Once Human plunges players into a post-apocalyptic world where existence itself is under threat. Following a global disaster, Earthโs life is endangered by an alien entity known as Stardust, which infects all living beings. As a Meta-Human, alone or with a team, you have the unique ability to resist this contamination and harness the power of Stardust for your benefit.
We are working on the offers until the game is released...
To follow the progress and be the first to know when the offers are launched, join our discord and our social networks now. We are waiting for you!
Why chooseOxygenserv?
Our offers are adapted to your needs and evolve with your activity. You pay the right price for a French, ecological and efficient solution.
No overselling, more transparency, you can exploit the full capacity of your server.
A unique customer service
Our team is here to help you provide the best possible experience for your players.
An eco-friendly solution
Our servers are hosted in a green datacenter to limit the impact of our activity on the environment.
Enhanced security
Advanced anti-DDoS protection for video games, keeping gameplay free of interruptions and threats.
High performance
Our new generation of high performance servers have been developed and tested for gaming.
An intuitive panel
A new experience, redesigned to maximize the possibilities offered on each game.
Our range of servers is one of the most powerful on the market
Our team has worked with the best component manufacturers to build a high-performance, efficient server configuration.
Up to
energy saving*
vCPU performance
* according to comparaisons with generation 2 of EPYC processors
- Components tested and chosen for the game
- Take advantage of the the latest generation of servers on the market.
- Energy-saving configuration
- Up to 2X faster that we concurrents
A solution that is truly adapted to your needs.
You benefit of physical resources allocated to your server. The same power as a VPS but without the associated technical constraints!
Follow your serverโs data in real time with our advanced monitoring system, for optimal control
Coming Soon
Automatic backups
We back up your server files and database every day.
DDoS protection
Keep downtime to a minimum with our advanced protection against DDoS attacks.
Hibernate mode lets you keep your data safe and secure, and reactivate it on your server at any time.
Your safety is our priority.
Constantly striving to provide you with a flawless experience, we deploy robust features to ensure the peace of mind of your server.
Choose the most ecological hosting in Europe.
The climate emergency has made it high time for practices to change. Our servers are hosted in Paris in one of the most energy efficient data centers in Europe. Built on a more energy-efficient model, the data center has a record energy efficiency.
- Free-cooling (outside air): no air conditioning.
- Smart power supply (electricity saving)
- Recovery of warm air to heat offices
- High density and low consumption frame
Discover more
Server management has never been so hardeasy.
Our team has redesigned the whole user experience to offer our customers exclusively, the most complete and intuitive server management solution on the market. Manage your server efficiently and simply, save time, and thus, be closer to the expectations of your players and your community.
Upgradeable offers
Possibility to change your offer according to your changing needs.
Documentations and tutorials available to configure your server!
Keep an eye on your servers (number of players, CPU/RAM usage, etc.)
You can control the server ports, create new ones and modify them.
You can consult and modify your files directly from our interface, wherever you are.
Task Scheduler
Create recurring actions that will be executed on your server.
Console & Logs
Quickly check the status of your server and the possible errors it encounters.
User management
You have a crew? Create access to your server with specific permissions for each user.
And much more!
We are constantly improving our platform to provide you with the best experience.
Customer satisfaction is our priority.
The unique skills that our team has acquired, allows us to accompany you throughout your project. We are developers and former players who have experienced the same problems as you, we know your needs and your expectations.
- Responsive support
- Intuitive Help Center
- Dedicated assistance
- Documentation available
Transparent offers with no hidden costs
Fixed prices, guaranteed with no unpleasant surprises or hidden costs: you know exactly what you are paying for. You will enjoy a dedicated environment that is reserved for you! This is the DNA of Oxygenserv, we owe you this transparency that has been too long denied.
Instant delivery
No more trouble to configure your server, our robot takes care of installing and configuring your server for you. In less than 3 minutes your server is online and ready to be modified!
- Automatic delivery and configuration
- Time saving