1. Directors - trigon-film
Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese is a self-taught filmmaker and visual artist from Lesotho, based in Berlin. His film Mother, I am Suffocating. This is My Last Film ...
Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese is a self-taught filmmaker and visual artist from Lesotho, based in Berlin. His film Mother, I am Suffocating. This is My Last Film About You, was selected for final cut in Venice in 2018, where it won six awards. It premiered at the Berlinale Forum in 2019. Mosese was one of three filmmakers selected for Biennale College Cinema with his feature film This Is Not A Burial, It’s A Resurrection, which premiered at the Venice International Film Festival in 2…
2. 'This Is Not a Burial, It's a Resurrection' Blu-ray Review - Slant Magazine
17 jan 2023 · In a newly recorded commentary track, director Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese and producer Cait Pansegrouw have a wonderful rapport, sharing various ...
Criterion has outfitted 'This Is Not a Burial, It's a Resurrection' with a vibrant transfer and a small but solid slate of extras.
3. Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese - IFFR EN
Bevat niet: 1988 | Resultaten tonen met:1988
Lemohang Jeremiah MOSESE (1980, Lesotho) is a self-taught filmmaker and visual artist based in Berlin. His documentary Mother, I Am Suffocating. This Is My Last Film About You. (2019) explored his experiences in his small homeland in Africa. This personal film was selected for the Final Cut workshop at the 2018 Venice International Film Festival, […]
4. Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese - Le Grand Bivouac | Festival du film ...
BIOGRAPHIE. Né en 1980 au Lesotho, Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese est un réalisateur et artiste visuel basé à Berlin. Autodidacte, il réalise plusieurs ...See AlsoJob by Ethiopian Capital Market Authority Jan 2 2025 - Carraadesk.comDoom3 è Quake4 â Ðîññèè. Íîâîñòè, ñòàòüè, ïðîõîæäåíèå, FAQ, ôîðóì, êàðòûDownload Film Arda Turan: Confrontation (2024)15 Best Walkers for Seniors: Comprehensive Guide [2024 REVIEWS]
Né en 1980 au Lesotho, Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese est un réalisateur et artiste visuel basé à Berlin. Autodidacte, il réalise plusieurs courts-métrages et un premier long en 2013, For Those Whose God Is Dead...
5. This is not a Burial, it's a Resurrection - trigon-film
Davon erzählt und Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese in eindrücklichen Tableaus, bewusst im alten Kinoformat aufgenommen. Walter Ruggle. Bonus: Lesestoff: Africultures ...
In Nazareth in der malerischen Berglandschaft Lesothos erfahren die Leute, dass ein Stausee entstehen soll und alle umsiedeln müssen. Die Einzige, die sich vehement dagegen wehrt, ist die alte Witwe Mantoa, die mit ihrem Leben abgeschlossen hat und sich eigentlich den Tod herbeisehnt. Aber: Sie will wie ihre Vorfahren in dieser Erde begraben werden und beschwört die althergebrachten Werte der Basotho. Sie gewinnt dadurch neue Lebenskraft und entfacht den kollektiven Geist des Widerstands in der Dorfgemeinde.Es ist nicht alltäglich, dass wir einen Film aus Lesotho im normalen Kinoprogramm zu sehen bekommen, ja ich vermute, es dürfte der erste sein, der in der Schweiz herauskommt. Auch sein Titel ist nicht alltäglich: «This is not a burial, it’s a resurrection». Er beschreibt die Wiedergeburt der alten Mantoa, ihre Auferstehung angesichts des notwendig gewordenen Widerstands gegen die Tatsache, dass ihr die ewige Ruhe am Ort ihres Lebens genommen werden soll. Ihre Heimat und der Boden ihrer Familie und der Vorfahren sollen unter Wasser gesetzt werden, weil es die Regierung so will und die Konzerne, die damit Geld verdienen. Mehr Geld als all die Menschen hier es je hatten oder haben werden. Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese weiss, wovon er erzählt in seinem ersten Spielfilm. Und er weiss, woher er kommt. Sein Film hat einen ausgesprochen beschaulichen Rhythmus wie das Leben im Tal von Nazareth; der Name des...
6. This Is Not a Burial, It's a Resurrection Review - Criterion Forum
23 jan 2023 · Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese crafts a meditation on the concept of homeland and a transcendent elegy for what is lost in the name of progress.
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With a poet’s eye for place, light, and the spiritual dimensions of everyday existence, Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese crafts a meditation on the concept of homeland and a transcendent elegy for what is lost in the name of progress. Grieving and alone following the deaths of her husband and children, elderly Mantoa (Mary Twala Mhlongo, in a soul-shaking end-of-life performance) prepares for her own death and to be buried alongside her ancestors. When plans for a new dam near her village in the landlocked kingdom of Lesotho threaten to literally wash away all she holds dear, Mantoa takes a last stand, mobilizing her neighbors to fight for their land and their way of life. The experience of watching Mosese’s visionary, much-lauded This Is Not a Burial, It’s a Resurrection is as timeless and elemental as the land itself.
7. Mother, I Am Suffocating. This Is My Last Film About You (Lemohang ...
Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese est un cinéaste originaire du Lesotho. Mother, I Am ... Ozzy Gorgo - "L'écranophile", Ed : Guilgal, 1988-2019, Page créée le 14 juin 2021.
Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese est un cinéaste originaire du Lesotho. Mother, I Am Suffocating. This Is My Last Film about You est son premier film, inspiré des émotions et pensées
8. This is not a burial, it's a resurrection | Public Libraries in Jefferson County
With a poet2s eye for place, light, and the spiritual dimensions of everyday existence, Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese crafts a meditation on the concept of ...
9. Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese: “Resistance is part of the process”
Bevat niet: 1988 | Resultaten tonen met:1988
In the specials made for the exhibition Vive le cinéma!, guests and makers involved in the exhibition explore their cinematic oeuvre. Based on his short films, Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese talks about the role of space, landscape and location in his work.
10. Film Index - Sabzian
1988. Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets · Bill Ross IV · Turner Ross. 2020. After Hours ... Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese · Huang Ji · Alejandro Jodorowsky · Jon Jost.
Sabzian is a free online magazine that relies on the work of a group of dedicated volunteers. We could use your support. Please consider a donation!
11. The Criterion Channel | All Films: The Criterion Collection
Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese, Lesotho,, 2016. Behind the Scenes: The Making of ... Lee Ji-won, South Korea,, 1988. Beyond the Hills, Cristian Mungiu, Romania,, 2012.
Explore more than 1,500 films on the Criterion Channel, with filters for genre, decade, country, and director.
12. To Match the Heavens and the Earth: Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese by ...
Bevat niet: 1988 | Resultaten tonen met:1988
The Mosotho filmmaker on oral literature, forced resettlement, and stitching together the old and the new.