven and Earth (ie. H27 - YI [Nourishment/ZHEN (ie. #3)below + GEN (ie. #8) above] + H9 - XIAOXU [Lesser Domestication/QIAN(ie. #6) below + SUN (ie. #4) above] = H36 - MINGYI [Suppression of theLight/LI (ie. #9) below + KUN (ie. #1) above]) that the myriad thingsare created:

A view may then be formed, that the Hexagrams are also utilised as theinternal definition to the Tetragrammaton Hierarchy itself as the basisfor the HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER:

+ 0, H27 - YI [Nourishment/ZHEN (ie. #3) below + GEN (ie. #8) above],H54 - GUIMEI [Marrying Maid/DUI (ie. #7) below + ZHEN (ie. #3) above]{ie. Realm of its Nature as Heaven - Formula of Universal Law}

+ 0, H9 - XIAOXU [Lesser Domestication/QIAN (ie. #6) below + SUN (ie.#4) above], H18 - GU [Ills to Be Cured/SUN (ie. #4) below + GEN (ie. #8)above] {ie. System's Cosmology as Earth - Formula of Humanity}

+ 0, H3 - ZHUN [Birth Throws/ZHEN (ie. #3) below + KAN (ie. #1) above]as 'fundamentality [yuan], prevalence [heng], fitness [li] and constancy[zhen]', H6 - SONG/*JIHAD*? [Contention/KAN (ie. #1) below + QIAN (ie.#6) above] {ie. Self identity - Formula of Autonomy}

+ H1 - MONAD: QIAN [Pure Yang/QIAN (ie. #6) above + QIAN (ie. #6) below]as MALE, H2 - DUAD: KUN [Pure Yin/KUN (ie. #2) above + KUN (ie. #2)below] as FEMALE, H3 - TRIAD: ZHUN [Birth Throws/ZHEN (ie. #3) below +KAN (ie. #1) above] {ie. Formula of Progression of individual phenomena}



"And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken inadultery; and when they had set her in the midst, They say unto him,'Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses{taken out; drawn forth} in the law commanded us, that such should bestoned: but what sayest thou?'

This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. ButJesus {He is saved/A saviour; a deliverer} stooped down, and with hisfinger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. So when theycontinued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, 'He thatis without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.'

And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they which heardit, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one,beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone,and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself,and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are thosethine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee?'

She said, 'No man, Lord.'

And Jesus said unto her, 'Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.'

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, 'I am the light of the world:he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have thelight of life.'" [John 8:3-12 (KJV)]

{With the joining together of the two kinds of material force, creationtakes place.} It is by the sage stimulating the hearts and *MINDS* ofmen that the entire world finds peace. If we observe how things arestimulated, the innate tendencies [GING] of Heaven and Earth and all themyriad things can be seen. {The innate tendencies of Heaven and Earthand the myriad things are seen in how they are stimulated. Wheneverstimulation takes place, it is a realization of the Dao of Reciprocity,but if stimulation cannot take place, this means that the thingsinvolved do not belong to the same category of existence. Thus the textcites marrying a woman to illustrate the principle of common categories.When beings of the same category of existence do not stimulate andrespond to each other, in each such instance it is because someoverreaching of station occurs. Thus, although a woman is a creaturewho should respond to a man, it is necessary for the man to take a placebeneath her, for only then will marriage to her result in good fortune.}

IMAGES: The Lake is above the Mountain: this constitutes the image ofReciprocity. In the same way, the noble man receives others withself-effacement [XU, literally, 'emptiness']. {If one receives otherswith self-effacement, they will certainly be stimulated and respond to him.}

SEQUENCE: Only after there were Heaven and Earth were there the myriadthings. Only after there were the myriad things were there male andfemale. Only after there were male and female were there husband andwife. Only after there were husband and wife were there father andchild. Only after there were father and child were there sovereign andminister. Only after there sovereign and minister were there superiorsand subordinates. Only after there were superiors and subordinates didpropriety and righteousness have a medium in which to operate.

IRREGULAR: XIAN [Reciprocity] means 'things will go quickly.'

1ST YIN: Reciprocity is in the big tow. {First Yin is located at thevery beginning of Reciprocity and represents the beginning ofstimulation. Stimulation is located at the extremity [of the body].Thus there is nothing more than an inclination involved. If one's basicperson if solid and strong, this will not go so far as to damage one'sequanimity (ie. [Origins Latin]: æquanimitas having an even *MIND*;aequus even animus *MIND*/soul which is a state of psychologicalstability and composure which is undisturbed by experience of orexposure to emotions, pain, or other phenomena that may cause others tolose the balance of their *MIND*. The virtue and value of equanimity isextolled and advocated by a number of major religions and ancientphilosophies).}

COMMENTARY: When 'Reciprocity is in the big toe,' the inclination isdirected to the outside. {Fourth Yang [with which First Yin is inresonance] belongs to the outer [upper] trigram.}

2ND YIN: Reciprocity is in the calf of the leg, which means misfortune,but if one stays still, he will have good fortune. {Here the Dao ofReciprocity has moved forward a stage and has left the big toe andascended to the calf. The substance of the calf is such that itsmovement is impetuous, but to act impetuously when stimulated bysomething is a Dao of misfortune. So to follow impetuously here wouldresult in misfortune, but to stay still would mean good fortune. AsSecond Yin does not ride on top of a hard and strong [yang] line [ie. itis not threatened from below], it can as a consequence stay still andgarner good fortune.}

COMMENTARY: Although beset by misfortune, to stay still here means goodfortune. The compliant will come to no harm. {To be yin and so staystill realizes the Dao of compliance. Be not impetuous, and stay still,for compliance will let one avoid harm.}

3RD YANG: Reciprocity is in the thigh, something that is compiled tofollow along, so the inclination to set out here means hard going. {Thethigh as such is something that follows the foot. When one advances, itcannot control the movement, and when one retreats, it cannot remainstill in place. When stimulation is in the thigh, it indicates someonewhose inclination is to follow others. Such a one's inclination is tofollow others, and those compel him to do so [First Yin, ie. 'Big Toe,'and Second Yin, ie. 'The Calf'] also act out of baseness or vulgarity[ie. impetuosity]. So it is because of this that such a one is made toset forth, and this makes what he should do [assert himself and staystill] hard going.}

COMMENTARY: 'Reciprocity is in the thigh,' and this one, too, tends notto stay still, of his inclination is to follow others. Those thatcompel him to do so are below [First Yin and Second Yin].

4TH YANG: Constancy results in good fortune, and thus regret is avoided.You pace back and forth in conservation, and friends follow yourthoughts. {Fourth Yang is located at the beginning of the uppertrigram, is in resonance with First Yin, abides in the *CENTRE* of thebody trigrams, and finds itself above the thighs. When two bodies [maleand female, represented by the two constituent trigrams] begin toassociate and stimulate each other, it is because they share the sameinclination; it is a matter of their hearts or spirits being stimulatedfirst. Whenever one begins to feel such stimulation yet fails tocontrol it with rectitude, it will lead to disaster. This is why onemust be sure to practice constancy here, for only then will good fortuneresult, and only with good fortune will one manage to avoid any possibleregret. This one begins with a particular stimulation {Fourth Yang isin resonance with First Yin], but as he fails to realize perfectly thesum ultimate of all stimulations [ie. enter into an impartial reciprocalrelationship with the entire world], he is never able to reach the pointwhere he is 'without thought' [ie. impartial] and so only obtains hisown particular clique or faction. This is why the text has it that onlywhen he paces back and forth in conservation do his friends follow hisparticular thoughts [ie. he fails to achieve universal empathy].}

COMMENTARY: 'Constancy results in good fortune, and thus regret isavoided,' for stimulation here as not brought about harm. {Stimulationhas not been done to cause harm, thus it is possible to rectify mattersand so manage to avoid regret.} 'You pace back and forth inconsternation,' for this one has failed to achieve magnificence and*GREATNESS*.

5TH YANG: Reciprocity is in the upper back, which amounts to no regret.{The MEI [upper back] is above the heart and below the *MOUTH*. Movingforward here does not involve *GREAT* stimulation, and, whereas movingbackward may not be without purpose, that purpose would be shallow ortrivial. This is why the text says that there is merely 'no regret' here.}

COMMENTARY: 'Reciprocity is in the upper back,' so the purpose is trivial.

TOP YIN: Reciprocity is in the jowls, cheeks and tongue. {The Dao ofReciprocity peters out at this stage. This is why it becomes nothingmore here than words spoken by the *MOUTH* and tongue.}

COMMENTARY: When 'Reciprocity is in the jowls, cheeks and tongue,' itproduces the speech of an overflowing *MOUTH*. {The jowls, cheeks, andtongue are the instruments by which speech is made. 'When 'Reciprocityis in the jowls, cheeks, and tongue,' it produces the speech of anoverflowing *MOUTH*.' As even the 'you pace back and forth inconsternation' [of Fourth Yang] indicates that no magnificence or*GREATNESS* has been achieve, so we understand here that things are somuch more insubstantial at this stage of the 'overflowing *MOUTH*.'}


HEAD: Yin ch'i takes shape below. Things all turn toward it to welcome it.

This tetragram begins the second half of the Mystery, which is assignedto the latter half of the calendar year. In this period yin ch'i growsstronger every day. In contrast with HEAD texts of the precedingforty-one tetragrams, therefore, each HEAD text from now on will openwith the phrase 'yin ch'i'. Still, aside from this, there are fewindications in this season of late summer that yang ch'i is losingcontrol. For a while longer, yang will seem to continue at the height ofits powers. The myriad things, in consequence, must go against theapparent prevailing trend in order to align themselves with this newcosmic trend as they come to maturity; hence, the reference to 'turning'to welcome yin ch'i.

This tetragram, like its predecessor, considers the themes of'stimulus,' 'response,' and 'mutual influence'; it presumes that bysimple laws of mutual attraction and mutual repulsion change in one partof the universe immediately alters all other entities that arecategorically related to it. (See Key Terms on correlative thinking).Here the Mystery mainly focuses upon aspects of physical and politicalresponsiveness, which correspond to two paradigms of strong sympatheticresponse:

- sexual relations between husband and wife; and- the mutual dependence of ruler and subject.

While the spread of mutual influence is often slow, as the imageryemphasizes, such influence is eventually pervasive.

Appraisal 1: Meeting another, he does not respond.Lacking the good, he is perverse.Fathoming 1: In meeting another, not respondingMeans: He is not one whom you should join.

For some reason, a preliminary meeting potential partners fails toinduce a climate of mutual sympathy. At least one of the parties must beat fault since a true meeting of the *MINDS* depends on virtue. It wouldbe counterproductive, as well as wrong, to form an alliance with an evilperson. The gentle person is careful to make friends only with people ofhis or her own sort.

Appraisal 2: The scaly dragon, plunging to the depthsInduces its eggs on the heights to quicken.Though some men talk in darkness,The Hundred Clan respond to them.Fathoming 2: Transformations by dragons in hidingMeans: The *CENTRE* essence is integrity.

According to legend, the female scaly dragon leaves her *watery* abyssto deposit her eggs on a mountainside before returning to deep *waters*.Miraculously, at the right time the eggs hatch spontaneously (ie. [YOD(#10) = #10] + [YOD (#10) + HE (#5) = #15] + [YOD (10) + HE (5) + VAV(6) = #21] + [YOD (10) + HE (5) + VAV (6) + HE (5) = #26] GIVES A TOTALOF #72), revealing in each a tiny, but fully individuated dragonlet--allwithout direct intervention by their mother. A second legend says thatthe egg of a scaly dragon is produced from the mating of a snake andpheasant. The egg is then drawn irresistibly to *watery* pools, wherethe egg metamorphoses (ie. [1 x HE (#5) = #5] + [2 x VAV (#6) = #12] +[3 x HE (5) = #15] + [4 x YOD (10) = #40] GIVES A TOTAL OF #72) into adragon. Both traditions reflect the Chinese notion of mutual interactionby category, by which transformations over time and space take place bylaws of mutual sympathy, rather than Newtonian laws of cause-and-effect.

The dragon, of course, stands for the *MORAL* superior, especially theruler; the egg, for the less developed human being. Though both partiesseem to inhabit entirely different spheres, the *MORAL* superiormiraculously affects others, who learn by suasive (ie. [formal]: servingto persuade) influence to develop properly into full human beings.

Appraisal 3: The quintessential stuff of thingsTravels subtly back and forth.Ill omens precede the quickest senses.Fathoming 3: The essence, all unseen, goes back and forth.Means: Evil omens are proof of blame.

Since each of the myriad things is composed of numinous ch'i in somesense all parts of the cosmos can resonate with others because of theirunderlying sympathy. The gods and spirits are only the most exquisitelysensitive (and therefore, reactive) members of the universe since theirconstitutive ch'i is particularly subtle and concentrated('quintessential'). By definition, the sage has acquired similar divinepowers of perception. Omen theory tells us that the gods, spirits, andsages react immediately to the slightest *MORAL* shift on the part ofother human beings. Even such swift reactions, however, lag behind thespontaneous production of portents in the cosmos. The merest inclinationtowards evil on the part of those in power, for example, producesserious dislocations in the starry heavens. In this Appraisal, dedicatedto the transition from thought to action, we are reminded that ourinnermost thoughts soon prompt visible reactions. We must take specialcare, then, not to depart from the Way, lest we disorder the entirecosmic fabric.

Appraisal 4: For trousers, there are always tops,And for men with eyes shiny as pearls,Women with lashes curving like hooks.This is right and good.Fathoming 4: Trousers matched to topsMeans: Yin stimulates yang.

Sexual attraction is proper and natural, so long as the partners aresuitably mated; without it, the human race could not continue. Here theluminously clear pupils of the man's eyes indicate his uprightcharacter, while the gentle curve of the woman's lashes suggests herwillingness to respond sexually. Several points in the poem should benoted. Trousers and tops point to penis and breasts, but the Chineseassumed that it is the woman who often plays the role of sexualinitiator. Then comes the play upon pearls and fishhooks: both belong tothe *watery* realm, and sexual intercourse promotes the production of*watery* fluids. Finally, the fishhook is used to catch fish andoysters, while the seductive curve of the eyelashes 'hooks' a man.

Appraisal 5: When yellow rides high,It obstructs the good.Fathoming 5: That yellow's rise bodes illMeans: One cannot make friends with it.

Yellow as the colour assigned to the *CENTRE* is usually auspicious.Here, the problem is that yellow mounts to the top position. (This mayrefer to the increasing ascendancy of yin ch'i following the summersolstice). Yellow no longer knows its place, so its characteristicvirtues of self-abnegation (ie. the denial or abasement of oneself),loyalty, and good faith utterly. Perhaps a trusted sub-ordinate intendsto usurp his superior's position, for the word 'rises' also means 'tobully'. Those with *GREAT* ambitions make the worst allies.

Appraisal 6: Black Heaven meets Yellow Earth.Their ideas interact, one upon the other.Fathoming 6: Black and yellow meetingMeans: They respond by type.

Black is the colour of Heaven; yellow, that of Earth. *The**interaction* *of* *these* *two* *cosmic* *powers* *is* *said* *to**produce* *timely* *wind* *and* *rain*, *which* *all* *the* *myriad**things* *depend* *upon* *for* *life*. As the Changes says:

Heaven and Earth come together, and all the myriad things aretransformed in pristine form. Male and female blend their essences, andthe myriad things are transformed and engendered.

All successful relations between partners are modelled on thesemomentous cosmic meetings. Since all things respond by type, the goodperson cannot attract evil friends, and more that the mating call of awarbler could attract a hawk.

Appraisal 7: From a distance, he glares in anger.Coming nearer he knocks him down.To meet with a father should be happy.Fathoming 7: Glaring from afar, striking when near,Means: He has lost the idea of 'father'.

By rights, the bond between the parent and child should be the mostintimate of all human relations. Here instead, father and son areestranged, presumably because of the son's lack of virtue. (A trulyvirtuous son would continue to esteem even the worst father, as theancient sage-king Shun is said to have done). So serious is theestrangement that a blow is struck, though by Chinese law a child whostruck a parent faced the death penalty. This injustice indicates thebitter opposition that prevails between superior and inferior at all levels.

Appraisal 8: Seeing blood pour through the *GATES*,He keeps it away from the *CENTRE* court.Fathoming 8: Seeing blood enter the *GATES*Means: By worthiness he protects himself.

Trouble appears on the scene. The wise person prevents more pervasivedisaster (the inner courtyard symbolises the inmost self and the core ofany social unit) by virtuous action and the reliance on good advisors(ie. by using one's own worth and that of others).

Appraisal 9: Damps that meets the foot of the bedSeeps into the adjoining room.Fathoming 9: Damp meeting to foot of the bedMeans: The collapse occurs within.

Like damp spreading throughout the house, contagion is now pervasive.Since the problem is *water* (aligned with yin ch'i), the problem maywell have arisen because of evil women or sub-ordinates. Though thechange has been gradual, by the end of the cycle in Appraisal 9, theinner bases of self and society are so completely rotten that evilcannot be easily destroyed. Such ruin is 'total' in that it involvesall parts, both high and low; the immanent collapse will soon engulf allmembers of society.


- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indRk05YkNKLTJJbkU


- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indUExWMVoyb3RSdHc

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indYmw2UktZaDhKaEk

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indY2JnMGQ4SVc3NXc

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indc1hER1ZiSkhpd0U

- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indTmRSa1d2TWZrV1k

428-146 GREEN. SOL 8 (SCRUFF) @ 2246 HOURS ON 2 FEBRUARY 2016: "Veryfunny profile. Well done. lol Geert. hahaha. Never Mind. *AS* *GOOD**AS* *DEAD*. But Hey. Well done. Nothing like a god satire. Geert....so funny. You have to laugh. Geert."

DOLF: "Well actually you ought to check out my www pagehttp://grapple369.com

That piece of technology supersedes every other religious belief such asJudaism, Islam, Roman Catholic, and Falun Gong as [adherents] just forstarters."

428-146 GREEN. SOL 8 (SCRUFF): "Yes I did.... its a cheer and a delightAaron... good to see you haven't wasted your 9.999 Go Daddy fee. Thebest thing about computers... Its keeps the great unwashed and bipolarloonies inside. How's inside tonight?"

DOLF: "And if you read my latest post of today, you will see that I haveinvalidated the Letters Patent to the Australian Commonwealth as well."

428-146 GREEN. SOL 8 (SCRUFF): "Ah. One of those. It might be time toup the lithium sweetie."

DOLF: "I'm sure that you don't know what you are talking about."

428-146 GREEN. SOL 8 (SCRUFF): "Thank you. Just portion control andlots of *water*.


- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indNHFyYlVHU29BXzQ

428-146 GREEN. SOL 8 (SCRUFF): "Mwhahahahahahaha

Try again."

DOLF: "Just take a look at the document before you utter your stupidity."


DOLF @ 2308 HOURS ON 1 FEBRUARY 2017: "That last document details mybeing systematically assailed by [allegedly] the Jewish Community andperhaps their Mossad agency.

I put it you, that they would not go to such lengths unless there was areason to to so."



- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzRmc7Bm7indR0lrejEwWVRra3c

Initial Post: 1 February, 2017
