Blackbody Color ( 61 Cygni, Achernar A, Aldebaran, Algol A, Algol B, Altair, Antares, Arcturus, Barnard's Star, Bellatrix, Betelgeuse, BE Ursae Majoris A, BPM 37093, Canopus, Capella Aa, Castor Ba, Deneb, EBLM J0555-57Ab, Fomalhaut, Gacrux, Groombridge 1830, HD 49798, HIP 65426, HR 5171 A, HR 5171 Aa, HW Virginis A, IK Pegasi B, Kapteyn's Star, KIC 9832227, L 97-12, Lalande 21185, Mu Cephei, Pistol Star, Polaris, Pollux, Procyon A, Procyon B, Proxima Centauri, Przybylski's Star, PSR B0943+10, Geminga, RX J1856.5-3754, Lich, Vela Pulsar, Crab Pulsar, Quasi-Star, R136a1, Regulus Aa, Rigel, Rigil Kentaurus/Alpha Centauri A, RSGC1-F01, S Cassiopeiae, Sirius A, Sirius B, Stephenson 2-18, Sun, Tau Ceti, Toliman/Alpha Centauri B, TRAPPIST-1, UU Sagittae A, UY Scuti, V602 Carinae, Van Maanen 2/van Maanen's star, Vega, VFTS 352, VV Cephei A, VY Canis Majoris, WD 0346+246/WD 0343+247, WOH G64, Wolf 359edited based on other information: La Superba, Luhman-16 A, Luhman-16 b, R Leporis
From Maps (google earth, wikipedia)Africa, Antarctica, Antennae Galaxies, Asia Highway 1, Boeing Everett Factory, Great Britain, Iowa, Caspian Sea, Great Wall of China, Cuba, Earth, Galápagos Islands, Greenland, Hawaii (both state and island), Ireland, Interstate 90, Japan, Large Hadron Collider, LIGO, Long Island, Madagascar, Manhattan, Meteor Crater, The Nile, North America, West Virginia, Wyoming, Ohio, Ottawa, Poland, Portugal, Rhode Island, Texas, United States, Vatican City, District of Columbia
Molecules (Jmol,, Caffeine, Methane, Carbon Dioxide, Gliadin, Glucose, Phospholipid, Water
Space Objectsbased on hubble images: Andromeda Galaxy, Ant Nebula, Boomerang Nebula, Calabash Nebula, Cartwheel Galaxy, Cat's Eye Nebula, Cigar Galaxy, Crab Nebula, Egg Nebula, GN-z11, Helix Nebula, Homunculus Nebula, Hourglass Nebula, Bode's Galaxy, Pinwheel Galaxy, Black Eye Galaxy, Neptune, Ring Nebula, Stingray Nebula, Tadpole Galaxy, Tarantula Nebula, Uranus, Whirlpool Galaxybased on voyager 1&2 images: Ariel, Callisto, Miranda, Nereid, Oberon, Proteus, Titania, Triton, Umbrielother nasa images: Ceres, Charon, Deimos, Dione, Enceladus, Eros, Europa, Gaspra, Ganymede, Great Red Spot, Hyperion (moon), Iapetus, Io, Bennu, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Mimas, NGC 2169, Phobos, Pluto, Rhea, Saturn, Tethys, Venus, Vesta
Based on Wikipedia ImagesAntibody (Antibody_IgG1_structure.png), Argentinosaurus (Argentinosaurus_9.svg), Boeing 777 (Boeing_777_family_v1.1.png), Burj Khalifa (Burj_Khalifa.jpg), Carina Nebula (Carina_Nebula_by_Harel_Boren_(151851961,_modified).jpg), Condor Galaxy (NGC_6872.png), CN Tower (CN_Tower_1976.jpg), DNA (DNA_orbit_animated_static_thumb.png), Dumbbell Nebula (M27-Mazur.jpg), Eagle Nebula (Eagle_Nebula_from_ESO.jpg), Eiffel Tower (Tour_Eiffel_Wikimedia_Commons_(cropped).jpg), African Bush Elephant (Elefantes_africanos_de_sabana_(Loxodonta_africana),_Elephant_Sands,_Botsuana,_2018-07-28,_DD_114-117_PAN.jpg), Empire State Building & One World Trade Center (New_York_Bldg._Height_Comparison.svg), Eridanus Supervoid (Eridanus_supervoid_in_celestial_sphere.png), 1 Euro Coin (Common_face_of_one_euro_coin.png), 1 Euro Cent Coin (1_cent_euro_coin_common_side.png), Ant (Fire_ants_01.jpg), Flea (HookeFlea01.jpg), Ganymed (001036-asteroid_shape_model_(1036)_Ganymed.png), Golden Gate Bridge (Golden-Gate-Bridge.svg), Comet Hyakutake (Komet_Hyakutake_von_Franz_Haar_(1).jpg), Itokawa (Itokawa06_hayabusa.jpg), Antarctic Krill (Antarctic_krill_(Euphausia_superba).jpg), Laniakea Supercluster (07-Laniakea_(LofE07240).png), Large Magellanic Cloud (Eso1021d.jpg), Statue of Liberty (Lady_Liberty_under_a_blue_sky_(cropped).jpg), Local Bubble (Local_bubble.jpg), London Eye (London-Eye-2009.JPG), Milky Way Galaxy (Artist%27s_impression_of_the_Milky_Way_(updated_-_annotated).jpg), Mimivirus (various on, Moon (FullMoon2010.jpg), Na-K Pump (Sodium_Pump.svg), North America Nebula (NGC7000_40x2min.jpg), One Pound Coin (British_12_sided_pound_coin_reverse.png), Orca (Killer_whale_general_appearance.png), Orion Nebula (Orion_Nebula_LRGB_2.jpg), Pallas (Potw1749a_Pallas_crop.png), Pleiades (M45map.jpg), Quantum Dot (Colloidal_nanoparticle_of_lead_sulfide_(selenide)_with_complete_passivation.png), Ribosome (80S_2XZM_4A17_4A19.png), Obelisk of Axum (Rome_Stele.jpg), Russian 1 Ruble Coin (Russia-Coin-1-2009-a.png), Saturn V (Ap11-KSC-69PC-241HR.jpg), Sculptor Galaxy (NGC_253_Galaxy.jpg), Great White Shark (Great_white_shark_size_comparison.svg), Sloan Great Wall (Sloan_great_wall.png), Small Magellanic Cloud (Small_Magellanic_Cloud.png), T4 Bacteriophage (Tevenphage.svg), T7 Bacteriophage (Bacteriophage_T7_7-24-2021_ps.tif), Taj Mahal (Taj_Mahal,_Agra,_India_edit3.jpg), Times Square Ball (Times_Square_Ball_2010.jpg), RMS Titanic (Titanic_Starboard_View_1912.gif), Tokyo Skytree (Tokyo_Skytree_Silhouette.svg), Triangulum Galaxy (VST_snaps_a_very_detailed_view_of_the_Triangulum_Galaxy.jpg), Trinity Explosion (Trinity_shot_color.jpg), US Penny (US_One_Cent_Obv.png), US Quarter (1994-P_Washington_quarter_obverse.jpg), Vatican City (Vatican_City_map_EN.png), Washington Monument (Washington-Monument-1885.png), Whale Shark (Whale-Shark-Scale-Chart-SVG-Steveoc86.svg), Japanese 1 Yen Coin (1yen_showa64_reverse.jpg)
OtherAirbus A380-800 (, Bee (, Bee hummingbird (, Blue Whale (, Coma Supercluster (, Corona Borealis Supercluster (, Cosmic Microwave Background (, Fornax Cluster (, Great Barrier Reef (, Hercules Superclusters (, Horologium Supercluster (, Human Serum Albumin (, Hygiea (, Insulin (, James Webb Space Telescope (, Local Group (, Mount Everest (, Paperclip (, Pisces-Cetus Supercluster Complex (, Shapley Supercluster (, Soccer Ball (, Three Gorges Dam (, Car (, Transistor (, Trilobite Molecule (, Ubiquitin (, Virgo Cluster (, also many galaxy shapes are from images on german wikipedia), Virgo Supercluster, Local Void (
No Credit
simple drawings: 12 Point Text, AGASA 2001-05-10 Event, AGASA 1993-12-03 Event, All DNA, AM Radio Wave, Pierre Augur Event PAO191110, Barn, IceCube-170922A, Boötes Void, Bottom Quark, Charm Quark, Chicken Egg, Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, Observable Universe (Comoving Distance), Cosmological Event Horizon, Cosmic Neutrino, Cygnus X-1, All Atoms, Demon Core, Down Quark, Earth's Orbit, Electron Substructure, Electron Compton Wavelength, 3C 273, IC 1101, ESO 383-G 076, FM Radio Wave, Great Pyramid of Giza, Green Light, Grand Unification Scale, Hydrogen Electron, Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall, Neutrino Compton Wavelength, Helium Dimer, Higgs Boson, Highest Energy Neutrino, Hydrogen Atom (n=1200), Hubble Sphere, Human, Human Genonme, All Human Genonmes, Hydrogen Line, Human Body Infrared Wavelength, International Prototype Kilogram, LHC Proton, Observable Universe, Andromeda Galaxy Central Black Hole, M85-HCC1, M87*, Malin 1, Air Molecule Mean Free Path, Microwave, Mist Droplet, Lunar Orbit, Muon Compton Wavelength, Nitrogen Molecule, Neptune's Orbit, Neutron, NeVe 1, NGC 4889, Nihonium Fusion Cross Section, Neutrino Schwarzschild Radius, Oxygen Molecule, Olympic Swimming Pool, Omega Centauri, Oh-My-God Particle, Oort Cloud, Ostrich Egg, A4 Paper, Pion, Planck Length, Proton, Proton+Neutrino Cross Section, Positronium Hydride Molecule, Electron Schwarzschild Radius, Red Light, Sagittarius A*, Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy, Sedna's Orbit, Solar Neutrino, Scale of the Universe, Sound Sample, 1 kHz Sound Wave, Strange Quark, Supernova Neutrino, Thiomargarita magnifica, Tauon, Top Quark, Highest Energy Gamma Ray, Ultraviolet Light, Observable Universe (t=1 Ta), Observable Universe (t=100 Ga), Observable Universe Schwarzschild Radius, Observable Universe Compton Wavelength, Up Quark, Violet Light, Range of the Weak Force, X-ray
completely original drawings: AA Battery, Adenovirus, Amoeba proteus, Apple, Baseball, Basketball, Beta Pictoris b, Buckminsterfullerene Molecule/Buckyball, CD, Cell Nucleus, Chaos carolinensis, Chloroplast, Chromosome 1, Chromosome 21, Clay Particle, Coffee Bean, Cone Cell, Dust Particle, Escherichia coli, Eris, Influenza Virus, Football Field, Enaiposha/Gliese 1214 b, Gliese 229 B Golf Ball, Haemoglobin, HAT-P-67 b, Haumea, Hepatitis B, Human Immunodeficiency Virus/HIV, Mulchatna/HD 17156 b, Hoag's Object, Hyperion (tree), Universe (3-sphere, minimum), Janssen/55 Cancri e, Kepler-89 e, Kuiper Belt, Lego Brick, LHS 3844b, Lysosome, Messier 13, Messier 22, Makemake, Melanosome, Mitochondrion, Mycoplasma genitalium, Nanoarchaeum equitans, Nanocar, Human Ovum, Pandoravirus, Paramecium, Parovirus, Pelagibacter communis, Phoenix A*, Pithovirus, Pixel, Pollen Grain, Porcine circovirus, Perchlorococcus, Proxima Centauri b, Quail Egg, Quantum Dot, Quantum Foam, Rabies Virus, Red Blood Cell, Rhinovirus, Rice, Rubik's Cube, Ruler, Sand Grain, SARS-CoV-2, Segue 2, Sesame Seed, Human Skin Cell, Smallpox Virus, Snowflake, Human Sperm Cell, Spin Foam, String (string theory), Sunflower, Tahay/Gliese 367 b, Titan, TON 618, TRAPPIST-1b, TRAPPIST-1c, TRAPPIST-1d, TRAPPIST-1e, TRAPPIST-1f, TRAPPIST-1g, TRAPPIST-1h, Tsar Bomba Mushroom Cloud, White Blood Cell, Yeast Cellatoms: Argon, Caesium, Calcium, Carbon, Francium, Gold, Helium, Hydrogen, Lithium, Magnesium, Muonic Hydrogen, Oxygen, Positronium, Potassium, Silicon, Silveratomic nuclei: Helium-4, Carbon-12, Hydrogen-2/Deuterium, Iron-56, Lead-208, Lithium-7-Lambda, Lithium-11, Oganesson-294, Oxygen-16, Sulfur-32, Tin-120, Uranium-238fictional asteroid shapes: 2006 RH120, 2020 HS7, 2022 NX1, 2022 WJ1, Apophis